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LA protest mysteriously makes its way to local WalMart... (1 Viewer)

Heya JM :2wave: .....yeah I heard about the Breaking of Windows, Beating People up as they did so. Also Yesterday they shut down a major hwy for 30 mins all so they can express their wittle feelings out West Coast. How they consider this such a travesty. Yet who is looking to get all Racial?

Also I heard some Marine got jumped by 4 black guys in Georgia. All due to this BS over that case in Florida.

What do you think about all these Democrat Pols that have to open their mouths over this?
Heya JM :2wave: .....yeah I heard about the Breaking of Windows, Beating People up as they did so. Also Yesterday they shut down a major hwy for 30 mins all so they can express their wittle feelings out West Coast. How they consider this such a travesty. Yet who is looking to get all Racial?

Also I heard some Marine got jumped by 4 black guys in Georgia. All due to this BS over that case in Florida.

What do you think about all these Democrat Pols that have to open their mouths over this?

Hmmm... who are the racists? Hmmm.....
Hmmm... who are the racists? Hmmm.....

Well, IMO if they are black and attacking others who are not black. Then what other answer could there be? Considering they are in other states and aren't attacking anyone connected to the case. Just other people who have no connection to the issue at all.

Was there some other term they were trying to use?
Well, IMO if they are black and attacking others who are not black. Then what other answer could there be? Considering they are in other states and aren't attacking anyone connected to the case. Just other people who have no connection to the issue at all.

Was there some other term they were trying to use?

I wasn't challenging you acutally, I was agreeing.

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