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Kremlin says it's not for Biden to say if Putin stays in power (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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other countries perceptions of a failed POTUS.

They recognize onset Dementia too.

Biden’s reckless speech called out.


Peskov did not immediately respond to a follow-up request for reaction to the White House clarification.

Biden has stepped up personal attacks on Putin since the Russian president ordered the invasion of Ukraine last month, and the Kremlin has replied by questioning the U.S. leader's state of mind. read more

Last week it accused Biden of making "personal insults" towards Putin after he labelled him a "war criminal" and a "murderous dictator", and said his remarks appeared to have been fuelled by irritation, fatigue and forgetfulness.

Irony. Biden himself doesn't understand how close he is to not being in power anymore.
Absolutely nobody here at DP is surprised that two incompetent but highly active Russian propaganda agents, VySky and Sanman, side with Putin and Russia over the US.

What is surprising is that you guys think anybody cares what you think about Biden or the US.
other countries perceptions of a failed POTUS.

They recognize onset Dementia too.

Biden’s reckless speech called out.


Peskov did not immediately respond to a follow-up request for reaction to the White House clarification.

Biden has stepped up personal attacks on Putin since the Russian president ordered the invasion of Ukraine last month, and the Kremlin has replied by questioning the U.S. leader's state of mind. read more

Last week it accused Biden of making "personal insults" towards Putin after he labelled him a "war criminal" and a "murderous dictator", and said his remarks appeared to have been fuelled by irritation, fatigue and forgetfulness.

Majority of the world says its not Putin's right to invade other nations.
Irony. Biden himself doesn't understand how close he is to not being in power anymore.
How so? In a couple of years via a legitimate election?

Or by traitors to the American way of life who will try another insurrection?
other countries perceptions of a failed POTUS.

They recognize onset Dementia too.

Biden’s reckless speech called out.


Peskov did not immediately respond to a follow-up request for reaction to the White House clarification.

Biden has stepped up personal attacks on Putin since the Russian president ordered the invasion of Ukraine last month, and the Kremlin has replied by questioning the U.S. leader's state of mind. read more

Last week it accused Biden of making "personal insults" towards Putin after he labelled him a "war criminal" and a "murderous dictator", and said his remarks appeared to have been fuelled by irritation, fatigue and forgetfulness.

I seem to remember a time when the right bashed the left for not standing up to Putin....

Not the right is bashing the left for standing up to Putin....
How so? In a couple of years via a legitimate election?

Or by traitors to the American way of life who will try another insurrection?

The American way of life now is to be pressed into war as vassals for extraterritorialists mainly interested in a Far Emperor who can fight their local wars for them?

Anybody will seek to rebel against that. Spartacus is an age-old archetype.
other countries perceptions of a failed POTUS.

They recognize onset Dementia too.

Biden’s reckless speech called out.


Peskov did not immediately respond to a follow-up request for reaction to the White House clarification.

Biden has stepped up personal attacks on Putin since the Russian president ordered the invasion of Ukraine last month, and the Kremlin has replied by questioning the U.S. leader's state of mind. read more

Last week it accused Biden of making "personal insults" towards Putin after he labelled him a "war criminal" and a "murderous dictator", and said his remarks appeared to have been fuelled by irritation, fatigue and forgetfulness.

It's not for the Kremlin to say what Biden can or cannot say.

And Biden is right. Putin has proven himself unfit to be the leader of a nation and needs to be out of power ASAP. It's not a threat of intentions, it's a statement of undeniable fact.

Biden was interrupted by applause several times in Poland yesterday. He's been instrumental in helping to organize the Western world in sanctions against Russia and lethal aid to Ukraine, both of which have been highly effective at allowing the Ukrainians to defend their country from Russian aggression. He's only perceived as a "failed POTUS" to Russian sympathizers and party-over-country sellout Republicans.
Whenever Biden says something that is certainly true, the weirdest people post the oddest objections.

Biden: The sky is blue.

Nutball #1: Only someone with Alzheimer's would point out something so obvious.

Nutball #2: No, Biden! The sky isn't blue. You're blue, Biden! You're blue. Biden, you will be out of power next month. Stay tuned. Despite my head wound, I can still think clearly. Despite my head wound, I can still despite my think wound.
It's not for the Kremlin to say what Biden can or cannot say.

And Biden is right. Putin has proven himself unfit to be the leader of a nation and needs to be out of power ASAP. It's not a threat of intentions, it's a statement of undeniable fact.

Biden was interrupted by applause several times in Poland yesterday. He's been instrumental in helping to organize the Western world in sanctions against Russia and lethal aid to Ukraine, both of which have been highly effective at allowing the Ukrainians to defend their country from Russian aggression. He's only perceived as a "failed POTUS" to Russian sympathizers and party-over-country sellout Republicans.
Biden is a POS Warhawk who is dangerously reckless
Biden condemned Putin while speaking in Poland: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

The White House later said he was not pushing regime change.
This ought to cheer up the OP. 😁



.....does anyone really care what the "kremlin" has to say. :unsure:
This ought to cheer up the OP. 😁

.....does anyone really care what the "kremlin" has to say. :unsure:

Exactly. Almost everything the Kremlin says is a puppet show to stoke the idea in its brainwashed citizens that Russia is still a superpower.

In light of that goal, all of the loony things that the Kremlin says make complete sense.
Absolutely nobody here at DP is surprised that two incompetent but highly active Russian propaganda agents, VySky and Sanman, side with Putin and Russia over the US.

What is surprising is that you guys think anybody cares what you think about Biden or the US.
Here's the irony of a poster like Rabid, making any sort of claim to either propaganda or someone siding with Putin.

As far as propaganda goes, you're basically calling the kettle black at this point.
Biden condemned Putin while speaking in Poland: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

The White House later said he was not pushing regime change.
The WH is full of crap and tired of having to clean up after Joe speaks. It’s all the time.
Yup, a warhawk who has worked with NATO to keep the US out of the war ... such a warhawk.
He hasn’t done anything. It’s a lie to make others feel better
It's debatable whether or not it was a good move to say that out loud. I can see both sides of it. Doesn't change the fact he was right.
Trump said a lot of things that were right too but I digress.
He hasn’t done anything. It’s a lie to make others feel better
Incorrect, he refused the idea of a no fly zone and chose sanctions, for instance.
It's just another of Biden's, "Hold me back, hold me back!" moments. He has 'em all the time. Then the "adults" without diapers walk back his comments.
Incorrect, he refused the idea of a no fly zone and chose sanctions, for instance.
Again. Joe chooses nothing. He lacks the cerebral capacity to do so. I need proof I’m wrong.
Again. Joe chooses nothing. He lacks the cerebral capacity to do so. I need proof I’m wrong.
The proof was already given by the post you quoted, but you are not exactly an objective poster either and I have no expectation that you will acknowledge it.
The proof was already given by the post you quoted, but you are not exactly an objective poster either and I have no expectation that you will acknowledge it.
Even they know “it’s ‘Not for Joe to say”
Even they know “it’s ‘Not for Joe to say”
Ahh, so your response is vague conspiratorial thinking with ill defined terminology then.

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