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LA Sheriff's Dept: Deputies kill Black man who dropped a gun (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2019
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LA Sheriff's Dept: Deputies kill Black man who dropped a gun

Sheriff's Lt. Brandon Dean said two deputies from the South Los Angeles station were driving when the saw a man riding his bicycle in violation of vehicle codes, according to the Los Angeles Times. It was not known which codes the man allegedly broke, Dean said.

When deputies tried to stop the man, he dropped his bike and ran, with deputies in pursuit, Dean said. Deputies again tried to make contact with the man, and Dean said he punched a deputy in the face. The man then dropped a bundle of clothes he'd been carrying and they spotted a black handgun in the bundle, at which point both deputies opened fire, Dean said.

Arlander Givens, 68, lives in the neighborhood. He questioned why deputies fired at a man who, according to the sheriff's official, wasn't holding a weapon.

“If he reached down to grab it, that's different,” Givens told the Times. “But if it's on the ground, why shoot? That means he was unarmed.”

It's about time to either send Policemen to a psychological and sociological training program BEFORE they are allowed to wear a badge and put on a gun!!!

No Longer allow Two or more White Policemen to patrol together. Policemen in General, Anything they do should be "Filmed", and "Anything they Say Should be Audio Recorded". If they don't have their camera and audio on, then they get no waiver and no excuse is to be accepted.

We know the Police and the Police Administration has a policy of holding back information, lying and colluding to push a false narrative about police involved incidents. This has to change... The Badge does not give the automatic immunity.

If they can't deal with these guidelines, then don't apply !!!

Small Towns MUST have "A Equally Diverse Police Force" not more of these "white only police departments". (History has shown, all white police department and police forces cannot be trusted to treat people equal and fair)

A white boy can walk down the streets with a gun slung over his shoulder and not get shot, but a black mans drops a gun on the ground, and he gets shot.

Thank Goodness for Cell Phone Camera's!!!!
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LA Sheriff's Dept: Deputies kill Black man who dropped a gun

It's about time to either send Policemen to a psychological and sociological training program BEFORE they are allowed to wear a badge and put on a gun!!! No Longer allow Two or more White Policemen to patrol together. Policemen in General, Anything they do should be "Filmed", and "Anything they Say Should be Audio Recorded". If they don't have their camera and audio on, then they get no waiver and no excuse is to be accepted.

We know the Police and the Police has a policy of lying and colluding to push a false narrative about police involved incidents.

A white boy can walk down the streets with a gun slung over his shoulder and not get shot, but a black mans drops a gun on the ground, and he gets shot.

Thank Goodness for Cell Phone Camera's!!!!

A white boy walking down the street with a gun slung over his shoulder doesn't run from the cops and doesn't punch them in the face either.
he complies with all instructions given.

Your false narrative is exposed by the article that you wrote.

if you don't want to be shot by the cops
1. don't run
2. don't punch them in the face.

pretty simple.
LA Sheriff's Dept: Deputies kill Black man who dropped a gun

It's about time to either send Policemen to a psychological and sociological training program BEFORE they are allowed to wear a badge and put on a gun!!!

No Longer allow Two or more White Policemen to patrol together. Policemen in General, Anything they do should be "Filmed", and "Anything they Say Should be Audio Recorded". If they don't have their camera and audio on, then they get no waiver and no excuse is to be accepted.

We know the Police and the Police Administration has a policy of holding back information, lying and colluding to push a false narrative about police involved incidents. This has to change... The Badge does not give the automatic immunity.

If they can't deal with these guidelines, then don't apply !!!

Small Towns MUST have "A Equally Diverse Police Force" not more of these "white only police departments". (History has shown, all white police department and police forces cannot be trusted to treat people equal and fair)

A white boy can walk down the streets with a gun slung over his shoulder and not get shot, but a black mans drops a gun on the ground, and he gets shot.

Thank Goodness for Cell Phone Camera's!!!!

The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department tweeted in a statement that multiple independent investigations began at the scene, as is customary with deputy-involved shootings.

I'll wait.
A white boy walking down the street with a gun slung over his shoulder doesn't run from the cops and doesn't punch them in the face either.
he complies with all instructions given.

Your false narrative is exposed by the article that you wrote.

if you don't want to be shot by the cops
1. don't run
2. don't punch them in the face.

pretty simple.

you need to wake the hell up... are you blind and unaware because you are a white man trying to sanitize something or just unaware, ignorant or in full denial of truth.?
Trump is a disgrace, supporters are blind
A white boy walking down the street with a gun slung over his shoulder doesn't run from the cops and doesn't punch them in the face either.
he complies with all instructions given.

Your false narrative is exposed by the article that you wrote.

if you don't want to be shot by the cops
1. don't run
2. don't punch them in the face.

pretty simple.

So you are saying that if you run from the cops or struggle, cops are allowed to shoot you dead even if you do not have a weapon and the cops nor the other people are not in imminent danger as required by law. Of course this only applies if you are black of course. If you are white you do ot have to worry about how the cops will treat you, but I suspect after all of this I too would run from the cops if black.
A white boy walking down the street with a gun slung over his shoulder doesn't run from the cops and doesn't punch them in the face either.
he complies with all instructions given. Your false narrative is exposed by the article that you wrote. if you don't want to be shot by the cops. 1. don't run 2. don't punch them in the face. pretty simple.

A white boy shows a weapon after reports of a shooting and a witness yelling the white boy did it but the cops move right on by is a far more accurate description... :doh

Plenty of white boys run and don't get shot in the back. Plenty of white boys fight with cops and don't get shot. You can use deadly force if and only when there is a REAL threat to you or others. Not because you're pissed off you got punched.... :doh

That is what drunks do when they fight, not trained law enforcement officers... :peace
you need to wake the hell up... are you blind and unaware because you are a white man trying to sanitize something or just unaware, ignorant or in full denial of truth.?

no rebuttal as expected.
typical bull**** leftist nonsense.

THis guy punch a friggen cop in the face.
he then ran and then had a gun on him as well.

concealed by the way which is a crime in and of itself.
So you are saying that if you run from the cops or struggle, cops are allowed to shoot you dead even if you do not have a weapon and the cops nor the other people are not in imminent danger as required by law. Of course this only applies if you are black of course. If you are white you do ot have to worry about how the cops will treat you, but I suspect after all of this I too would run from the cops if black.

typical leftist dishonest as expected dismissed.
A white boy shows a weapon after reports of a shooting and a witness yelling the white boy did it but the cops move right on by is a far more accurate description... :doh

Plenty of white boys run and don't get shot in the back. Plenty of white boys fight with cops and don't get shot. You can use deadly force if and only when there is a REAL threat to you or others. Not because you're pissed off you got punched.... :doh

That is what drunks do when they fight, not trained law enforcement officers... :peace

Running won't get you shot you should read what people write and then you might have an actual argument instead of a strawman.
no rebuttal as expected.
typical bull**** leftist nonsense.

THis guy punch a friggen cop in the face.
he then ran and then had a gun on him as well.

concealed by the way which is a crime in and of itself.

Don't comment to me... I detest overt ingrained racist based ignorance !!!
People like you are a problem in America... the good thing is you are practically aged out and hopefully that ignorance goes when you expire.

You are like some old relic from Jim Crow Grooming and still pushing your blind ignorance today.
A white boy shows a weapon after reports of a shooting and a witness yelling the white boy did it but the cops move right on by is a far more accurate description... :doh

Plenty of white boys run and don't get shot in the back. Plenty of white boys fight with cops and don't get shot. You can use deadly force if and only when there is a REAL threat to you or others. Not because you're pissed off you got punched.... :doh

That is what drunks do when they fight, not trained law enforcement officers... :peace

According to CDC WISQARS, in 2018 there were 85,075 people injured by legal intervention. 26,852 were non-Hispanic white, leaving 58,493 POC. According to CDC WISQARS, in 2018 there were 311 POC killed by legal intervention. That's a total of 58,804 POC killed or injured by legal intervention. The ration of injured to the total is .9947, signifying that 99.47% of POC survive being injured by legal intervention.

For non-Hispanic whites, those numbers are 307 killed and 26,582 injured for a total of 26,889. That's a white survival rate of 307/26,899, or 98.85%.

WISQARS Fatal Injury Reports

In 2018, the police arrested 3.5 million POC. 311 were killed by legal intervention.

FBI — Table 43

Nearly everyone of all races survive encounters with the police.
no rebuttal as expected.
typical bull**** leftist nonsense.

THis guy punch a friggen cop in the face.
he then ran and then had a gun on him as well.

concealed by the way which is a crime in and of itself.

He punched a cop and ran, so he gets to be arrested and charged. He had dropped the gun, so it wasn't in his possession when the cops opened fire on him. In today's climate, that's only going to make things worse. They needed to try to find a way other than shooting him to be able to bring him in.

Cops aren't above the law, and I think this speaks to the fundamental behind the protests in the first place. The cops are far too quick to resort to lethal force and there's fundamental problems in the training given to cops and the tools they have to effectively police without resorting to lethal force.
Thank goodness people around the world are speaking up, and many humane respectful white people are speaking up for the respect and equality of human beings.

These "savages"... and their racist ignorance, shows their deep fears of their own insecurities and overt inferiority that make them lie and deny the truths that are overtly visible. These types have been a drain on the dignity of American Democracy... As they age out and die out, hopefully they don't get to infect any more of the young who get's trapped into growing up in the vile race bigoted environments. It's great to see the young white people who reject that historical racist ignorance and keep themselves away from these low life types who promote it.

A bunch of desperate people some with a few dollars and some with nothing, anguished about what they don't have, and resentful that people of various skin color and ethnicity do have what these types did not invest themselves to gain or earn..

These are the Right Winger Mentality type of Evil People The Bible Speaks Of

The Bible Speaks Of Them:

2 Timothy 3:1-9

1 And know this: in the last days, times will be hard.
2 You see, the world will be filled with narcissistic, money-grubbing, pretentious, arrogant, and abusive people. They will rebel against their parents and will be ungrateful, unholy,
3 uncaring, coldhearted, accusing, without restraint, savage, and haters of anything good.
4 Expect them to be treacherous, reckless, swollen with self-importance, and given to loving pleasure more than they love God.
5 Even though they may look or act like godly people, they’re not. They deny His power. I tell you: Stay away from the likes of these.
6 They’re snakes slithering into the houses of vulnerable women, women gaudy with sin, to seduce them. These reptiles can capture them because these women are weak and easily swayed by their desires.
7 They seem always to be learning, but they never seem to gain the full measure of the truth.
8 And, just as Jannes and Jambres rose up against Moses,[a] these ungodly people defy the truth. Their minds are corrupt, and their faith is absolutely worthless.
9 But they won’t get too far because their stupidity will be noticed by everyone, just as it was with Jannes and Jambres.
LA Sheriff's Dept: Deputies kill Black man who dropped a gun

It's about time to either send Policemen to a psychological and sociological training program BEFORE they are allowed to wear a badge and put on a gun!!!

No Longer allow Two or more White Policemen to patrol together. Policemen in General, Anything they do should be "Filmed", and "Anything they Say Should be Audio Recorded". If they don't have their camera and audio on, then they get no waiver and no excuse is to be accepted.

We know the Police and the Police Administration has a policy of holding back information, lying and colluding to push a false narrative about police involved incidents. This has to change... The Badge does not give the automatic immunity.

If they can't deal with these guidelines, then don't apply !!!

Small Towns MUST have "A Equally Diverse Police Force" not more of these "white only police departments". (History has shown, all white police department and police forces cannot be trusted to treat people equal and fair)

A white boy can walk down the streets with a gun slung over his shoulder and not get shot, but a black mans drops a gun on the ground, and he gets shot.

Thank Goodness for Cell Phone Camera's!!!!

He shouldn't have started a fight with the cops.

That being said, if some stupid bicycle law didn't exist, the cops wouldn't have made contact with him. A lot of times, like with Eric Garner, dumb ass laws create these dangerous interactions.
He punched a cop and ran, so he gets to be arrested and charged. He had dropped the gun, so it wasn't in his possession when the cops opened fire on him. In today's climate, that's only going to make things worse. They needed to try to find a way other than shooting him to be able to bring him in.
Lets see violent criminal attempts to get away while assaulting a police officer and all you can do is victim blame got it.

Cops aren't above the law, and I think this speaks to the fundamental behind the protests in the first place. The cops are far too quick to resort to lethal force and there's fundamental problems in the training given to cops and the tools they have to effectively police without resorting to lethal force.

Your right they aren't above the law so when they do something that actually breaks the law i expect them to be treated no different than anyone else.
In this case they didn't break the law.

If someone just punched me in the face and i see they have a gun i am not waiting around to ask them if they are going to use it.
I am going to defend myself to the fullest extent that I can.

Also more to the point the gun is probably illegal and he is committing another crime by concealing it.
there is a reason he didn't want the cops to stop him and he got violent with them first.
Lets see violent criminal attempts to get away while assaulting a police officer and all you can do is victim blame got it.

Your right they aren't above the law so when they do something that actually breaks the law i expect them to be treated no different than anyone else.
In this case they didn't break the law.

If someone just punched me in the face and i see they have a gun i am not waiting around to ask them if they are going to use it.
I am going to defend myself to the fullest extent that I can.

Also more to the point the gun is probably illegal and he is committing another crime by concealing it.
there is a reason he didn't want the cops to stop him and he got violent with them first.

If someone punched you in the face, dropped a gun, and ran away, not sure you do get away with shooting him.
If someone punched you in the face, dropped a gun, and ran away, not sure we get away with shooting him.

he dropped the gun later after the cops caught back up to him. not before.
you are getting your facts lost again go figure.
he dropped the gun later after the cops caught back up to him. not before.
you are getting your facts lost again go figure.

Deputies Shoot And Kill Black Man In South LA, Sparking Protest : Live Updates: Protests For Racial Justice : NPR

The man fled on foot. An eyewitness video shows him running and carrying what looks to be a bundle of clothing.

When deputies caught up with the man, he "punched one of the officers in the face and then dropped the items in his hands," Lt. Brandon Dean said in a news briefing Monday evening.

"The deputies noticed that inside the clothing items that he dropped was a black semiautomatic handgun – at which time a deputy-involved shooting occurred," Dean added. He referred to the man as a "suspect," although he did not specify what crime the man had been suspected of before deputies approached.

So he indeed dropped the gun before he was shot.

Perchance you should get your facts straight.

LA Sheriff's Dept: Deputies kill Black man who dropped a gun

It's about time to either send Policemen to a psychological and sociological training program BEFORE they are allowed to wear a badge and put on a gun!!!

No Longer allow Two or more White Policemen to patrol together. Policemen in General, Anything they do should be "Filmed", and "Anything they Say Should be Audio Recorded". If they don't have their camera and audio on, then they get no waiver and no excuse is to be accepted.

We know the Police and the Police Administration has a policy of holding back information, lying and colluding to push a false narrative about police involved incidents. This has to change... The Badge does not give the automatic immunity.

If they can't deal with these guidelines, then don't apply !!!

Small Towns MUST have "A Equally Diverse Police Force" not more of these "white only police departments". (History has shown, all white police department and police forces cannot be trusted to treat people equal and fair)

A white boy can walk down the streets with a gun slung over his shoulder and not get shot, but a black mans drops a gun on the ground, and he gets shot.

Thank Goodness for Cell Phone Camera's!!!!

Mandate body cams which can't be turned off or tampered with. I imagine that would significantly modify cops' attitude. That said there's this:
A randomized control trial evaluating the effects of police body-worn cameras | PNAS
One might assume from this that cops are still relying on their bosses and unions to cover their arses for them.
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Fact is good shoot and people are outraged at nothing.
You don't want shot by the cops?
don't punch them in the face and have a gun.

Well I wouldn't punch a cop in the face regardless because they have a penchant for shooting people. But that's kind of the point to all this, that cops resort to deadly force. The dude dropped the gun before he was shot by the cops. So he didn't have it.

There are issues with how quickly the cops do turn to lethal force that need to be addressed.
He shouldn't have started a fight with the cops.

That being said, if some stupid bicycle law didn't exist, the cops wouldn't have made contact with him. A lot of times, like with Eric Garner, dumb ass laws create these dangerous interactions.

For once we agree.
Mandate body cams which can't be turned off or tampered with. I imagine that would significantly modify cops' attitude. That said there's this:
A randomized control trial evaluating the effects of police body-worn cameras | PNAS
One might assume from this that cops are still relying on their bosses and unions to cover their arses for them.

MAKE IT A NATIONAL WIDE MANDATE: NO Police Officer can go on Duty without a His Camera being Operational. "At Any Time", Any time any officer thinks or consider's to confront a citizen, "they must have already activated that Camera.

Make it possible for City Council Members to have "Access To These Police Videos"... they are the ones who have to come up with the money to settle this vile and crazy stuff that Policemen keep doing.

We don't need to keep elected official in the dark.. The City Council is the Group that Confirms The Chief Of Police... So they are the higher authority in the chain that CAN have direct access to this video and audio. If they want to assemble a special review panel of citizens to review these data materials, they can do so... so they give a "unified message to the Public"...

We can't rely on the Police to Police themselves TO THIS DEGREE... and we certainly cannot rely on the Police Union to do it. Any City can have the City Internal Auditors To gather ANY city related information about ANYTHING that involves the city, and prepare a report for the City Council. But the City Council Needs "IMMEDIATE ACCESS TO THIS VIDEO AND AUDIO" If any police is engaged in any acts, and their camera is not only, they get the immediate 'Charge of Obstruction of Justice", and they are brought to trial on it, then they are also brought to Trial related to their acts, when they beat, harm and murder people. They don't get to walk around harassing, harms, brutalizing and killing people. Either they lean "ethics and abide by them"... or their lack of doing so, lands their asses in jail.

Too Man Control Freaks and Bigots and Racist, Corrupt and Deceptive Types have been on police forces far too long in America.

PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN CIVICS... and learn how the system works... instead of listing to a mass of Civically Illiterate People, spewing their bias. This is not so Old Western were the Loud Mouth Town Barker, can drum up a Posse... and go off like savages into society.

It's shows why the Wealthy of America continue to back any policy and put these "fight and attack everything politicians" to keeping people "Ignorant", "Under-Educated", "Racially Divisive", and Belligerently Rabid in Spewing Bull****.
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He punched a cop and ran, so he gets to be arrested and charged. He had dropped the gun, so it wasn't in his possession when the cops opened fire on him. In today's climate, that's only going to make things worse. They needed to try to find a way other than shooting him to be able to bring him in.

Cops aren't above the law, and I think this speaks to the fundamental behind the protests in the first place. The cops are far too quick to resort to lethal force and there's fundamental problems in the training given to cops and the tools they have to effectively police without resorting to lethal force.

They saw a gun. They feared for their lives. The guy already proved dangerous by punching a cop, so he was probably not afraid to use a weapon on them.
They saw a gun. They feared for their lives. The guy already proved dangerous by punching a cop, so he was probably not afraid to use a weapon on them.

Maybe one day, your ass will be in ricochet range and angle, when one of these cops misses.
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