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Kamela calls Trump out. (1 Viewer)

Stealers Wheel

DP Veteran
Apr 5, 2018
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A dank, dark cocktail lounge
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Trump made some disparaging remarks about Harris's academic record, saying she was a poor student.

Of course, Trump has a (BA?) in economics, whereas Harris has a doctorate of law and a cum laud to her credit.

She has challenged Trump to reveal his transcripts and compare them to hers.

Of course, he would never, ever rise to such a challenge. And every Trumpster is saying "Oh hell, no!"
Trump made some disparaging remarks about Harris's academic record, saying she was a poor student.

Of course, Trump has a (BA?) in economics, whereas Harris has a doctorate of law and a cum laud to her credit.

She has challenged Trump to reveal his transcripts and compare them to hers.

Of course, he would never, ever rise to such a challenge. And every Trumpster is saying "Oh hell, no!"

He did the same attacks on Obama. It’s his bigotry.
Trump won't release his academic records. They are under "audit" by the IRS:lamo
And Obama's transcripts are still under lock and key.

It’s his privacy. It’s also just an issue of you thinking black people get everything for free and without earning it.
It’s his privacy. It’s also just an issue of you thinking black people get everything for free and without earning it.

It's because there's something there that's very embarrassing.
Trump made some disparaging remarks about Harris's academic record, saying she was a poor student.

Of course, Trump has a (BA?) in economics, whereas Harris has a doctorate of law and a cum laud to her credit.

She has challenged Trump to reveal his transcripts and compare them to hers.

Of course, he would never, ever rise to such a challenge. And every Trumpster is saying "Oh hell, no!"

But the deplorables still worship him.
Is there a single attack that Trump can lob that doesn't call immediate, glaring attention to his own horrific shortcomings?

Every time he insults anybody, the only plausible reaction is, "Oh, hey, you do that thing....and what you did is a thousand times worse than what you're accusing the other person of."
And Obama's transcripts are still under lock and key.

Nobody needs to see the transcripts to know that Obama is smarter than Trump by a country mile.

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