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Just wanted to stop in and say hi. (1 Viewer)


Devil Dog
DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
A close family member has been in the hospital with Pneumonia.
Doing better today and even ate solid food last night after going a week just eating jello.
I'll be back around when I can...
My prayers are with your family member and the whole family.
cherokee said:
A close family member has been in the hospital with Pneumonia.
Doing better today and even ate solid food last night after going a week just eating jello.
I'll be back around when I can...

Only the best....and well wishes to yours
cherokee said:
A close family member has been in the hospital with Pneumonia.
Doing better today and even ate solid food last night after going a week just eating jello.
I'll be back around when I can...

I've been there...A couple weeks of intibation ain't any fun...

Believe me...They're now in my prayers...
Thanks a whole heap.

she's getting better a small bit each day for breathing we have her hooked up to a kind of cpap which is keeping her O2 in the mid 90's.

cnredd I know that sucked...:(
cherokee said:
Thanks a whole heap.

she's getting better a small bit each day for breathing we have her hooked up to a kind of cpap which is keeping her O2 in the mid 90's.

cnredd I know that sucked...:(

Glad to here she's getting better each day. I'll keep her in my thoughts.
talloulou said:
Glad to here she's getting better each day. I'll keep her in my thoughts.

I just called the ICU and got her vital signs, everything in in the green..;) I think now its just a matter of rest and recovery..
The ICU nurses kicka$$;)
cherokee said:
I just called the ICU and got her vital signs, everything in in the green..;) I think now its just a matter of rest and recovery..
The ICU nurses kicka$$;)

So when we see you back around we can assume a full recovery! Looking forward to that. Take care, cherokee! :2wave:
Our prayers are with you and yours, I'm glad things are looking up, must be all the prayers huh.;)
Thanks Mix and Deegan.

Its gonna take a bit of time to recover.
I've been feeling under the weather today myself but I think its just from running wide open for the past week.

Thanks again to all of you...

I'm gonna call at the next shiftchange and tell her what you guys and gals said..;)
I hope your family member makes a full recovery. I have a personal history of my own with several bouts of pneumonia (9), and it can be quite a bear to get over.
cherokee said:
A close family member has been in the hospital with Pneumonia.
Doing better today and even ate solid food last night after going a week just eating jello.
I'll be back around when I can...

I understand how you feel. I recently lost a dear friend of over 14 years who was very much like a member of my own family. I will remember you in my prayers.
Thank you bill and GW.

It looks like they will release her Tuesday to a rehab center
Just to get her strength back.
They did have to vent her but they used a “High Flow o2
system”. (no throat tube) That was able to keep her 02 levels in the mid 90's

But after she gets home I have to get her to use a CPAP when she sleeps.

I did tell her what you guys and gals said and it really touched her.
Her reply was. Thank you all so very much for you prayers and May the Lord hold and protect you and your families. God Bless.

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