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Kerry is my President and yours (1 Viewer)

Jun 5, 2004
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In a free country!
You should already consider John Kerry as the president of the United States of America because of the recent drop in approval of George W. after the tragic execution of Mr Paul Johnson Jr. Face it fellows, it's a mess back there and John Kerry is the man to get us out of it.


  • Ingres,_Napoleon_on_his_Imperial_throne.jpg
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History has shown us that all canidates that have racked up major "approval" ratings even before the caucus - have lost bigtime in November.

We will see.
While I may not agree with everything President W. Bush has done, I still don't think that Kerry will win. Aside from my personal dislike of this man, for reason I expand on other than he just reminds me of scraping fingernails down a chalkboard. I don't really care for the man.

I can understand holding off accepting his nomination to get more funds for his campaign and all. However it just seems to me that he's stalling, He hasn't even announced a running mate. Maybe it's because no one will run with him? I dunno.

The overall approval rating just goes to show how easily people forget, and are swayed. It will definately be an interesting race.
Hey face Talon, we can't run this country based on your personal preference for a man. Look at what the man stands for and what he represents; Look at what he brings to the table and his commitment to overturn the disaster of economy we're in. That alone should tell you even when you don't like him personally, you should go out and vote for him.
The Liberal Puke said:
Hey face Talon, we can't run this country based on your personal preference for a man.

Technically, isn't this what voting is?? Each man's (and woman's) personal preference for a candidate?

While Talon's opinion alone isn't going to sway the election (unless he's living in Florida :roll: ), voting is still a choice. Some choose to vote based on a candidate's record, some on the lies they tell during the election, some just go on a gut feeling.
Look at what the man stands for and what he represents; Look at what he brings to the table and his commitment to overturn the disaster of economy we're in.
What he stands for in my opinion is nothing but plain and simple socialism. Higher Taxes and more government regulation and control.Bending over for the international comunity like a virgin on prom night. All he is bringing to the table is how to marry really rich women twice and how to get payed for not showing up at work. the disaster economy has been on its way out since the tax cuts GW started to take effect. Liberal_puke if you like giving more of your money to the government besure to vote for Kerry he will be more than happy to spend it on some worthless UN sanctioned event. John Kerry is nothing but a communist supporting pantywaste of an american in my opinion


  • Read my Shirt Lips.jpg
    Read my Shirt Lips.jpg
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the disaster economy has been on its way out since the tax cuts GW started to take effect

Remind me how the tax cuts is taking any effect. It seems to me that it has been a flip flop in recents job surveys, one week unemployment goes up and the other it goes down. My friends are still out there looking for a job, stock market is still plunging, interest rate despite marginal raise can't go any higher because they know it can't. All these were propaganda, campaign move to make us believe that the economy is really overturning. We all know Kerry is the man who's going to tighten this shit back, make an upswing and put us back on track.
Remind me how the tax cuts is taking any effect.

Many people went out an bought stuff that they never would have likewise because they considered it a bonus. The small business was the most affected. Some people fixed thier houses, some people bought computer stuff, some people paid off debt. Nationally, this was an incredible increase in spending - which created a significant improvement to the status quo at the time.

It seems to me that it has been a flip flop in recents job surveys, one week unemployment goes up and the other it goes down.

You are describing a fluid economic structure - which creates liqidity in the stock market. This is GOOD thing for an economic turn around. Two years ago this was a different story. Right now, because it's a business market for employers, they have the right to wait for the best persons for the job. When this stablizes, which it will, companies will grow faster than they ever have before.

My friends are still out there looking for a job, stock market is still plunging, interest rate despite marginal raise can't go any higher because they know it can't.

There are still lots of people without a job - that is changing. 911 contributed a boat load of this issue, but some how Bush is blamed for it. Bush is fixing it. So far, he has done a helluva job. The interest rates are indeed increasing, believe it or not we want to be viable in the global economy - our intrest rates are still very low. Stock market plunged (past tense) and is on it's way up.

We all know Kerry is the man who's going to tighten this shit back, make an upswing and put us back on track.

I could grant you this argument, if Kerry had a plan. He does not. He just claims that he can fix it - but hasn't shown us any tools that he is playing with. Please let us know HOW he is going to fix it.

Be honest, you don't like Bush - that is the crux of the matter. That is acceptable. But, to claim that Kerry can to a better job without any real evidence is like making a boat out of lead - it just doesn't float.

...if Kerry had a plan.

Oh, but haven't you heard? Kerry has a plan on how to execute the war on terror, he just doesn't want to show what cards he has in hand. How is it that he can say that as President, he would have jumped up out of the chair and taken care of business, yet, by his own account Senator Kerry just sat there with some of his esteemed colleagues and nobody could even think upon hearing of the attacks? (Kerry's own words on Larry King Live: http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0407/08/lkl.00.html )

Back to the economy. By all accounts, our economy should be in a shambles given the recent attacks, yet we are in a state of growth. It speaks volumes of our President's leadership and the general gumption and where-with-all of this great country we live in. :drink
Here's a qoute from the Larry King Live transcript above:

KERRY: They're very rushed to war, without the plans to win the peace, without adequate support, to minimize the risk to America, and to minimize the cost to America. The job of the commander in chief is to do both of those things and maximize the capacity of their success.

Can someone please clarify for me just what it is that Kerry thinks the CINC should do?
"minimize the risk to america" please remind me how many troops have been lost in the entire war on terror..... and compair that figure to those lost in ww2, korea and veit nam. if you want to see how the risk has been minimized compair the war on terror to D-day

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