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Keeping your PC/LapTop Clean after that first year [W:39] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 19, 2013
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Political Leaning
I'm a Computer guy and I notice that most people, from all walks of life, even those who are into computers, generally don't realize that the $600-1200 computer they just bought will be utterly destroyed by the end of the year in almost all cases because they're simply unaware of basic measures to perform to keep that from happening. I'll have gamers that went out and spent $1700 on a computer simply go out and buy another one after a year because theirs is completely destroyed. It's shocking. They're willing to go pay a paycheck for a computer but they're not willing to learn how to protect it. And you can only imagine if the gamers can't protect their computers (they can't) then the others are completely hopeless cases (they are).

After going through those stages myself when younger, and having spent probably $5-7k before realizing buying new computers wasn't the answer. I have reached a sweet spot. Have had the same system going for the last 3 years and it's still going from day 1 quality thanks to literally less than 5 steps that you should (and NEED to do) every week at bare minimum at least once unless forking over $1000+ for a new PC every year is just not an issue to you.

Key truths to know beforehand:

-Free antivirus, free anti spyware DOES NOT WORK. Corporations don't use them and they're all about getting the most for their dollar. If Corporations don't trust their crap $500 computers with free antivirus software, why do you think that is? (Here's a hint: It isn't because you know more than the corporations, you don't know more than their IT guys rest assured. Free antivirus programs ONLY protect you from the 500 newest threats created 4-5 months ago. In other words, the 50,000+ threats created in the last month they don't protect your computer against at all. In other words, free antiviruses are 100% worthless and do not actually protect your computer. Repeat. If you have free antivirus on your computer, your computer is actively being destroyed as we speak.)

-Paid antivirus software covers the latest virus definitions. It DOES work. Free antivirus software covers the virus definitions from 4-5 months ago. Guess how much that helps your computer? None. They are worthless. How can you expect them not to be? Paid Antivirus companies pay employees to sit there all day finding the latest virus definitions and blocking them. Free antivirus doesn't (and obviously) can't do this.

So here are steps that can help you save your computer and make it last years.

-Use a major brand paid antivirus program and update it regularly. You can get one for as cheap as $30 for a year. That's less than three fast food trips in cost to protect your $900+ computer for a year........Yeahhh. Get realistic.

-Don't use Apple Computer products. PC's are more powerful and now that you're going to be able to keep it clean, there's no point in using weak Apple garbage. Ugh. Disgusting Apple Computers. Blah.

-Now. Do exactly as I say. Right click on your desktop. Create New Shortcut. Create the shortcut name MSCONFIG. After creating it, find it on desktop and open it. LEAVE THIS SHORTCUT ON DESKTOP FOREVER. Go to the Startup Tab. Here is what has been raping you for a long time. It's time to kill the rapist. Disable all the 3rd party programs such as Skype, Apple, Itunes and the other 20 junk 3rd party programs that are obviously not needed on startup. This is what slows your PC down when you start it. You can still manually open these programs, they just won't autostart from now on (which is good).

-Run the Disk Defragmenter at least once every 3 weeks.

-Run File Cleanup once every 3 weeks.

-Go to the Computer on Run, click it, find it in the window and right click it and go to properties. Go to the Tools tab and find where it says Error Checking. Click check now and when the box pops up, check BOTH the boxes and run the check. DO THIS ONCE A MONTH! THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS THAT NOBODY EVER TOLD YOU TO DO. IT IS PROBABLY THE ONE THING THAT IS THE DECIDING FACTOR BETWEEN YOUR COMPUTER SLOWLY DYING OVER A YEAR AND OR RUNNING GREAT FOR 4-5 YEARS!!! I have run this on $2000 computers that were near death and, because this check had never been run, after it ran for 3 hours fixing things, the computer literally went back to day 1 out of box system quality. This should be run once a month. It fixes and maintains the HardDrive from slow but assured errors that accumulate and destroy the computer internally. Computer companies DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THIS (because the Hard Drive IS your computer).
I agree with a couple things you said, but I have found good anti-malware programs for free. The paid anti-virus programs screw up about as often as the free one I use, so I'm not interested in paying over and over again for it.
I have always been told that Microsoft security essentials works well enough. If you stay away from sketchy tube sites and avoid illegal downloads, you are probably ahead of the game. I think a mistake some business make is that they do not layer their security so that there is the same level of protection on the desktops as there is on the servers.
I too call BS on the OP's anti-virus tirade.

Malwarebytes, Microsoft Security Essentials, & CCleaner have kept multiple computers running in my house for many years.

The biggest problems I ever had were with McCafee when I paid for it.

Of course my own personal computer has Linux Ubuntu as the OS, so all that anti-virus crap is more of an in-direct issue for me.
I agree with a couple things you said, but I have found good anti-malware programs for free. The paid anti-virus programs screw up about as often as the free one I use, so I'm not interested in paying over and over again for it.

They don't screw up if you use them correctly lol.

Free antiviruses simply do not protect against the latest threats, which is what makes them worthless. Again, this thread is for the average person using PC's, not someone using Linux or Apple products. Those represent very few people in comparison. Most people against paid antivirus programs are people who don't relate to normal computer users. They're usually weird Linux users or Apple users that don't use computers for the same normal reasons most do anyways, so their perspectives, while there, are irrelevant to most peoples concerns. Which explains their conspiratorial view of paid antivirus programs that help average users.

I'm not against people advocating good practices but certainly people need to highlight that the average person does not have the skills to run Linux or the care to pay for that much more for an Apple logo.

And again, free antivirus programs do not work. They do not protect a computer from the latest virus definitions, which makes them worthless.
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Use a condom. It keeps the spooge off the keyboard.
-Free antivirus, free anti spyware DOES NOT WORK. Corporations don't use them and they're all about getting the most for their dollar. If Corporations don't trust their crap $500 computers with free antivirus software, why do you think that is? (Here's a hint: It isn't because you know more than the corporations, you don't know more than their IT guys rest assured. Free antivirus programs ONLY protect you from the 500 newest threats created 4-5 months ago. In other words, the 50,000+ threats created in the last month they don't protect your computer against at all. In other words, free antiviruses are 100% worthless and do not actually protect your computer. Repeat. If you have free antivirus on your computer, your computer is actively being destroyed as we speak.)

Sorry but it does work. Some are crap, but there are a few ones that can be recommend. Avast, and Avira are both highly rated. For basic protection they are just fine. I would recommend at the moment Avast.

Now the issue with these "free anti-virus" is that they are getting bigger and bigger and more bloated. Take AVG, it use to be a nice light weight anti-virus program, but the last year or so it has turned into malware in my opinion. Not only has it grown from a 15 mb download file to a 140+mb file, but it has added a lot of additional things. Now anti-malware and spyware protection is good, but in the latest versions it has added the dreaded "tune-up" crap.

The whole idea behind "free antivirus" is that people pay for it eventually. Hence AVG, Avast, Avira and so on are good, but buying them is even better.

-Paid antivirus software covers the latest virus definitions. It DOES work. Free antivirus software covers the virus definitions from 4-5 months ago. Guess how much that helps your computer? None. They are worthless. How can you expect them not to be? Paid Antivirus companies pay employees to sit there all day finding the latest virus definitions and blocking them. Free antivirus doesn't (and obviously) can't do this.

Yes they do work and they are cheaper now days. I would always recommend using a paid antivirus software from a major provider. Even here you have to be very very careful in what to invest in. The "safe" ones are the following.

Norton - I do not recommend.. too bloated and too annoying. And impossible to remove.. need special uninstaller, which is annoying.
McAfee - I do not recommend... too bloated and too annoying.
Kaspersky - Recommended.. the company is at the forefront of fighting virus/malware/spyware. It was the one that discovered Stuxnet.
Panda - Never used, but heard a lot of good about it, plus has a cool name.
Bitdefender - Recommended.. most of the independent reviews the last 2 years have put this company at the top followed by Kaspersky.
F-Secure - One of the old ones in the business.. not tried in 20 years.
Trend Mirco - Only used their online scanner which is quite good.
G Data - Never used.
Bullguard - Never used. Heard of some issues.

What to watch out for is fake anti-virus. If a website or something pops up and says "you are infected"... dont click yes for a clean. They will try to trick you.. beware.

So here are steps that can help you save your computer and make it last years.

-Use a major brand paid antivirus program and update it regularly. You can get one for as cheap as $30 for a year. That's less than three fast food trips in cost to protect your $900+ computer for a year........Yeahhh. Get realistic.

Agree see above.

-Don't use Apple Computer products. PC's are more powerful and now that you're going to be able to keep it clean, there's no point in using weak Apple garbage. Ugh. Disgusting Apple Computers. Blah.

Agree plus you are highly insecure since there is next to no protection against spyware and malware because of decades of false propaganda from Apple.. But mostly because why pay 1000 dollars for a machine that you can get for half price with Windows on it? And Macs break down just as much as Windows PCs (if not more) and are a bitch to fix once they do.

-Now. Do exactly as I say. Right click on your desktop. Create New Shortcut. Create the shortcut name MSCONFIG. After creating it, find it on desktop and open it. LEAVE THIS SHORTCUT ON DESKTOP FOREVER. Go to the Startup Tab. Here is what has been raping you for a long time. It's time to kill the rapist. Disable all the 3rd party programs such as Skype, Apple, Itunes and the other 20 junk 3rd party programs that are obviously not needed on startup. This is what slows your PC down when you start it. You can still manually open these programs, they just won't autostart from now on (which is good).

Yes it is a good tip. Although I would simply not install iTunes :) since is some of the worst malware out there and slows down the machine.

-Run the Disk Defragmenter at least once every 3 weeks.

Not needed. Since Vista this is done automatically once the machine is idle. Also if you have an SSD drive (if your machine starts up in under 10 seconds), then DONT!

-Run File Cleanup once every 3 weeks.

Sure, but not really needed to be honest.

-Go to the Computer on Run, click it, find it in the window and right click it and go to properties. Go to the Tools tab and find where it says Error Checking. Click check now and when the box pops up, check BOTH the boxes and run the check. DO THIS ONCE A MONTH! THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS THAT NOBODY EVER TOLD YOU TO DO. IT IS PROBABLY THE ONE THING THAT IS THE DECIDING FACTOR BETWEEN YOUR COMPUTER SLOWLY DYING OVER A YEAR AND OR RUNNING GREAT FOR 4-5 YEARS!!! I have run this on $2000 computers that were near death and, because this check had never been run, after it ran for 3 hours fixing things, the computer literally went back to day 1 out of box system quality. This should be run once a month. It fixes and maintains the HardDrive from slow but assured errors that accumulate and destroy the computer internally. Computer companies DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THIS (because the Hard Drive IS your computer).

Agree somewhat.
With windows 7 professional and microsoft security essentials, most of the problems of antivirus, defrag and such are handled after 5min of installing and configuring.

The rest of the tweaking and configuring I do over time as various tasks demand I tweak core performance or distribution of CPU cores on tasks.

My laptop is 4-5years old and I only had to reinstall win7 once after its reached almost 4 years of usage. I won't have to reinstall it again because I intend to purchase a new, better laptop at Christmas.
I'm a Computer guy and I notice that most people, from all walks of life, even those who are into computers, generally don't realize that the $600-1200 computer they just bought will be utterly destroyed by the end of the year in almost all cases because they're simply unaware of basic measures to perform to keep that from happening. I'll have gamers that went out and spent $1700 on a computer simply go out and buy another one after a year because theirs is completely destroyed. It's shocking. They're willing to go pay a paycheck for a computer but they're not willing to learn how to protect it. And you can only imagine if the gamers can't protect their computers (they can't) then the others are completely hopeless cases (they are).

After going through those stages myself when younger, and having spent probably $5-7k before realizing buying new computers wasn't the answer. I have reached a sweet spot. Have had the same system going for the last 3 years and it's still going from day 1 quality thanks to literally less than 5 steps that you should (and NEED to do) every week at bare minimum at least once unless forking over $1000+ for a new PC every year is just not an issue to you.

Key truths to know beforehand:

-Free antivirus, free anti spyware DOES NOT WORK. Corporations don't use them and they're all about getting the most for their dollar. If Corporations don't trust their crap $500 computers with free antivirus software, why do you think that is? (Here's a hint: It isn't because you know more than the corporations, you don't know more than their IT guys rest assured. Free antivirus programs ONLY protect you from the 500 newest threats created 4-5 months ago. In other words, the 50,000+ threats created in the last month they don't protect your computer against at all. In other words, free antiviruses are 100% worthless and do not actually protect your computer. Repeat. If you have free antivirus on your computer, your computer is actively being destroyed as we speak.)

-Paid antivirus software covers the latest virus definitions. It DOES work. Free antivirus software covers the virus definitions from 4-5 months ago. Guess how much that helps your computer? None. They are worthless. How can you expect them not to be? Paid Antivirus companies pay employees to sit there all day finding the latest virus definitions and blocking them. Free antivirus doesn't (and obviously) can't do this.

So here are steps that can help you save your computer and make it last years.

-Use a major brand paid antivirus program and update it regularly. You can get one for as cheap as $30 for a year. That's less than three fast food trips in cost to protect your $900+ computer for a year........Yeahhh. Get realistic.

-Don't use Apple Computer products. PC's are more powerful and now that you're going to be able to keep it clean, there's no point in using weak Apple garbage. Ugh. Disgusting Apple Computers. Blah.

-Now. Do exactly as I say. Right click on your desktop. Create New Shortcut. Create the shortcut name MSCONFIG. After creating it, find it on desktop and open it. LEAVE THIS SHORTCUT ON DESKTOP FOREVER. Go to the Startup Tab. Here is what has been raping you for a long time. It's time to kill the rapist. Disable all the 3rd party programs such as Skype, Apple, Itunes and the other 20 junk 3rd party programs that are obviously not needed on startup. This is what slows your PC down when you start it. You can still manually open these programs, they just won't autostart from now on (which is good).

-Run the Disk Defragmenter at least once every 3 weeks.

-Run File Cleanup once every 3 weeks.

-Go to the Computer on Run, click it, find it in the window and right click it and go to properties. Go to the Tools tab and find where it says Error Checking. Click check now and when the box pops up, check BOTH the boxes and run the check. DO THIS ONCE A MONTH! THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS THAT NOBODY EVER TOLD YOU TO DO. IT IS PROBABLY THE ONE THING THAT IS THE DECIDING FACTOR BETWEEN YOUR COMPUTER SLOWLY DYING OVER A YEAR AND OR RUNNING GREAT FOR 4-5 YEARS!!! I have run this on $2000 computers that were near death and, because this check had never been run, after it ran for 3 hours fixing things, the computer literally went back to day 1 out of box system quality. This should be run once a month. It fixes and maintains the HardDrive from slow but assured errors that accumulate and destroy the computer internally. Computer companies DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT THIS (because the Hard Drive IS your computer).

Ryan, thanks for this. I'm somewhat computer literate, but not that much; so having a "to-do list" is very helpful.

Re Avast. I've used that program for the last 5 years or so. HOWEVER, it's only been running updates since that time. On the new computer I just bought, I went to get it and it was a mess. All kinds of crap one had to click No to that they wanted to put on your computer. Anyone who read my thread on my new computer knows that 3 hours after I got it home yesterday, thanks to Avast or Gamehouse (downloaded one game I had on my last computer) or Picasa, my computer was full of adware crap and was malfunctioning. "Sorry, sad smile, your computer has developed an error, we will have to restart." I was ready to take it back.

I ran a full system scan with Norton (trial installed on computer), it found 14 problems and handled them. I also uninstalled each of the programs I mentioned above and don't intend to re-install.

I'm fine paying for Norton. I also notice that when I search, a little Norton icon shows up next to websites as being safe. I like that.

Anyhow, thanks again!
There were rumors floating around last year that hackers had the source code for Norton and could compromise it. IDK. If you install 3 different programs, you will get three different results.
-Free antivirus, free anti spyware DOES NOT WORK. Corporations don't use them and they're all about getting the most for their dollar. If Corporations don't trust their crap $500 computers with free antivirus software, why do you think that is? (Here's a hint: It isn't because you know more than the corporations, you don't know more than their IT guys rest assured. Free antivirus programs ONLY protect you from the 500 newest threats created 4-5 months ago. In other words, the 50,000+ threats created in the last month they don't protect your computer against at all. In other words, free antiviruses are 100% worthless and do not actually protect your computer. Repeat. If you have free antivirus on your computer, your computer is actively being destroyed as we speak.)

-Paid antivirus software covers the latest virus definitions. It DOES work. Free antivirus software covers the virus definitions from 4-5 months ago. Guess how much that helps your computer? None. They are worthless. How can you expect them not to be? Paid Antivirus companies pay employees to sit there all day finding the latest virus definitions and blocking them. Free antivirus doesn't (and obviously) can't do this.

I find this to be false.I was using McAfee about 3 years ago or so.I ended up getting some sort of Ransomware in the form of a fake anti-virus program.When you have ransomware on your computer you can not access the internet, your anti-virus and other similar programs, nor can you access task manager because a fake anti-virus program would pop up every time you click on one of those things. . I ended up having to go into safe mode with networking and download and use a free version Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to remove this ransomware from my PC. This happened two more times within a week or two. That third when it installed itself it must have gone into something deep because after the third time of removing that ransomware the blue screen of death would pop up when I booted into windows. So I reinstalled windows, dumped McAfee and went back to using avg free and zone alarm free. Since then I have only had one other issue with ransomware being installed on my PC. But once it was moved it hasn't came back,so this leads me to believe that the free anti-virus and free firearm programs do update their this stuff.

As for why companies use pay programs most freeware anti-spyware,anti-viruses,firewalls ban commercial use of their products.
Ryan, thanks for this. I'm somewhat computer literate, but not that much; so having a "to-do list" is very helpful.

Re Avast. I've used that program for the last 5 years or so. HOWEVER, it's only been running updates since that time. On the new computer I just bought, I went to get it and it was a mess. All kinds of crap one had to click No to that they wanted to put on your computer. Anyone who read my thread on my new computer knows that 3 hours after I got it home yesterday, thanks to Avast or Gamehouse (downloaded one game I had on my last computer) or Picasa, my computer was full of adware crap and was malfunctioning. "Sorry, sad smile, your computer has developed an error, we will have to restart." I was ready to take it back.

I ran a full system scan with Norton (trial installed on computer), it found 14 problems and handled them. I also uninstalled each of the programs I mentioned above and don't intend to re-install.

I'm fine paying for Norton. I also notice that when I search, a little Norton icon shows up next to websites as being safe. I like that.

Anyhow, thanks again!

Yes that's all very typical. Glad you got a paid program, you shouldn't have any more issues and the nonsense about the problems is just that, nonsense. The posts claiming that are all wrong. Again, good for you.

The people who advocate against the paid programs are not normal computer users, yet they're so far gone into their little worlds that nobody is going to convince them otherwise and it's not good to spend too much effort battling a conspiracy linux user.

Norton is the best to use and it's very easy but there are other good ones too. Avast is crap. But I feel stained for even having to say that in reference to the nutty linux crowd, for all free antivirus programs are crap. A good tech moral of the story is don't listen to Linux users unless you are one. They take the hard way and go around telling people it's the easy way. I've dealt with Linux users that run and pay for sites that have zero traffic and yet, after explaining to them that their system needs a more user friendly hub, they go right on with zero traffic. They aren't the most rational group and they don't like hearing that.
The problem I have always had with new computers is all that free "30 day/90 day" trial stuff they have. This last computer I bought was clean to start with. It only had the operating system and the manufacturers maintenance package. It is slightly slower because of the extra registry and start up items than when I bought it two years ago, but not by much. It still boots in under 30 seconds.

My suggestion is never, never buy a computer with programs on it already unless they are programs you want.

Yes, use good antivirus software, but don't add anything you will not use, cluttering up the registry.
Ha...this thread cracks me up.

I wouldn't be surprised if the anti-virus companies are the very ones creating the viruses in the first place. Sure helps out business doesn't it?

I'd sell rocks if I built glass houses.....

At any rate, believe what you wish.

Microsoft has lots of reasons to make sure their MSE program and the one for Windows7 is up-to-date and hitting on all cylinders.

I've got teenage girls and two computers with Windows OS's and the "free" stuff has worked wonders. Both computers are far older than one year old.

Maybe the people the OP deals with are just rich, lazy, and stupid.

Hell, most new computers come with a pre-paid antivirus program of some sort already installed.

Which to me makes it sound like the "paid" programs don't work for feces if he "sees so many that are dead within a year".
Ha...this thread cracks me up.

I wouldn't be surprised if the anti-virus companies are the very ones creating the viruses in the first place. Sure helps out business doesn't it?

I'd sell rocks if I built glass houses.....

At any rate, believe what you wish.

Microsoft has lots of reasons to make sure their MSE program and the one for Windows7 is up-to-date and hitting on all cylinders.

I've got teenage girls and two computers with Windows OS's and the "free" stuff has worked wonders. Both computers are far older than one year old.

Maybe the people the OP deals with are just rich, lazy, and stupid.

Hell, most new computers come with a pre-paid antivirus program of some sort already installed.

Which to me makes it sound like the "paid" programs don't work for feces if he "sees so many that are dead within a year".

Oh please. There's tens of millions of viruses created by random people every year.

The difference in a Linux, Ubuntu user is that they believe the Matrix is real and PC users accept that they live in a market full of competing forces and don't want to pretend the Matrix is real.

Btw lol @ Linux users proclaiming that paid software is hard to install. Pressing Install and Update are too much for you guys eh? ;) What's the matter? Those two steps tripping you all up? :p

Linux user: TWO STEPS!?!?!?!? CONSPIRACY!@!!!!!!!!!
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Oh please. There's tens of millions of viruses created by random people every year.

The difference in a Linux, Ubuntu user is that they believe the Matrix is real and PC users accept that they live in a market full of competing forces and don't want to pretend the Matrix is real.

Btw lol @ Linux users proclaiming that paid software is hard to install. Pressing Install and Update are too much for you guys eh? ;) What's the matter? Those two steps tripping you all up? :p

Linux user: TWO STEPS!?!?!?!? CONSPIRACY!@!!!!!!!!!

Your vast ignorance of Linux users is obvious. No need to display it any more.

Your bias and childish slander of all things free, as well as all things not Windows/Microsoft speaks volumes.

Not to mention that it really does work against you when it comes to taking anything you say seriously.

You're like a physician ranting and raving about the crooks and thieves that call themselves chiropractors.
They don't screw up if you use them correctly lol.

Free antiviruses simply do not protect against the latest threats, which is what makes them worthless. Again, this thread is for the average person using PC's, not someone using Linux or Apple products. Those represent very few people in comparison. Most people against paid antivirus programs are people who don't relate to normal computer users. They're usually weird Linux users or Apple users that don't use computers for the same normal reasons most do anyways, so their perspectives, while there, are irrelevant to most peoples concerns. Which explains their conspiratorial view of paid antivirus programs that help average users.

I'm not against people advocating good practices but certainly people need to highlight that the average person does not have the skills to run Linux or the care to pay for that much more for an Apple logo.

And again, free antivirus programs do not work. They do not protect a computer from the latest virus definitions, which makes them worthless.

Absolute rubbish. The major pay for play AV products go though phases with their releases. Some good, some very good, some horrid. Same is true for the free variety. However, MSE is golden if you are using windows 7 or above and MS updates that regularly. It's like using OEM parts for your vehicle. Spybot Search & Destroy is another freebie that works wonderfully for the browser exploits that the paid AV folks can't and don't address.

You work for McAfee (the worst) or something? :mrgreen:
Lol as I said. These people aren't big on rationality (Which is why the public and market doesn't use their ****).

People who get fired for personality disorders from tech firms use Ubuntu and Linux. That should tell you enough. (I've fired several insane Ubuntu/Linux employees that couldn't understand simplicity and actual results are what people want not their ninja Matrix crap that isn't marketable because it sucks to use).

The truth is, Linux/Ubuntu users don't care about 99% of PC users so naturally they have no problem telling you to use freeware that is merely bundled adware. Spybot does nothing. It claims to do things, while missing 70% of the latest virus definitions. These people simply don't care that you're going to get a virus, all they care about is that you dare to pay to use an antivirus program. It offends their conspiratorial views.
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Lol as I said. These people aren't big on rationality (Which is why the public and market doesn't use their ****).

People who get fired for personality disorders from tech firms use Ubuntu and Linux. That should tell you enough. (I've fired several insane Ubuntu/Linux employees that couldn't understand simplicity and actual results are what people want not their ninja Matrix crap that isn't marketable because it sucks to use).

The truth is, Linux/Ubuntu users don't care about 99% of PC users so naturally they have no problem telling you to use freeware that is merely bundled adware. Spybot does nothing. It claims to do things, while missing 70% of the latest virus definitions. These people simply don't care that you're going to get a virus, all they care about is that you dare to pay to use an antivirus program. It offends their conspiratorial views.


You are lacking it. In great quantities.

You are lacking it. In great quantities.

I don't think so. I think he's given "the average Joe" a good to-do list to maintain their computers. Why do most of us 'turn them in?' I can answer for me -- each one of my computers was trashed (except my last one) because they were so filled with viruses or internal systems problems, etc. as to dramatically slow down their processes. And no amount of deleting programs solved the problem. "Time for a new one."
and the debate will continue on virus protection for PC's/

I was using a major virus protection software. Made sure it was updated before I went on line. Guess what , picked up a virus.
It was nasty enough I would have had to reformat the hardrive if I tried to clear it out myself. So I went to a PC shop (national pc repair shop). They clean up the PC for a reasonalbe fee.

There advice.
Installl Microsoft Essentials (to run as active)
Spybot (to scan once a week or so to keep pc clean)
Malwarebytes (to scan once a week or so to keep pc clean)
and that is what I had them do to my pc,

So, not to say the original OP is wrong. The post has some interesting and good advice. However, I will have to disagree on the Virus protection part.
I don't think so. I think he's given "the average Joe" a good to-do list to maintain their computers. Why do most of us 'turn them in?' I can answer for me -- each one of my computers was trashed (except my last one) because they were so filled with viruses or internal systems problems, etc. as to dramatically slow down their processes. And no amount of deleting programs solved the problem. "Time for a new one."

They're nuts that are angry you're paying for an antivirus program.

These people are crazy. One actually is crazy lol.
They're nuts that are angry you're paying for an antivirus program.

These people are crazy. One actually is crazy lol.

Well, Ryan, most of these posters I consider friends -- so I'm comfortable just saying there's a difference of opinion. ;)
I have been using home computers for many years. Heck I remember when dialup went to 56K and I though what a break through. How times have changed. Last month was the first time I had a major virus hit my machine. The virus got past the protection software, disabled it, wiped out part of the registsry, even disabled access to the internet.

Ryan5, explain why Microsoft Security Essentials is not adequate for the average user. It would seem Microsoft would have a vested interest in keeping PC running well.

I am not saying Norton or other pay for service virus protection is not good. While MS is not ranked as the best, national reviews tend to state its not bad either.

IMO, no company can keep ahead of virus/malware, etc. 100%. You are correct in that the virus protection software is only as good as the database it has to work from.

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