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Keystone XL pipeline and its actual impact (1 Viewer)

WHY don't YOU READ the link everything you need to know about the Keystone XL pipeline before you make stupid statements ?

again why don't you read the link I posted
and read this one too
here is the search https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search...lc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1wdHktYn

and the VERY FIRST thing that shows up is this

" Stevenson confirmed that as of late 2020, about 152 kilometers, or 93 miles, of pipeline had been laid near the U.S.-Canada border. Therefore, about 8% of the planned 1,210-mile XL extension had been built by the time President Biden revoked the permit "

Fact Check-Though Keystone XL Pipeline had secured most of its funding, it was only 8% constructed
Owned by North American company TC Energy, the Keystone XL Pipeline “is the fourth phase of the Keystone Pipeline System,” an existing 2,687-mile pipeline whose Canadian portion “runs from Hardisty, Alberta, east into Manitoba where it turns south and crosses the border into North Dakota,” according to the company’s website (here).
and IF you are going to keep telling people they are wrong why don't you post some links to back up your accusations?

and AGAIN a LOT of the info in these links comes right from the pipeline company
are you going to say they don't know what they are talking about?
Have a nice day
You contradict yourself. You say that construction is 8% complete as if that were not a huge problem for your position. Why you think that the position of the pipeline is significant is unclear.

What you should be citing is predictions on how long it would take to complete the remaining construction. Instead, your key information is conspicuously absent.
You contradict yourself. You say that construction is 8% complete as if that were not a huge problem for your position. Why you think that the position of the pipeline is significant is unclear.

What you should be citing is predictions on how long it would take to complete the remaining construction. Instead, your key information is conspicuously absent.
My point is IF you would do some reading on the subject you might NOT be making a fool of yourself
the XL pipeline was NOT in phase four of construction IT WAS THE PHASE FOUR
" https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search...xQt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1
  • TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd, abbreviated here as Keystone, operates four phases of the project. In 2013, the first two phases had the capacity to deliver up to 590,000 barrels (94,000 m 3) per day of oil into the Midwest refineries.
here is ANOTHER link that might help you understand


I don't know how much simpler I can make it for you
Have a nice day
You contradict yourself. You say that construction is 8% complete as if that were not a huge problem for your position. Why you think that the position of the pipeline is significant is unclear.

What you should be citing is predictions on how long it would take to complete the remaining construction. Instead, your key information is conspicuously absent.
and another thing why should I care how long it would have taken to complete ?
The oil was going to be shipped overseas and it doesn't get made into gas here so it would have had NO effect on our gas prices
or gas / fuel supply
Have a nice day
My point is IF you would do some reading on the subject you might NOT be making a fool of yourself
the XL pipeline was NOT in phase four of construction IT WAS THE PHASE FOUR
" https://search.yahoo.com/yhs/search...xQt.;_ylc=X1MDMjExNDcwMDU1OQRfcgMyBGZyA3locy1
  • TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd, abbreviated here as Keystone, operates four phases of the project. In 2013, the first two phases had the capacity to deliver up to 590,000 barrels (94,000 m 3) per day of oil into the Midwest refineries.
here is ANOTHER link that might help you understand

View attachment 67434192

I don't know how much simpler I can make it for you
Have a nice day
We keep shooting yourself in the foot.

All this stuff is not relevant to main point which is when the project would have completed. You have nothing on that.

and another thing why should I care how long it would have taken to complete ?
Because that was the original point.

The oil was going to be shipped overseas
It wasn't.

The point is to get it to the high tech refineries in Louisiana.

and it doesn't get made into gas here so it would have had NO effect on our gas prices
This is 100% wrong because it was for US refinement and US consumption.

or gas / fuel supply
Especially wrong on this one.

Have a nice day
We keep shooting yourself in the foot.

All this stuff is not relevant to main point which is when the project would have completed. You have nothing on that.

Because that was the original point.

It wasn't.

The point is to get it to the high tech refineries in Louisiana.

This is 100% wrong because it was for US refinement and US consumption.

Especially wrong on this one.

For one thing AGAIN IF YOU would read some of the links I posted and not try to BS your way out of it you would have found out when they thought it would have been completed.
#2 it went to those High tech refineries to be processed into something that could be put on ships and sent overseas
again IF YOU WOULD read , we use VERY little of it and it is for plastics and lubricants NOT GAS
Please STOP making a fool of yourself and READ some of those links especially the one everything you need to know about the Keystone XL pipeline and you might want to tag on some of the blue words there is more info there
AGAIN here is several of the links that will help you understand what in the heck you are talking about
most of all the answers to your questions are in those two links
PLEASE !!! PLEASE read some of these links and stop making yourself look like an ass
Have a nice day
For one thing AGAIN IF YOU would read some of the links I posted and not try to BS your way out of it you would have found out when they thought it would have been completed.
#2 it went to those High tech refineries to be processed into something that could be put on ships and sent overseas
again IF YOU WOULD read , we use VERY little of it and it is for plastics and lubricants NOT GAS
Please STOP making a fool of yourself and READ some of those links especially the one everything you need to know about the Keystone XL pipeline and you might want to tag on some of the blue words there is more info there
AGAIN here is several of the links that will help you understand what in the heck you are talking about
most of all the answers to your questions are in those two links
PLEASE !!! PLEASE read some of these links and stop making yourself look like an ass
Have a nice day
Why do you keep pushing that out? It doesn't help your position.

It does not answer the fundamental question of how much construction time remained. The point is that they were actually welding pipe when the Biden administration pulled the plug. It took almost ten years to get to that point but the end was in sight and work was well under way.

If you have relevant facts bring them. This snippet has very little and it isn't on point.
The Keystone XL was going to be a branch of the Keystone Pipeline that currently exists pictured below which is a Canadian pipeline owned by TC Energy that carries Canadian tar sand oil for Asian markets but was never built. It had many issues being built fo over 10 years due to environmental concerns and eminent domain issues.
View attachment 67380265

For those of you claiming that this would have magically helped the situation we are in now and we wouldn't be in it if it was built can you tell us what the average "gas" prices would factually be

in us (currently around 4.25)?
in the world (currently about 4.90)?

if it was built.
*if the word "factually" by all means guesstimate and support your guess with something intellectual, economically sound nad how the XL would fix the situation


oh yeah and for those that just think the pipeline was just "shut off" and needs to be turned back on, i wouldn't even post if i was you LOL
I wish you would have asked how it would have benefitted the US energy situation. As you said, this oil was bound for markets outside of the US. If it were pumping, the oil would have gone to the global market, increasing global supply and putting downward pressure on US oil sold into that market. It would have had a smaller impact by likely lowering the price (by just a little bit) on global oil imported to the US.
Why do you keep pushing that out? It doesn't help your position.

It does not answer the fundamental question of how much construction time remained. The point is that they were actually welding pipe when the Biden administration pulled the plug. It took almost ten years to get to that point but the end was in sight and work was well under way.

If you have relevant facts bring them. This snippet has very little and it isn't on point.
It is completely on point.
"Reuters spoke via email with James Stevenson, a spokesperson for the Canada Energy Regulator, which oversees the Canadian portion of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Stevenson confirmed that as of late 2020, about 152 kilometers, or 93 miles, of pipeline had been laid near the U.S.-Canada border. Therefore, about 8% of the planned 1,210-mile XL extension had been built by the time President Biden revoked the permit."
I wish you would have asked how it would have benefitted the US energy situation. As you said, this oil was bound for markets outside of the US. If it were pumping, the oil would have gone to the global market, increasing global supply and putting downward pressure on US oil sold into that market. It would have had a smaller impact by likely lowering the price (by just a little bit) on global oil imported to the US.
correct, theres no matrix out there that shows if we could snap our fingers and made it open 2 years ago that it would of had any legitimate impact
It is completely on point.
"Reuters spoke via email with James Stevenson, a spokesperson for the Canada Energy Regulator, which oversees the Canadian portion of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Stevenson confirmed that as of late 2020, about 152 kilometers, or 93 miles, of pipeline had been laid near the U.S.-Canada border. Therefore, about 8% of the planned 1,210-mile XL extension had been built by the time President Biden revoked the permit."
It says absolutely nothing about the pace of construction or the expected completion date.

Not relevant.

correct, theres no matrix out there that shows if we could snap our fingers and made it open 2 years ago that it would of had any legitimate impact
This I will give you.

Testing and certification would take time. The impact would only begin after it was approved for use.
The Keystone XL was going to be a branch of the Keystone Pipeline that currently exists pictured below which is a Canadian pipeline owned by TC Energy that carries Canadian tar sand oil for Asian markets but was never built. It had many issues being built fo over 10 years due to environmental concerns and eminent domain issues.
View attachment 67380265

For those of you claiming that this would have magically helped the situation we are in now and we wouldn't be in it if it was built can you tell us what the average "gas" prices would factually be

in us (currently around 4.25)?
in the world (currently about 4.90)?

if it was built.
*if the word "factually" by all means guesstimate and support your guess with something intellectual, economically sound nad how the XL would fix the situation


oh yeah and for those that just think the pipeline was just "shut off" and needs to be turned back on, i wouldn't even post if i was you LOL

This story dastes as far back to 1977 for me. Nothing has changed. It's proponents are still lying

1. Tar sands oil is not suitable as fuel. So pump prices cannot be affected.

3. There is no economic model beyond the fact China wants that oil in particular....now.

4. The tars sands and it's pipelines have been severely opposed by a majority of Canadians, since their inception.

5. Any government approving any pipeline these days would be committing political suicide. The Liberal government has earmarked $ 80 billion to invest in electric cars and airplanes. Forget pipelines like the buggy whip.

6. Keystone has the worst record in the world for spills.

7. There was absolutely NO benefit to American or Canadian taxpayers and the number of jobs it would create was highly exaggerated, most were to be in Canada anyway.

8. Although ugly as sin the tar sands area is rich in fossils and scientist believe thousands of secrets lie buried there, including how this strange substance was created. The fact that no one knows should alarm anyone.

9. With Bush's help, it became a political football when he slapped a 35% tariff on Canadian lumber, and toyed with investors.

10. No one but politicians and hacks give a shit.

11. The age of burning fossil fuels is dead, just no one's scheduled the wake.

12. It's time to move on. For me it's been nearly a half a century and a few wars ago.

I visited the site in 1977. It stank, the air left an oily feel on the skin. Then it's developers had a great story! The age of high oil prices was over!

If someone tried to revive this dead pig, Canada would immediately shut it down or get turfed from office
It says absolutely nothing about the pace of construction or the expected completion date.

Not relevant.

This I will give you.

Testing and certification would take time. The impact would only begin after it was approved for use.
What impact do you imagine it would have had assuming your most optimistic outcome?
What impact do you imagine it would have had assuming your most optimistic outcome?
The biggest economic impact is on jobs in the refineries. They were constructed to handle the viscous acidic crude oil from Venezuela. They can handle this and have been below capacity for some time.

In gas/diesel/heating oil prices maybe a few cents. Because of the impact of diesel prices on shipping costs, this would have a magnified impact but still a small one.

Politically, it's mostly about security and peace of mind. It would give us more trade with Canada and keeps the business in North America. It's a supply that cannot be cut off by events in the Middle East, Russia, or South America.
Do you know how to READ??????????????
as the links tell you IF YOU WOULD HAVE READ THEM it would have been several YEARS yet that was back in 2021
FACT IS it was ONLY 8% complete in 2021 and that info is right from the pipeline company
and IF YOU would have read the links I provided you you would have got real FACTS YES those " snippets " are FULL of REAL facts so why don't you READ the God dang things and STOP wasting my time and making an ass of yourself?
YOU have NOT posted ONE fact while I have posted MANY links with MANY FACTS
IF YOU have a problem with simple comprehension PLEASE get some help I am sure there has to be a third grader or fourth grader around to help you
Have a nice night
The biggest economic impact is on jobs in the refineries. They were constructed to handle the viscous acidic crude oil from Venezuela. They can handle this and have been below capacity for some time.

In gas/diesel/heating oil prices maybe a few cents. Because of the impact of diesel prices on shipping costs, this would have a magnified impact but still a small one.

Politically, it's mostly about security and peace of mind. It would give us more trade with Canada and keeps the business in North America. It's a supply that cannot be cut off by events in the Middle East, Russia, or South America.
as not only I but other people have pointed out to you most of this type of oil is used in Plastics and lubricants NOT GAS or other fuels
and when the KOCH's found out their refineries in the Gulf region could process it and ship it overseas they spent millions if not Billions to get the Keystone pipeline built
when are YOU ever going to post some real FACTS and stop the BS
several people including me have posted many links with FACTS some right from the pipeline company and as of yet I don't remember YOU posting ONE
have a nice day
The biggest economic impact is on jobs in the refineries. They were constructed to handle the viscous acidic crude oil from Venezuela. They can handle this and have been below capacity for some time.

In gas/diesel/heating oil prices maybe a few cents. Because of the impact of diesel prices on shipping costs, this would have a magnified impact but still a small one.

Politically, it's mostly about security and peace of mind. It would give us more trade with Canada and keeps the business in North America. It's a supply that cannot be cut off by events in the Middle East, Russia, or South America.

Hopefully it will get worse.

You are wrong about refinement.
as not only I but other people have pointed out to you most of this type of oil is used in Plastics and lubricants NOT GAS or other fuels
and when the KOCH's found out their refineries in the Gulf region could process it and ship it overseas they spent millions if not Billions to get the Keystone pipeline built
when are YOU ever going to post some real FACTS and stop the BS
several people including me have posted many links with FACTS some right from the pipeline company and as of yet I don't remember YOU posting ONE
have a nice day
I fail to see a problem here. What is your point?

What are these facts you refer to? I recall an irrelevant note pertaining to an article. That's not much in the way of factual evidence.

Hopefully it will get worse.
Is more unemployment your goal?

Oh. Wait. It is your goal. That's dark.

You are wrong about refinement.
Unhelpful. Be more specific.
I fail to see a problem here. What is your point?

What are these facts you refer to? I recall an irrelevant note pertaining to an article. That's not much in the way of factual evidence.

Is more unemployment your goal?

Oh. Wait. It is your goal. That's dark.

Unhelpful. Be more specific.

I fail to see a problem here. What is your point?

What are these facts you refer to? I recall an irrelevant note pertaining to an article. That's not much in the way of factual evidence.

Is more unemployment your goal?

Oh. Wait. It is your goal. That's dark.

Unhelpful. Be more specific.
well maybe IF you would read some of the links I provided YOU just might learn something
Have a nice day
The biggest economic impact is on jobs in the refineries. They were constructed to handle the viscous acidic crude oil from Venezuela. They can handle this and have been below capacity for some time.

In gas/diesel/heating oil prices maybe a few cents. Because of the impact of diesel prices on shipping costs, this would have a magnified impact but still a small one.

Politically, it's mostly about security and peace of mind. It would give us more trade with Canada and keeps the business in North America. It's a supply that cannot be cut off by events in the Middle East, Russia, or South America.
Projected jobs.

Doubt it. The amount of fuel placed by the pipeline into the global supply would insufficient to move prices that much.

Trade with Canada? We don't even use the oil they would be piping through America.

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