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Just to clear up the verse about stoning rape victims. (1 Viewer)

rebel for a cause

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Sep 13, 2005
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The other thread had too many pages of spam and such so I will tell you what the verse means because some people read old versions and get confused. I have a NIV bible and this is what is says:

Deuteronomy 22:23-27

If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death-the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife. You must purge the evil from among you. But if out in the country a man happens to meet a girl pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. Do nothing to the girl; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders his neighbor, for the man found the girl out in the country, and though the betrothed girl screamed, there was no one to rescue her

See the olny time it says to girl the victim is when the girl doesn't scream for help. Also I have to admit if you go futher on it says if the girl in the country is not pledeged to be married the man olny has to pay the father 50 shekels and marry the gril and not get divorced. But I beleive even though they say rape I think it is more to do it which could be considered raping but is natural not like the man attacking the girl and raping her then killing her.

Also one final thing the translation may be wrong or right but it is the truth and what god said so we shouldn't go against it if we are 100% sure it is correct. But most likely because of the different times we should make the law now and it is different than the death penalty death penalty can not be mistaken this can be. Also if you say we should listen to the old testament because of this but listen to the new testametn you are a hypocrite because all of it is gods word old or new.
rebel for a cause said:
The other thread had too many pages of spam and such so I will tell you what the verse means because some people read old versions and get confused. I have a NIV bible and this is what is says:

Deuteronomy 22:23-27

If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death-the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife. You must purge the evil from among you. But if out in the country a man happens to meet a girl pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die. Do nothing to the girl; she has committed no sin deserving death. This case is like that of someone who attacks and murders his neighbor, for the man found the girl out in the country, and though the betrothed girl screamed, there was no one to rescue her

See the olny time it says to girl the victim is when the girl doesn't scream for help. Also I have to admit if you go futher on it says if the girl in the country is not pledeged to be married the man olny has to pay the father 50 shekels and marry the gril and not get divorced. But I beleive even though they say rape I think it is more to do it which could be considered raping but is natural not like the man attacking the girl and raping her then killing her.

Also one final thing the translation may be wrong or right but it is the truth and what god said so we shouldn't go against it if we are 100% sure it is correct. But most likely because of the different times we should make the law now and it is different than the death penalty death penalty can not be mistaken this can be. Also if you say we should listen to the old testament because of this but listen to the new testametn you are a hypocrite because all of it is gods word old or new.

Well, I for one don't take the Bible literally. It may be divinely inspired but it's written by humans. And humans are fallible, not to mention the myriad translations it has undergone.
No as a matter of fact te bible was written by God no human could ever write it, it would have taken thousands of years because of the widespan of stuff happening and it would still be impossible for humans because it is perfect.
Also Christians and Jews (also other religons used the bible)
know that the bible is true and that amount of people aren't wrong. Also everything is to imposible to happen by chance and if it did there woould be other planets with life on and there isn't. If you don't believe in God you will go to hell no offence but that is the truth.
rebel for a cause said:
No as a matter of fact te bible was written by God no human could ever write it, it would have taken thousands of years because of the widespan of stuff happening and it would still be impossible for humans because it is perfect.
Also Christians and Jews (also other religons used the bible)
know that the bible is true and that amount of people aren't wrong. Also everything is to imposible to happen by chance and if it did there woould be other planets with life on and there isn't. If you don't believe in God you will go to hell no offence but that is the truth.

Do you really believe this? Are you American? Have you ever studied the history of the Bible? What religion are you?
rebel for a cause said:
The other thread had too many pages of spam and such so I will tell you what the verse means because some people read old versions and get confused. I have a NIV bible and this is what is says:

Deuteronomy 22:23-27

If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death-the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man’s wife.

So the bible encourages murder? Interesting.
So much for religious values.
Old and wise said:
So the bible encourages murder?

No, and do you not really know better?

Capital punishment is ordered killing, not murder.
rebel for a cause said:
No as a matter of fact te bible was written by God no human could ever write it, it would have taken thousands of years because of the widespan of stuff happening and it would still be impossible for humans because it is perfect.
Also Christians and Jews (also other religons used the bible)
know that the bible is true and that amount of people aren't wrong. Also everything is to imposible to happen by chance and if it did there woould be other planets with life on and there isn't. If you don't believe in God you will go to hell no offence but that is the truth.

1. It wouldnt take thousands of years if they are just making up the stories...
2. You know there are no other planets in the universe without life? You KNOW this?
3. Dont act like you know who is going to hell and who isnt, you are basing this off FAITH, in other words, YOUR OPINION, not fact.
4. You're scary.
Ryanmodcon said:
1. It wouldnt take thousands of years if they are just making up the stories...
Ryanmodcon said:
2. You know there are no other planets in the universe without life? You KNOW this?
3. Dont act like you know who is going to hell and who isnt, you are basing this off FAITH, in other words, YOUR OPINION, not fact.
4. You're scary.

no human could make a God that strict. the Bible was not a grouping of stories, in fact the israelites were always either at war or in bondage to the people from which you claim they have stolen stories, and no group of peoples would readily accept stories from enemies as true.
I don't know what you don't get about this is is impossible for the earth to be created by chhance God had to create it. There is facts the show what happened in the bible realy happened. We will need find life on other planets life does not include microscopic life it is real moving things that think. Also people could not trick billions of people the olny explanation is that there is a god and everything in the bible is true.
dthmstr254 said:

no human could make a God that strict. the Bible was not a grouping of stories, in fact the israelites were always either at war or in bondage to the people from which you claim they have stolen stories, and no group of peoples would readily accept stories from enemies as true.

You say Bible, I say Lord of the Rings...

dthmstr254 said:
actually, one person has tricked billions of people, his name is Darwin

You are living in a fantasy land.
at least you can admit heaven is a fantasy land.
no actually, they did steal stories from people that enslaved them. the first version of hte bible was written by the Jews when they were prisoners to the Babylonians. you can still see where jewish values clashed with babylonian values in the old testament.

the israelites were indeed influenced by others.
The bible is like a 2000 year long game of Telephone... it may have actually made sense at one time...
Ryanmodcon said:
The bible is like a 2000 year long game of Telephone... it may have actually made sense at one time...
here are some facts about the Bible:
40 authors
2000+ years in the making
three languages
0 contradictions
there is no other book that has survived as long as the Bible, and no other book written by multiple authors that doesnt contradict itself.
my Thompson Study KJV Bible has over 8000 topics that are agreed on from Genesis to Revelation.
the chances of that ever happening are off the charts, innumerably slim, and impossible. someone who wants to disprove this is in for a very long debate that will include me running down a list of explanations that will illuminate you and explain alot that you evidently dont fully understand.:caution: when you try to debate that with me.
dthmstr254 said:
here are some facts about the Bible:
40 authors
2000+ years in the making
three languages
0 contradictions
there is no other book that has survived as long as the Bible, and no other book written by multiple authors that doesnt contradict itself.
my Thompson Study KJV Bible has over 8000 topics that are agreed on from Genesis to Revelation.
the chances of that ever happening are off the charts, innumerably slim, and impossible. someone who wants to disprove this is in for a very long debate that will include me running down a list of explanations that will illuminate you and explain alot that you evidently dont fully understand.:caution: when you try to debate that with me.
3 languages?
Snoozin said:
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, I believe.
I don't recall any Greek... I know like there is one or two things in Aramaic, but almost everything is in Hebrew.
Binyamin said:
I don't recall any Greek... I know like there is one or two things in Aramaic, but almost everything is in Hebrew.

The New Testament was written in Greek.
Snoozin said:
The New Testament was written in Greek.
What does the New Testament have to do with this thread about Deuteronomy 22:23-27
Snoozin said:
The New Testament was written in Greek.

Not entirely, I have heard. The book of Matthew is reported to contain Hebrew idioms and other unique characteristics that do not appear in Greek. And of course, it would seem logical to me that certain epistles (letters) written to Hebrew people could/would have been written in Hebrew.
Binyamin said:
What does the New Testament have to do with this thread about Deuteronomy 22:23-27

The person who was talking about the 3 languages was referring to the entire Bible, not just that particular verse.
God never intended or commanded that rape victims be stoned. We are talking about two different participants here. One is a willing participant, the other is not. In the 26th verse, God compares rape to murder. We also have to look at the spirit or the heart of the law, compared to the letter of the law.

For instance, a woman that is betrothed to a man is already considered that man’s wife. When she is found with another man inside a city committing adultery she is just as guilty as the man. When it talks about her not crying (accusing) out it is saying that she is a willing participant. Notice in verse twenty-five, it specifically mentions the damsel being forced. It goes on to say in the following verses that only the man will be stoned because she wasn’t willing.
Ryanmodcon said:
You say Bible, I say Lord of the Rings...

You are living in a fantasy land.

I for one say that Darwin was exactly like Edgar Allan Poe; Just a drug addict and alcoholic that was just searching for a reason for their pathetic lives.

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