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cherokee said:Thats from Kent State.
That was a f_ucked deal on both sides.
galenrox said:because obviously buildings are more valuable than human life.
But you don't like us college folk gettin us edumacated, ain't that right? You don't think it's fair that I'm gonna be rich, and you'll still be a **** ant serving my kids McDonalds. You think that we should all remain as ignorant as you, and then maybe we won't find you stupid.
But we would, cause educated or not you're still dumb as a fence post, and all of your faggy jelousy isn't gonna change that. If I were you I'd stop trying coming here and repeatedly getting shown my own stupidity, but instead and sit around practicing the phrase "Would you like fries with that?" I know it's tough man, that's why you've gotta practice.
FreeThinker said:All I'm saying is, bad things happen to people who break the law. Especially hippies.
FreeThinker said:And being in college had nothing to do with it.
FreeThinker said:I laugh at people in the LA riots just as hard that got shot... well... actually dead hippies are funnier than dead criminals. At least the criminals can say they were only doing their jobs.
FreeThinker said:I find it ****-your-pants funny that a bunch of kids totally detatched from the real world, warm and safe on a college campus in a country that gave millions of lives for their freedom, got a wakeup call in the form of a few well placed rifle rounds.
FreeThinker said:By the way Galen, how's that research comming along?
galenrox said:Man, you would enjoy kids getting shot, to be perfectly honest I'm not suprised. You strike me as one of those pig ****ers who gets off on **** like that. Living in your dead parents' old farmhouse and you keep your mom's decaying corpse in the bed room so you can **** it nightly while screaming "Momma no, I don't wanna, momma NO!"
Leaving chickens to walk around in your ****ing house leaving old stale piles of chicken **** all over your rug. You disgust me.
See, I have no idea what you're talking about when you're talking about research. This is because I forget everything you say to me immidiately after I stop talking to you, because what you say is just that important to me. I'm not a forgetful guy, I remember quite a bit about a lot of the people here, but basically, I remember you as that fag/got with that ****ing cartoon, that's pretty much it. I remember that you'd be a funny guy to poke with a stick, that too.
FreeThinker said:Your references to psyco weren't even remotely humorous, but I will try to respond in kind to your 6th grade reading level:
Your avatar looks like a wanna be emo kid that somehow got into college taking a picture of himself attempting desperately to look disinterested when in fact it is you holding the camera. What was the problem? You couldn't find ONE person to take your picture? You had to take one yourself and look off into the distance like eric cartman on the cover of his christian rock label.
I've seen kids like you around, and they are all the same: they write journals and "blogs" (something you seem to spend wayyyy too much time on). They catalog their life as if someday they will be remember like Marx's scribblings to his father in college. They truly believe that their opinions based on 20 years life experience mean something, that somehow they know what people with master's degrees in politics and history don't.
Here is a newsflash mr. galen:
You are not special.
You are not different.
Your ideas are not new.
You are the same as every other young college kid coming up with outlandish ideas based on a few books you read and some CNN specials.
No, what you write isn't going to be cataloged for history, because every bit of it has been said and, more importantly, discarded.
Now go write in your blog that some "faygot" on the internet made you punch your computer screen, because quite frankly no one else cares.
FreeThinker said:Your references to psyco weren't even remotely humorous, but I will try to respond in kind to your 6th grade reading level:
Your avatar looks like a wanna be emo kid that somehow got into college taking a picture of himself attempting desperately to look disinterested when in fact it is you holding the camera. What was the problem? You couldn't find ONE person to take your picture? You had to take one yourself and look off into the distance like eric cartman on the cover of his christian rock label?
I've seen kids like you around, and they are all the same: they write journals and "blogs" (something you seem to spend wayyyy too much time on). They catalog their life as if someday they will be remember like Marx's scribblings to his father in college. They truly believe that their opinions based on 20 years life experience mean something, that somehow they know what people with master's degrees in politics and history don't.
Here is a newsflash mr. galen:
You are not special.
You are not different.
Your ideas are not new.
You are the same as every other young college kid coming up with outlandish ideas based on a few books you read and some CNN specials.
No, what you write isn't going to be cataloged for history, because every bit of it has been said and, more importantly, discarded.
Now go write in your blog that some "faygot" on the internet made you punch your computer screen, because quite frankly no one else cares.
The Real McCoy said:This coming from the guy who read a post on here, written by someone he doesn't even remotely know, decided to call a bar and make light of this political debate forum post.
I can honestly tell you FreeThinker, that was the single most pathetic thing I have ever witnessed in my life. Funny how everyone except that idiot nazi-wannabe ptsdkid turned that thread you started against you.
You know why that is? Because you're a worthless shred of human debris. You're lower than snake feces. There isn't a word in the English language that adequately describes you. You laugh when innocent teenagers are shot to death. You spend your time researching insignificant flaws of people you don't even know.
Galen could obliterate you in a logical debate but you're incapable of that. If you two ever met face to face, he could tear you to shreds in a physical altercation too. Free thinker? Hardly. You're among the most unfree thinkers on this forum. You're the type of person who can't deal with their own problems so they lash out at others. If you were born in the Palestinian authority, you'd be mindlessly waving around an AK-47 and blowing yourself up along with innocent women and children in hopes of escaping your miserable existence to a better place. If you were born in Iraq, you'd probably be doing everything you could to impress al-Zarqawi. You would have cheered on the 9-11 attacks.
You're lucky you haven't been banned from this site already. You should be thanking the moderators you haven't. You're a shitstain and do absolutely nothing but lower the quality of conversation here. You're an embarassment to our country and at the end of this sentence, my experience and time wasted with you will be over.
Welcome to my ignore list.
Population: you and you only.
FreeThinker said:You liberal fools
He called you liberal, he he.
teacher said:He called you liberal, he he.
Damn, that's the second time I've been called liberal in the past week.
ptsdkid said:Freethinker, its Dr. Kid here. Really amusing stuff throughout this entire thread. Some of my favorites are "He called you a liberal". Calling someone a liberal really gets their ire up. I just love how a liberal runs away from their ideology madness.
Love seeing hippies get gunned down. Young liberal kids spouting off their anti war crap while throwing strones at armed National Guard made a lot of sense. Good to see how 4 of them got their lunch handed to them. Wake up call came a bit early to those hippies--didn't have time to actually go to work and pay taxes like the rest of us. They didn't get to storm the University gates like their brethern did out at Berkely in California. Actually, it was kind of sad that they were denied a further liberal education at such an early age.
Those four dead students were probably attending college to use as a draft deferment in the first place. Looks like they faced their own mini Vietnam right here in the states. Had they lived--they would have rounded out their education by becoming full time protestors down at D.C. with their icon Ramsey Clark.
mixedmedia said:Coming from a card-carrying member of StormFront, I would take being called a liberal by you the highest form of flattery, pfftkid. Go ahead, call me a liberal. Make me smile.
ptsdkid said:***Egg sucking pinko commie anti-American pacifist loser whiner socialist marxist traitor back stabber dove pansie panty waste feminazi brat. Almost forgot flaming liberal reprobate. There, feel better now?
ptsdkid said:Freethinker, its Dr. Kid here. Really amusing stuff throughout this entire thread. Some of my favorites are "He called you a liberal". Calling someone a liberal really gets their ire up. I just love how a liberal runs away from their ideology madness.
ptsdkid said:Love seeing hippies get gunned down. Young liberal kids spouting off their anti war crap while throwing strones at armed National Guard made a lot of sense. Good to see how 4 of them got their lunch handed to them. Wake up call came a bit early to those hippies--didn't have time to actually go to work and pay taxes like the rest of us. They didn't get to storm the University gates like their brethern did out at Berkely in California. Actually, it was kind of sad that they were denied a further liberal education at such an early age.
Those four dead students were probably attending college to use as a draft deferment in the first place. Looks like they faced their own mini Vietnam right here in the states. Had they lived--they would have rounded out their education by becoming full time protestors down at D.C. with their icon Ramsey Clark.
ptsdkid said:***Egg sucking pinko commie anti-American pacifist loser whiner socialist marxist traitor back stabber dove pansie panty waste feminazi brat. Almost forgot flaming liberal reprobate. There, feel better now?
FreeThinker said:Hahahaha gotta love the basement. PTSD kid for the ****ing win. Liberal talking heads for the LOSE.