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Kamala True & False (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 27, 2020
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I am a Californian, in the southern part.
The O.C.
Although we have the population, we remain politically dominated
be the old, "Bay Area Dynasties" that command both parties.
Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, etc.
Thus Kamala Harris would appear on a ballot and polls immediately
put her in the lead.

We know one of her techniques was as a sperm repository for the politically

What of her lies?

Fact check: Kamala Harris was part of the second integrated class in elementary school

The claim: Sen. Kamala Harris lied about being part of the second class
to be integrated at her elementary school. . .

Our ruling: False

Harris was part of the second integrated class at Thousand Oaks Elementary School. Harris started attending public school in first grade, in 1970, and the school district's full integration was approved in 1968. We rate this claim as FALSE because it is not supported by our research.
The article has lots of worthy references to support its' conclusion.

Please share whatever, Harris


No :2canadian​
I am a Californian, in the southern part.
The O.C.
Although we have the population, we remain politically dominated
be the old, "Bay Area Dynasties" that command both parties.
Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, etc.
Thus Kamala Harris would appear on a ballot and polls immediately
put her in the lead.

We know one of her techniques was as a sperm repository for the politically

What of her lies?

Fact check: Kamala Harris was part of the second integrated class in elementary school

The claim: Sen. Kamala Harris lied about being part of the second class
to be integrated at her elementary school. . .

Our ruling: False

Harris was part of the second integrated class at Thousand Oaks Elementary School. Harris started attending public school in first grade, in 1970, and the school district's full integration was approved in 1968. We rate this claim as FALSE because it is not supported by our research.
The article has lots of worthy references to support its' conclusion.

Please share whatever, Harris


No :2canadian​

Here's a quote from your cited article...
"Just after the debate, in June 2019, The Gateway Pundit, a site rated by Media Bias/ Fact check as questionable for having an extreme right-wing bias and promoting conspiracy theories, was among those stating the claim, as well. It published an article headlined: "SHE LIED: Kamala Harris Says She Was in Second Integrated Class in Berkeley — But Yearbook Pictures Prove She’s Lying." USA TODAY has reached out to Gateway Pundit for comment. But despite the claim being repeatedly debunked within the past year, posts on social media persist."
Here's another one...
"Berkeley Public Schools: 'Harris is correct'"

Here's a hint...read beyond the gSearch headline.

I figured The Democratic Party

would choose someone more inclusive of the American,

Afro American - descended from slaves and ole time Southern bigotry as the

Democratic Party,
"Black" candidate.

The Half White, Half Kenyan family was also not a part of that heritage.

I figured The Democratic Party

would choose someone more inclusive of the American,

Afro American - descended from slaves and ole time Southern bigotry as the

Democratic Party,
"Black" candidate.

The Half White, Half Kenyan family was also not a part of that heritage.

Thankfully the Republicans have chosen a grab em by the p###y candidate
More than that about Harris.

Would you vote for a politician who claims openly you are stupid?

Harris called those up to age 24 stupid.

Students Hate Kamala Quote...When They Think It's Trump's

I am a Californian, in the southern part.
The O.C.
Although we have the population, we remain politically dominated
be the old, "Bay Area Dynasties" that command both parties.
Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, etc.
Thus Kamala Harris would appear on a ballot and polls immediately
put her in the lead.

We know one of her techniques was as a sperm repository for the politically

What of her lies?

Fact check: Kamala Harris was part of the second integrated class in elementary school

The claim: Sen. Kamala Harris lied about being part of the second class
to be integrated at her elementary school. . .

Our ruling: False

Harris was part of the second integrated class at Thousand Oaks Elementary School. Harris started attending public school in first grade, in 1970, and the school district's full integration was approved in 1968. We rate this claim as FALSE because it is not supported by our research.
The article has lots of worthy references to support its' conclusion.

Please share whatever, Harris


No :2canadian​

This is what you are worried about and not that she kept people in prison that she knew to be innocent?
I rate her claim she had forced busing as BS.

CA never had a forced bussing policy. I can't speak for each CA school district but Berkeley was not called Berzerkly for nothing. If you are a screwball, you belong in Berkeley.

Los Angeles, California
A desegregation busing plan was developed, to be implemented in the 1978 school year. Two suits to stop the enforced busing plan, both titled Bustop, Inc. v. Los Angeles Board of Education, were filed by the group Bustop Inc., and were petitioned to the United States Supreme Court.

Desegregation busing - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Desegregation_busing
I love that the evangelicals have to vote for a adulterer who paid off a pornstar.

Such republican hypocrisy

Tell us that you never grabbed *****? Tell us a lie.

Nationwide there are not all that many evangelicals. It is not our party hypocrisy.

Catholics are a much larger group and they also do not approve what you believe.
a poster with a little over a hundred posts, lists themselves as progressive, uses Gateway Pundit as a source and then says...

"The Half White, Half Kenyan family was also not a part of that heritage."

come on guys.
Tell us that you never grabbed *****? Tell us a lie.

Nationwide there are not all that many evangelicals. It is not our party hypocrisy.

Catholics are a much larger group and they also do not approve what you believe.

Wow. You pay off porn stars for your adultery
a poster with a little over a hundred posts, lists themselves as progressive, uses Gateway Pundit as a source and then says...

"The Half White, Half Kenyan family was also not a part of that heritage."

come on guys.

What did MOI say wrong? And he is very familiar to me due to both of us having posted elsewhere.
a poster with a little over a hundred posts, lists themselves as progressive, uses Gateway Pundit as a source and then says...

"The Half White, Half Kenyan family was also not a part of that heritage."

come on guys.

I know, right? They don't even care if they make it obvious anymore.
More than that about Harris.

Would you vote for a politician who claims openly you are stupid?

Harris called those up to age 24 stupid.

Students Hate Kamala Quote...When They Think It's Trump's

Both Romney and Hillary denigrated near half the electorate.

Consider how well that worked for them.

Harris will prove to be
Biden's Palin!

I am a Californian, in the southern part.
The O.C.
Although we have the population, we remain politically dominated
be the old, "Bay Area Dynasties" that command both parties.
Pelosi, Feinstein, Newsom, etc.
Thus Kamala Harris would appear on a ballot and polls immediately
put her in the lead.

We know one of her techniques was as a sperm repository for the politically

What of her lies?

Fact check: Kamala Harris was part of the second integrated class in elementary school

The claim: Sen. Kamala Harris lied about being part of the second class
to be integrated at her elementary school. . .

Our ruling: False

Harris was part of the second integrated class at Thousand Oaks Elementary School. Harris started attending public school in first grade, in 1970, and the school district's full integration was approved in 1968. We rate this claim as FALSE because it is not supported by our research.
The article has lots of worthy references to support its' conclusion.

Please share whatever, Harris


No :2canadian​

I believe it was only Berkeley, CA out of the entire state, that had a superintendent that forced bussing though it was not CA law to force bussing.

37 Percent blacks were at Thousand Oaks and when Kamala attended, there was 41 percent.

What the hell was her point? And she badgered Biden with that ruse.

Both Romney and Hillary denigrated near half the electorate.

Consider how well that worked for them.

Harris will prove to be
Biden's Palin!

Harris attacked Biden. Guess that is ok with Democrats.
Trump lies 24/7. Why should they not?

I come from a long time, Democratic Party family.

I hold "my" Democratic Party to higher standards than the alternative.
In 1968 I voted NIXON because my Democratic Party failed to live up to higher standards.

WE The People Need ONE Party We Hold To Higher Standards.

And when they fail, vote for the Devil in the hope the DNC "gets it"
or suffer the 2 corrupt party system.

BTW I Voted Obama '08 and he lied to me.
I hold Obama culpable for the foreclosure crisis. A friend lost his home.
He was negotiating with the bank for a new mortgage while the bank continued foreclosure processes.
It Is Termed, Dual Tracking, and the Greatest State of California, now forbids it.
I come from a long time, Democratic Party family.

I hold "my" Democratic Party to higher standards than the alternative.
In 1968 I voted NIXON because my Democratic Party failed to live up to higher standards.

WE The People Need ONE Party We Hold To Higher Standards.

And when they fail, vote for the Devil in the hope the DNC "gets it"
or suffer the 2 corrupt party system.

BTW I Voted Obama '08 and he lied to me.
I hold Obama culpable for the foreclosure crisis. A friend lost his home.
He was negotiating with the bank for a new mortgage while the bank continued foreclosure processes.
It Is Termed, Dual Tracking, and the Greatest State of California, now forbids it.

dude. you already outed yourself.

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