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Keystone XL pipeline and its actual impact (1 Viewer)

And increase capacity with fewer and less severe environmental issues.
it was actually going to run through one of the largest water supplies in the us
It would have helped, no magic involved. The pipeline was much higher capacity than the existing line. It was also in addition to existing capacity. The difference is primarily shipped by rail.
its Candain TAR oil, a very dirty oil that would go to asian markets mainly for plastics and other things of that nature and it STILL would not be complete even today
Pennies on the dollar. That is more than enough given the environmental benefit.
You were aware that XL was an environmental positive project, right?
weird that doesn't answer the question ill ask you AGAIN
what would gar be today if it wasn't scraped

Economically sound is a given. That was checked to death before permits were issued.
Don't thank me yet.
nothgin to thank you proved how factually moneunatlelyy uneducated you are about this topic LAO
Why not. They have more facts than you can bring to bear.
thread history proves different
The only reason it was shut down is opposition to the entire O&G industry. The project itself is environmentally beneficial and economically sound.
also false
wow that's embarrassing could you make your post look any more retarded next time
dont forget to answer the question you dodged
😂 🍿
it was actually going to run through one of the largest water supplies in the us

its Candain TAR oil, a very dirty oil that would go to asian markets mainly for plastics and other things of that nature and it STILL would not be complete even today

weird that doesn't answer the question ill ask you AGAIN
what would gar be today if it wasn't scraped


nothgin to thank you proved how factually moneunatlelyy uneducated you are about this topic LAO

thread history proves different

also false
wow that's embarrassing could you make your post look any more retarded next time
dont forget to answer the question you dodged
😂 🍿
it is several of the largest aquifers in the USA
Aquifers that MILLIONs and Millions of Americans depend on for their water
and with Trans Canada's track record for leaky pipelines I wouldn't want to be any where near one of their pipelines
and one more thing we don't hear anything about the over 19 new /newly rebuilt oil and gas pipelines that have been put on line since Biden took office
Have a nice day
it was actually going to run through one of the largest water supplies in the us
That is a strange comment. Expand and document.

its Candain TAR oil, a very dirty oil that would go to asian markets mainly for plastics and other things of that nature and it STILL would not be complete even today
This is one reason why the pipeline is wanted. It would be designed to handle the viscous, acidic, and abrasive crude in volume and bypass the need for rail transport. Refineries in Louisianna have the capacity to handle the difficulties. They were constructed to handle the equally difficult Venezuelan crude.

It also frees the existing pipeline for less difficult crude.

weird that doesn't answer the question ill ask you AGAIN
what would gar be today if it wasn't scraped
WTF is gar? If that was a garbled "going on" then the crude would be shipped by rail.

What question have you asked? Mostly you have made unsupported claims, as is your norm. Asking you to document said has always been futile.

Document your claim.

The approval documents are a matter of public record so my part is done.

nothgin to thank you proved how factually moneunatlelyy uneducated you are about this topic LAO
To the ad homs already.

You must be getting to the end of your list of approved talking points.

thread history proves different

also false
You keep claiming that but always without support.

I brought facts. What have your got? I am guessing nothing.

wow that's embarrassing could you make your post look any more retarded next time
dont forget to answer the question you dodged
😂 🍿
Already on your dodge train. How embarrassing for you.
That is a strange comment. Expand and document.

This is one reason why the pipeline is wanted. It would be designed to handle the viscous, acidic, and abrasive crude in volume and bypass the need for rail transport. Refineries in Louisianna have the capacity to handle the difficulties. They were constructed to handle the equally difficult Venezuelan crude.

It also frees the existing pipeline for less difficult crude.

WTF is gar? If that was a garbled "going on" then the crude would be shipped by rail.

What question have you asked? Mostly you have made unsupported claims, as is your norm. Asking you to document said has always been futile.

Document your claim.

The approval documents are a matter of public record so my part is done.

To the ad homs already.

You must be getting to the end of your list of approved talking points.


You keep claiming that but always without support.

I brought facts. What have your got? I am guessing nothing.

Already on your dodge train. How embarrassing for you.
Here I will help you out maybe IF you would read this you might learn something
this shows the map of where they wanted to put it ( dotted line )
and here is a map of the Aquifers in the US
If you look at the two maps you can see it was going to go thru Montana , SD . NEB, and if you look at the Aquifer map you can see Mon. SD and Nav all have a large aquifers in them
and there are Millions of people in those areas that depend on those Aquifers for their drinking water , and their normal water needs
and IF you read some of the links I provided you will find out that the EPA told the pipeline company that IF they would run it next to the original Keystone pipeline it would be okay and after Obama vetoed the bill that congress passed allowing it to be built they tried to override it and it failed by 4 votes and there were 4 Republican Senators that voted against the override
Have a nice day
Here I will help you out maybe IF you would read this you might learn something
this shows the map of where they wanted to put it ( dotted line )
and here is a map of the Aquifers in the US
If you look at the two maps you can see it was going to go thru Montana , SD . NEB, and if you look at the Aquifer map you can see Mon. SD and Nav all have a large aquifers in them
and there are Millions of people in those areas that depend on those Aquifers for their drinking water , and their normal water needs
and IF you read some of the links I provided you will find out that the EPA told the pipeline company that IF they would run it next to the original Keystone pipeline it would be okay and after Obama vetoed the bill that congress passed allowing it to be built they tried to override it and it failed by 4 votes and there were 4 Republican Senators that voted against the override
Have a nice day
The argument about the aquifers is specious IMO. This is not near-surface water and, as the map shows, they can literally be found anywhere you want to look.

It's an attempt to make all pipelines impossible and indirectly attack the O&G industry itself. All of these objections could be raised during the approval process. The fact of the approval rebuts your contention that there is a significant danger.

Again, pipelines are an improvement on rail transport.
That is a strange comment. Expand and document.
already done by multiple posts and posters over the years
This is one reason why the pipeline is wanted.
and why its rejected in canada because the people and environmentalists are smart enough not to want spills all the time and the destruction the pipe line causes and it wont be used for gasoline
its like you now absolutely nothing about this project LMAO
It also frees the existing pipeline for less difficult crude.
no, it wouldn't it all carries the tar sands
What question have you asked?
some one i repeated that you dodged, what would gas be today if the pipeline wasn't rejected by the WH and many other roadblocks in its way that still weren't cleared
Mostly you have made unsupported claims, as is your norm. Asking you to document said has always been futile.
says YOU and ZERO facts hence why your posts are getting the shit kicked out of them my multiple posters LOL
Document your claim.
thread history already does, your topical ignorance/denial is your problems
facts don't care about your feelings
You must be getting to the end of your list of approved talking points.
translation you still got nothing and facts are still destroying your lies, i can do this all day because its easy
facts will never lose to posts like yours, that's what makes it so fun
I brought facts. What have your got? I am guessing nothing.
no you haven't again thread history proves that
Already on your dodge train. How embarrassing for you.
BOOM and you dodged again and ill ask AGAIN
do you try to make your retarded post fail this hard and provided entertainment for us to mock and laugh at? . so much fun, i love it

what would gas be today if the pipeline wasn't rejected by the WH and many other roadblocks in its way that still weren't cleared?

The argument about the aquifers is specious IMO. This is not near-surface water and, as the map shows, they can literally be found anywhere you want to look.

It's an attempt to make all pipelines impossible and indirectly attack the O&G industry itself. All of these objections could be raised during the approval process. The fact of the approval rebuts your contention that there is a significant danger.

Again, pipelines are an improvement on rail transport.
well this was pushed by the KOCH bothers and their billions
they were just out to make more money and didn't give a s--t about the American people
and there have been over 19 new /rebuilt oil and gas pipelines put on line since Biden took office
and one of them being rebuilt right now is the Keystone line 5
and as for the Aquifers NOT all of them are deep and the XL pipeline it was also going to go over creeks .rivers and small lakes
Please read the link " everything you need to know about the Keystone XL pipeline
it has got a lot of info about it and right from the pipeline company
Have a nice day
hey look another retarded post making shit up LMAO
I'm actually on your side on this issue but you are so abrasive in your arguments and so quick to use vicious Ad Homonym attacks that your argument is poisoned. I couldn't possibly support you.

"Political bias optional. Civility a MUST!"

Can we try a little bit to adhere to this standard? Please?
I'm actually on your side on this issue but you are so abrasive in your arguments and so quick to use vicious Ad Homonym attacks that your argument is poisoned. I couldn't possibly support you.
facts dont need anybody's nor do i but thank you for sharing, your stance
"Political bias optional. Civility a MUST!"

Can we try a little bit to adhere to this standard? Please?
because of the type of posts I'm responding to and the history of those posts and posters in question there's no such thing
a basic level of respect is given to all . . .

after that, additional respect is EARNED
and a basic level of respect can be lost

if you are a real account, you'll learn who is who and who normal honest conversations can be had with
facts dont need anybody's nor do i but thank you for sharing, your stance

because of the type of posts I'm responding to and the history of those posts and posters in question there's no such thing
a basic level of respect is given to all . . .

after that, additional respect is EARNED
and a basic level of respect can be lost

if you are a real account, you'll learn who is who and who normal honest conversations can be had with
I hardly find this a convincing excuse for that kind of discourse. It's a shame, because I believe your argument is sound but that is lost in the abusive way you present and respond.

I am indeed learning who is who and who normal honest conversations can be had with. Thank you.
I hardly find this a convincing excuse for that kind of discourse.
i have no desire to convinece you of anything so thats meaningless
It's a shame, because I believe your argument is sound but that is lost in the abusive way you present and respond.
its not an argument, its just amix of reality and facts
your opinions of its presentation doesnn't change anything
I am indeed learning who is who and who normal honest conversations can be had with. Thank you.
you're welcome, good job and good luck to you
already done by multiple posts and posters over the years
And the Dodge Train rolls on.

and why its rejected in canada because the people and environmentalists are smart enough not to want spills all the time and the destruction the pipe line causes and it wont be used for gasoline
its like you now absolutely nothing about this project LMAO
Canada was upset when we canceled it.

Environmentalists are not trying to be fair or give genuine arguments. They are attacking the concept of extracting oil.

no, it wouldn't it all carries the tar sands
The tar sands would be diverted. It's the point of the project.

Reread the ... Never mind. You aren't interested in discussion much less an honest one.

some one i repeated that you dodged, what would gas be today if the pipeline wasn't rejected by the WH and many other roadblocks in its way that still weren't cleared

says YOU and ZERO facts hence why your posts are getting the shit kicked out of them my multiple posters LOL

thread history already does, your topical ignorance/denial is your problems
facts don't care about your feelings

translation you still got nothing and facts are still destroying your lies, i can do this all day because its easy
facts will never lose to posts like yours, that's what makes it so fun

no you haven't again thread history proves that

BOOM and you dodged again and ill ask AGAIN
do you try to make your retarded post fail this hard and provided entertainment for us to mock and laugh at? . so much fun, i love it

what would gas be today if the pipeline wasn't rejected by the WH and many other roadblocks in its way that still weren't cleared?

The Dodge train is in full course.

If you buy a fact let me know.

I'm actually on your side on this issue but you are so abrasive in your arguments and so quick to use vicious Ad Homonym attacks that your argument is poisoned. I couldn't possibly support you.

"Political bias optional. Civility a MUST!"

Can we try a little bit to adhere to this standard? Please?
You might as well ask for world peace.

Taunting is what Agent J does. Check his thread history.
The argument about the aquifers is specious IMO. This is not near-surface water and, as the map shows, they can literally be found anywhere you want to look.

It's an attempt to make all pipelines impossible and indirectly attack the O&G industry itself. All of these objections could be raised during the approval process. The fact of the approval rebuts your contention that there is a significant danger.

Again, pipelines are an improvement on rail transport.
Nobody is arguing that pipelines can be safer and move a lot more oil just don't put them where they can contaminate peoples drinking water
Trans Canada pipeline company does not have a very good track record when it comes to keeping oil inside their pipes
and on top of it Tar sand oil is very corrosive and eats the pipe from the inside out and they can't see what is happening till there is a leak
Here is a search and links about their track record
wow 22 spills in 12 years and some really big ones
yes some are real small probably because there were people right there when it happened and others in the hundreds of thousands of gallons
latest one 588,000 gallons last Dec
as I said I wouldn't trust this company with a tar sand oil pipeline seeing it is so corrosive
and with their pipelines that transport Tar sand oil getting older they will start leaking more as the tar sand oil eats the pipe away from the inside out
Have a nice day
Last edited:
Nobody is arguing that pipelines can be safer and move a lot more oil
That's everything.

just don't put them where they can contaminate peoples drinking water
That's nowhere.

The fact that aquifers are ubiquitous is why this argument is specious. It is also after the fact. The time to raise it was during the approval process.

Trans Canada pipeline company does not have a very good track record when it comes to keeping oil inside their pipes
As was this.

and on top of it Tar sand oil is very corrosive and eats the pipe from the inside out and they can't see what is happening till there is a leak
Here is a search and links about their track record
wow 22 spills in 12 years and some really big ones
yes some are real small probably because there were people right there when it happened and others in the hundreds of thousands of gallons
latest one 588,000 gallons last Dec
as I said I wouldn't trust this company with a tar sand oil pipeline seeing it is so corrosive
and with their pipelines that transport Tar sand oil getting older they will start leaking more as the tar sand oil eats the pipe away from the inside out
Have a nice day
Now you are repeating already covered points.

If you could show that it was not safer than the status quo you might have something. So far, you haven't tried.
And the Dodge Train rolls on.
Canada was upset when we canceled it.
Environmentalists are not trying to be fair or give genuine arguments. They are attacking the concept of extracting oil.
The tar sands would be diverted. It's the point of the project.
Reread the ... Never mind. You aren't interested in discussion much less an honest one.
The Dodge train is in full course.
If you buy a fact let me know.
You might as well ask for world peace.
Taunting is what Agent J does. Check his thread history.
Hey look ANOTHER failed and retarded dodge post that answers zero questions and is a personal attack again me, doesn't back up any of your false claims in anyway and easily gets the shit kicked out LMAO
I love it

ill ask you AGAIN and will watch your post dodge, deflect attack and or straman AGAIN
what would gas be today if the pipeline wasn't rejected by the WH and many other roadblocks in its way that still weren't cleared
The Keystone XL was going to be a branch of the Keystone Pipeline that currently exists pictured below which is a Canadian pipeline owned by TC Energy that carries Canadian tar sand oil for Asian markets but was never built. It had many issues being built fo over 10 years due to environmental concerns and eminent domain issues.
View attachment 67380265

For those of you claiming that this would have magically helped the situation we are in now and we wouldn't be in it if it was built can you tell us what the average "gas" prices would factually be

in us (currently around 4.25)?
in the world (currently about 4.90)?


oh yeah and for those that just think the pipeline was just "shut off" and needs to be turned back on, i wouldn't even post if i was you LOL

welp so far everything in the OP still stands . . . .wonder why its triggered some nutters almost a year later?
did i miss this in the loon tunes news cycles of fox, newsmax, aon and other bat shiti insane propaganda and false narrative pushers? LMAO

so here we are int he same spot

The Keystone XL was going to be a branch of the Keystone Pipeline that currently exists pictured in the quote above which is a Canadian pipeline owned by TC Energy that carries Canadian tar sand oil for Asian markets but was never built. It had many issues being built for over 10 years due to environmental concerns and eminent domain issues.

if it had ZERO road blocks there were gusitmates it could be completed last year and possible running by this spring

but those facts aside

again for those of you claiming that this would have magically helped the situation we are in now and we wouldn't be in it if it was built can you tell us what the average "gas" prices would factually be
by all means guesstimate and support your guess with something intellectual, economically sound nad how the XL would fix the situation

😁 🍿

That's everything.

That's nowhere.

The fact that aquifers are ubiquitous is why this argument is specious. It is also after the fact. The time to raise it was during the approval process.

As was this.

Now you are repeating already covered points.

If you could show that it was not safer than the status quo you might have something. So far, you haven't tried.
I NEVER said they weren't
In FACT I said they were but they have to be watched and as YOU and I know Tar sand oil is VERY corrosive and the pipeline TC put in years ago are now getting old and starting to leak more
and I unlike you would rather have people be able to have fresh drinking water and not take a chance they could be poisoned by tar sand oil then letting a pipeline company that hasn't got the best safety record destroy their water and some of their land and possibly even KILL them.
as I said before the EPA told the pipeline company that if they would run the XL pipeline next to the old Keystone pipeline they wouldn't have had a problem with it , that way the pipeline company already had pipe watchers in place and the new pipeline wouldn't be putting more peoples water supply in danger for getting polluted with the dirtiest oil known to man
and after Obama vetoed the bill authorizing the XL pipeline there was a movement to override his veto they needed 4 more Senators to vote for it but the Republican Senators from the southwest states did not vote for it so blame them
Have a nice day
welp so far everything in the OP still stands . . . .wonder why its triggered some nutters almost a year later?
did i miss this in the loon tunes news cycles of fox, newsmax, aon and other bat shiti insane propaganda and false narrative pushers? LMAO

so here we are int he same spot

The Keystone XL was going to be a branch of the Keystone Pipeline that currently exists pictured in the quote above which is a Canadian pipeline owned by TC Energy that carries Canadian tar sand oil for Asian markets but was never built. It had many issues being built for over 10 years due to environmental concerns and eminent domain issues.

if it had ZERO road blocks there were gusitmates it could be completed last year and possible running by this spring

but those facts aside

again for those of you claiming that this would have magically helped the situation we are in now and we wouldn't be in it if it was built can you tell us what the average "gas" prices would factually be
by all means guesstimate and support your guess with something intellectual, economically sound nad how the XL would fix the situation

😁 🍿

Yep the XL pipeline was phase 4 of the larger Keystone pipeline NOT in phase 4 of construction
it was only 8% complete and if Biden didn't stop it it still wouldn't be complete
have a nice day
welp so far everything in the OP still stands . . . .wonder why its triggered some nutters almost a year later?
did i miss this in the loon tunes news cycles of fox, newsmax, aon and other bat shiti insane propaganda and false narrative pushers? LMAO

so here we are int he same spot

The Keystone XL was going to be a branch of the Keystone Pipeline that currently exists pictured in the quote above which is a Canadian pipeline owned by TC Energy that carries Canadian tar sand oil for Asian markets but was never built. It had many issues being built for over 10 years due to environmental concerns and eminent domain issues.

if it had ZERO road blocks there were gusitmates it could be completed last year and possible running by this spring

but those facts aside

again for those of you claiming that this would have magically helped the situation we are in now and we wouldn't be in it if it was built can you tell us what the average "gas" prices would factually be
by all means guesstimate and support your guess with something intellectual, economically sound nad how the XL would fix the situation

😁 🍿

I wonder if these people on the right in the US ever wondered why the Canadians didn't want it built to their west coast
maybe they like their fresh water
have a nice day
I wonder if these people on the right nutters in the US ever wondered why the Canadians didn't want it built to their west coast
maybe they like their fresh water
have a nice day

SHHHHHHHHH dont ask common sense questions that they don't care to know the answers too and the answers don't matter anyway
the sheep go only by the false narratives and propaganda they are fed

like i said there are still nutters to this day that think the pipeline was just "shut off"
there are others that think it was super close to completion and would have immediately been delivering "gasoline" to use markets
etc etc etc
Hey look ANOTHER failed and retarded dodge post that answers zero questions and is a personal attack again me, doesn't back up any of your false claims in anyway and easily gets the shit kicked out LMAO
I love it
View attachment 67434118

ill ask you AGAIN and will watch your post dodge, deflect attack and or straman AGAIN
what would gas be today if the pipeline wasn't rejected by the WH and many other roadblocks in its way that still weren't cleared
You are getting slow.

You climbed started dodging questions multiple posts ago
Yep the XL pipeline was phase 4 of the larger Keystone pipeline NOT in phase 4 of construction
it was only 8% complete and if Biden didn't stop it it still wouldn't be complete
have a nice day
This is simply wrong.

The project was in construction phase. That means all the ground testing and foundation work is finished and 8% of the actual pipeline is in place. The construction would have been completed over a year ago. That leaves only testing and certification.
You are getting slow.

You climbed started dodging questions multiple posts ago
BOOM!!!! and another dodge by your posts
not sure if its English but its certainly another dodge LMAO

ill ask you AGAIN and will watch your post dodge, deflect attack and or strawman AGAIN
what would gas be today if the pipeline wasn't rejected by the WH and many other roadblocks in its way that still weren't cleared

who bets the OP question is dodged and run from AGAIN?
This is simply wrong.

The project was in construction phase. That means all the ground testing and foundation work is finished and 8% of the actual pipeline is in place. The construction would have been completed over a year ago. That leaves only testing and certification.
This is simply wrong.

The project was in construction phase. That means all the ground testing and foundation work is finished and 8% of the actual pipeline is in place. The construction would have been completed over a year ago. That leaves only testing and certification.
WHY don't YOU READ the link everything you need to know about the Keystone XL pipeline before you make stupid statements ?
This is simply wrong.

The project was in construction phase. That means all the ground testing and foundation work is finished and 8% of the actual pipeline is in place. The construction would have been completed over a year ago. That leaves only testing and certification.
again why don't you read the link I posted
and read this one too
here is the search https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search...lc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1wdHktYn

and the VERY FIRST thing that shows up is this

" Stevenson confirmed that as of late 2020, about 152 kilometers, or 93 miles, of pipeline had been laid near the U.S.-Canada border. Therefore, about 8% of the planned 1,210-mile XL extension had been built by the time President Biden revoked the permit "

Fact Check-Though Keystone XL Pipeline had secured most of its funding, it was only 8% constructed​

Owned by North American company TC Energy, the Keystone XL Pipeline “is the fourth phase of the Keystone Pipeline System,” an existing 2,687-mile pipeline whose Canadian portion “runs from Hardisty, Alberta, east into Manitoba where it turns south and crosses the border into North Dakota,” according to the company’s website (here).
and IF you are going to keep telling people they are wrong why don't you post some links to back up your accusations?

and AGAIN a LOT of the info in these links comes right from the pipeline company
are you going to say they don't know what they are talking about?
Have a nice day

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