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Kimberley A. Strassel: The Socialist that Could (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 2, 2015
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California Caliphate
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Kimberley A. Strassel writes for the WSJ.


The Republican Party has a secret weapon for 2020. It’s especially effective because it’s stealthy: The Democrats seem oblivious to its power. And the GOP needn’t lift a finger for it to work. All Republicans have to do is sit back and watch 29-year-old Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez . . . exist.


On Thursday Ms. Ocasio-Cortez unveiled her vaunted Green New Deal, complete with the details of how Democrats plan to reach climate nirvana in a mere 10 years. It came in the form of a resolution, sponsored in the Senate by Massachusetts’ Edward Markey, on which AOC is determined to force a full House vote. That means every Democrat in Washington will get to go on the record in favor of abolishing air travel, outlawing steaks, forcing all American homeowners to retrofit their houses, putting every miner, oil rigger, livestock rancher and gas-station attendant out of a job, and spending trillions and trillions more tax money. Oh, also for government-run health care, which is somehow a prerequisite for a clean economy.

It’s a GOP dream, especially because the media presented her plan with a straight face—as a legitimate proposal from a legitimate leader in the Democratic Party. Republicans are thrilled to treat it that way in the march to 2020, as their set-piece example of what Democrats would do to the economy and average Americans if given control. The Green New Deal encapsulates everything Americans fear from government, all in one bonkers resolution.

So in one swell foop, our country ends as we know it. No more driving, no more flying, NO MORE BACON, no more lots of things. And the dumb ass media presents it with a straight face, apparently intimidated by what socialists do a media that isn't "on board with the people".
The Left-o-crats are painting themselves into a corner....
Kimberley A. Strassel writes for the WSJ.


So in one swell foop, our country ends as we know it. No more driving, no more flying, NO MORE BACON, no more lots of things. And the dumb ass media presents it with a straight face, apparently intimidated by what socialists do a media that isn't "on board with the people".

Well, the WSJ Editorial board has always been conservative, with decent reporting.
Not so much anymore with the reporting, now that it's part of the Murdoch empire.

Just as the New Deal was a bold idea, the Green New Deal is also very bold.

We need to pick up the baton from where FDR left off, that Reagan successfully buried in the ground.

It's time.
Well, the WSJ Editorial board has always been conservative, with decent reporting.
Not so much anymore with the reporting, now that it's part of the Murdoch empire.

Just as the New Deal was a bold idea, the Green New Deal is also very bold.

We need to pick up the baton from where FDR left off, that Reagan successfully buried in the ground.

It's time.

I assume you read the article and understand what is being proposed?
Shouldn't you have outgrown popping off by Middle School? You clearly have nothing to say here, so when that is the case, just restrain yourself and say nothing.

You need to re-read your OP statement. You sound paranoid. Is actually pretty funny. No more this, no more that, lol.
well in thinking about it, with the advent of mass automation... which is coming... the world will have to accept some form of socialism to an extent, or let people die/quell revolts by masses.

or the other scenario.. there appear to be too many young people who want to try socialism, so it will have its way to some extent in the future.

now I am not saying Cortez has it all right, she is overly idealistic, especially in how this is going to play out. what I will say is that the liberals who want socialism better not tear down the 2nd amendment just yet, as they may need guns to get what they want at some point, or be put under the thumb of a dystopic oligarchy.
So in one swell foop, our country ends as we know it. No more driving, no more flying, NO MORE BACON, no more lots of things. And the dumb ass media presents it with a straight face, apparently intimidated by what socialists do a media that isn't "on board with the people".

I'm sure your bacon is safe.
I can only guess what else might go on in a mind that agrees that eliminating most air travel is progress.


Yeah he didn't think that one through did he?
Well, the WSJ Editorial board has always been conservative, with decent reporting.
Not so much anymore with the reporting, now that it's part of the Murdoch empire.

Just as the New Deal was a bold idea, the Green New Deal is also very bold.

We need to pick up the baton from where FDR left off, that Reagan successfully buried in the ground.

It's time.

Bold?!? Its idiotic and totalitarian.
Progress is a very scary thought for the right.

Totalitarianism is the opposite of progress my friend. Not sure what goes wrong in the minds of liberals that makes them beg to be told what to do and where to go, and how to live. But we do need to thank AOC for revealing the truth behind global warming alarmism--tyranny.
Totalitarianism is the opposite of progress my friend. Not sure what goes wrong in the minds of liberals that makes them beg to be told what to do and where to go, and how to live. But we do need to thank AOC for revealing the truth behind global warming alarmism--tyranny.

Hi fletch, bye fletch.
Totalitarianism is the opposite of progress my friend. Not sure what goes wrong in the minds of liberals that makes them beg to be told what to do and where to go, and how to live. But we do need to thank AOC for revealing the truth behind global warming alarmism--tyranny.

She'll have to pry the steering wheel of my 6-speed roadster from my cold, dead hands.
Hi fletch, bye fletch.

No need to say hello or goodbye, just respond to the post. And if you cant cobble together an intelligent response, there is no reason to respond at all.
She'll have to pry the steering wheel of my 6-speed roadster from my cold, dead hands.

The arrogance of these liberals knows no bounds. Shes 29, been in congress for all of a month and rolls out a plan that will impose her mindless will upon every single American, alter the relationship between government and the individual and remake the economy in her disastrous socialist fantasies. Worse yet, no one on the left has the courage to call out her idiocy but instead, embrace it.
The arrogance of these liberals knows no bounds. Shes 29, been in congress for all of a month and rolls out a plan that will impose her mindless will upon every single American, alter the relationship between government and the individual and remake the economy in her disastrous socialist fantasies. Worse yet, no one on the left has the courage to call out her idiocy but instead, embrace it.
You know, it occurs to me that AOC is a singular case of "failure to launch". She hasn't really come into full, adult bloom and can't comprehend how fully adults live, work and strive to get ahead in life. She's reached her peak and sees everyone else from her own POV. Look at how bitterly she complained about getting an apartment! How she cried because she couldn't enjoy her salmon and yoga. She's a child.
That's how entitled and narcissistic she is.
I assume you read the article and understand what is being proposed?

I have read the highlights of the Green New Deal, and for the most part, I am on board.

What are your concerns?
That is what conservatives said about FDR's proposals as well.

You were there, were you? But go ahead and explain how this Marxist nonsense is accomplished without despotic and coercive state power.

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