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Just Pick One!! Already!! (1 Viewer)

Arch Enemy

DP Veteran
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
Alas. I'll just post some of my best work, tell me which one I should use.

When the eagle cries and inferno are my fav. In that order.
I like deliver us from evil. The enemy within one is just creepy.
'Support our Troops' and 'Deliver us from evil' are my top choices. The first for its patriotic message and the second for its ethereal ambiance. Excellent graphics work Arch!

Deliver us from evil. Definitley.
I live Deliver us from Evil too - the Eagle cries is a close second.
'Support Our fly Swatters' would be more appropriate, since as I've said before... The war in Iraq, as a war on terror, is as futile as trying to destroy the world's population of flies by standing in one country & swatting them.

You don't kill many & you make lots more angry as we saw in London... which is where the terrorists are & not in Iraq.. oh & Madrid & Somalia & Pakistan & Bali & Eritrea & Morroco.... just about everywhere apart from Iraq !
Bombing & killing innocent Iraqis when the preachers of hatred are in London Mosques. Christ I can't believe how blind Blair was so keen to go crusading in Iraq without dealing or seeing what was right under his nose !

'Patriotism' is the dangerous psychological phenomenon where people start to be convinced everything their country does abroad is right... for no better reason than it's their country that's doing.

/end Rant.

Why Yes Arch Enemy, I do seem to like your work. That's the exact reason why I posted here, not to diss American's war efforts.. but to tell you which one I actually liked.
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robin said:
'Support Our fly Swatters' would be more appropriate, since as I've said before... The war in Iraq, as a war on terror, is as futile as trying to destroy the world's population of flies by standing in one country & swatting them.

You don't kill many & you make lots more angry as we saw in London... which is where the terrorists are & not in Iraq.. oh & Madrid & Somalia & Pakistan & Bali & Eritrea & Morroco.... just about everywhere apart from Iraq !
Bombing & killing innocent Iraqis when the preachers of hatred are in London Mosques. Christ I can't believe how blind Blair was so keen to go crusading in Iraq without dealing or seeing what was right under his nose !

'Patriotism' is the dangerous psychological phenomenon where people start to be convinced everything their country does abroad is right... for no better reason than it's their country that's doing.

He asked for sig; not a rant!...:stop:

Remind me not to invite you to children's parties...:roll:
Mods... you need moderating !
Why is it little control freeks that become mods ?
Who even needs mods ?
Toss of a coin between Enemy within and but deliver us from evil.
I quite like the one with the red eyes too.
number 1 is pretty sweet.
robin said:
Mods... you need moderating !
Why is it little control freeks that become mods ?
Who even needs mods ?

Robin, chill out dude, it's a joke.

People will know it's me too, I'm the only retard here the uses "/end" tags. Control Freak? Um, negative. But your comment wasn't wanted nor needed here. It was either that or your post being deleted. There's a reason why this thread is in OFF TOPIC! Who needs mods? That's funny, if only you knew how much the moderators did for your own benefit.

Don't point fingers, and please keep Debates out of my thread!
Oh the 'support your troops' thing is a joke :doh
Yes half of the troops themselves don't support the war so now I see :lol:
robin said:
Oh the 'support your troops' thing is a joke :doh
Yes half of the troops themselves don't support the war so now I see :lol:

Are we still in love?
Arch Enemy said:
Are we still in love?

I dunno Arch. Sounds like it might be over.:lol:
Arch Enemy said:
Are we still in love?

Mmmm, Robin states his gender as male.

Peeking out of the closet, Arch? :rofl
Naughty Nurse said:
Mmmm, Robin states his gender as male.

Peeking out of the closet, Arch? :rofl

Why did I not expect such questions from you Naughty Nurse? Answer "No". Homosexuality is for homosexuals.. you should remember that.
Arch Enemy said:
Why did I not expect such questions from you Naughty Nurse? Answer "No". Homosexuality is for homosexuals.. you should remember that.

Kelzie - bad man shouted at me. :2bigcry:
Arch Enemy said:
Are we still in love?
Well not in love exactly but I respect the fact you took my comments on the chin ;)
BTW I'm about as 'un gay' as one could possibly be.
Naughty Nurse said:
Kelzie - bad man shouted at me. :2bigcry:

Oh sugar, it's okay. He's just jealous he's not gay. ;)
Naughty Nurse said:
Kelzie - bad man shouted at me. :2bigcry:

Poor Poor Nurse. I didn't mean to make you cry. But now that I did.. PARTYTIME!!! I'll bring the apple-juice!!

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