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KKK recruiting in Pittsburgh neighborhood where synagogue shooter murdered 11 Jews (1 Viewer)


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Less than two months after a gunman murdered 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the KKK is recruiting new members in the very same neighborhood – distributing flyers, and curiously, handfuls of birdseed.

Residents of Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood are still reeling after gunman Robert Gregory Bowers entered the Tree of Life Synagogue and shot 11 worshippers dead, while allegedly shouting anti-Semitic slogans. Bowers is currently being held without bail. Charged with murder, assault and hate crimes, the 46-year-old faces 535 years in prison or the death penalty.
There had been an earlier report of anti-Semitic literature surfacing in the predominantly Jewish neighborhood near the synagogue where the shootings happened.
Not gonna trust RT on that.

Less than two months after a gunman murdered 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the KKK is recruiting new members in the very same neighborhood – distributing flyers, and curiously, handfuls of birdseed.

Residents of Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood are still reeling after gunman Robert Gregory Bowers entered the Tree of Life Synagogue and shot 11 worshippers dead, while allegedly shouting anti-Semitic slogans. Bowers is currently being held without bail. Charged with murder, assault and hate crimes, the 46-year-old faces 535 years in prison or the death penalty.
There had been an earlier report of anti-Semitic literature surfacing in the predominantly Jewish neighborhood near the synagogue where the shootings happened.
If this is accurate, might be a publicity move?

When they're in the news, I expect it draws like-minded persons to them.
Didn't see anything about handing out flyers or birdseed. Where'd RT get that?

Beats me. But they are a big news organization & they have 'stringers' all over to feed them breaking stuff.

If you Google Pittsburgh & anti-Semitic you will find articles about the police investigating the anti-Semitic flyers.

Less than two months after a gunman murdered 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue, the KKK is recruiting new members in the very same neighborhood – distributing flyers, and curiously, handfuls of birdseed.

Residents of Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood are still reeling after gunman Robert Gregory Bowers entered the Tree of Life Synagogue and shot 11 worshippers dead, while allegedly shouting anti-Semitic slogans. Bowers is currently being held without bail. Charged with murder, assault and hate crimes, the 46-year-old faces 535 years in prison or the death penalty.
There had been an earlier report of anti-Semitic literature surfacing in the predominantly Jewish neighborhood near the synagogue where the shootings happened.

You may want to stop posting RT if you want to maintain credibility.
Beats me. But they are a big news organization & they have 'stringers' all over to feed them breaking stuff.

If you Google Pittsburgh & anti-Semitic you will find articles about the police investigating the anti-Semitic flyers.

The only real news source reported only signs.

RT reported people handing out flyers and birdseed. RT made it sound like the KKK was in the streets talking to people. That's fake news, unless you can find a real source.

I was right. RT is not to be trusted, especially on US news.
Man Arrested For Swinging Ax At People, Yelling ‘God Bless KKK’


PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Pittsburgh police arrested a man for swinging an ax at people in Frick Park.

Police say 39-year-old Frederic Park is accused of threatening several people with the ax, including knocking a water bottle out of one man’s hands with the ax.
I think this guy is up for some mental evaluations.
Re: Man Arrested For Swinging Ax At People, Yelling ‘God Bless KKK’


Anti-Semitic fliers found in Squirrel Hill, the Pittsburgh neighborhood that was site of synagogue attack
DECEMBER 10, 2018 7:43 AM
(JTA) — Anti-Semitic fliers were found in Squirrel Hill, the Pittsburgh neighborhood where 11 worshippers were killed in an attack on a synagogue building.

The fliers also were dropped in other surrounding neighborhoods, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Sunday.

“The Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety and the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police are aware of and are investigating the dissemination of anti-Semitic pamphlets in Pittsburgh neighborhoods, including Squirrel Hill,” the Public Safety department said in a tweet. “Such hate-filled material will not be tolerated in Pittsburgh — not by residents, City officials nor Law Enforcement.

Here is local backup on the fliers.
Re: Man Arrested For Swinging Ax At People, Yelling ‘God Bless KKK’


Anti-Semitic fliers found in Squirrel Hill, the Pittsburgh neighborhood that was site of synagogue attack
DECEMBER 10, 2018 7:43 AM
(JTA) — Anti-Semitic fliers were found in Squirrel Hill, the Pittsburgh neighborhood where 11 worshippers were killed in an attack on a synagogue building.

The fliers also were dropped in other surrounding neighborhoods, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Sunday.

“The Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety and the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police are aware of and are investigating the dissemination of anti-Semitic pamphlets in Pittsburgh neighborhoods, including Squirrel Hill,” the Public Safety department said in a tweet. “Such hate-filled material will not be tolerated in Pittsburgh — not by residents, City officials nor Law Enforcement.

Here is local backup on the fliers.

RT is still wrong.

"distributing flyers, and curiously, handfuls of birdseed."

No one handed anyone anything. Hanging flyers is not distributing flyers.

RT tried to make it sound like nazis were in the streets.
Re: Man Arrested For Swinging Ax At People, Yelling ‘God Bless KKK’


Anti-Semitic fliers found in Squirrel Hill, the Pittsburgh neighborhood that was site of synagogue attack
DECEMBER 10, 2018 7:43 AM
(JTA) — Anti-Semitic fliers were found in Squirrel Hill, the Pittsburgh neighborhood where 11 worshippers were killed in an attack on a synagogue building.

The fliers also were dropped in other surrounding neighborhoods, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Sunday.

“The Pittsburgh Department of Public Safety and the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police are aware of and are investigating the dissemination of anti-Semitic pamphlets in Pittsburgh neighborhoods, including Squirrel Hill,” the Public Safety department said in a tweet. “Such hate-filled material will not be tolerated in Pittsburgh — not by residents, City officials nor Law Enforcement.

Here is local backup on the fliers.
Other than showing poor taste what laws are they violating?

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Re: Man Arrested For Swinging Ax At People, Yelling ‘God Bless KKK’


KKK members rally in Pittsburgh

A near-riot breaks out

A six-foot metal fence, a wall of police officers in riot gear wielding 3-foot clubs, and 135 feet of space prevented an angry mob from storming nearly 40 Ku Klux Klan members speaking on the steps of Pittsburgh's City-County building Saturday.

Thousands of onlookers surrounded the building, many pressing themselves against the chain-link fences that blocked each street, waving signs and screaming obscenities.
Doesn't sound like fake news to me.

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