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Jon Stewart benefited by 829% ‘overvalue’ of his NYC home even as he labels Trump’s civil case ‘not victimless’ (1 Viewer)

This is the same thing. If it is a fraud to represent to third parties that a property’s value is far in excess of its appraised value for the purpose of profit then Stewart is guilty.
Who is the third party in this case?
Considering the wealth of these people, it was more than likely in cash.
Perhaps, but people as wealthy as this don’t have loads of cash sitting around. Like Trump, they rely on personal loans from financial institutions using various assets as collateral. So it’s likely this inflated value was cited to a bank at some stage of this transaction.
Tell that to Judge Engoron. He claims Trump overvalued his property by "at least 2300%" using a comparison to the value assigned by the country tax assessor.

What should I say in my message to Engoron?

3,000 sq ft is basically the same as 30,000 sq ft?

Tell Engoron it should have only been 1000% instead of 2300%?
wait. are you coming out against capitalism now?

Nope, I’m “coming out” against the state deciding they know what a property was (or is) ‘really worth’ better than a (mortgage) lender.

Real estate is generally (kept) undervalued (from its ‘fair market value) for property tax assessment purposes. That’s done to allow unelected bureaucrats to (annually) increase property tax revenue by (selectively) increasing the assessed value of real estate without requiring any legislative action (to raise the property tax rate).

As long as the (new) assessed value can’t be proven to exceed the property’s ‘fair market’ value then the property owner can’t successfully challenge the reassessed value.
Show me where it states that Stewart misrepresented the value of his property? It was tax assessed for X and he sold it for Y. Where did he purfusully misrepresent the attributes and value of his for lone purposes?
The sale was off market as well.
I think the Tish James prosecution, and specifically the penalty, to be unseemly and wrong….

But this with Stewart is not remotely like what Trump was sued for, other than both involve properties valued in varying ways
You do make a good point because in the Trump situation NOBODY was harmed and in the Stewart case the guy that bought the place took a bath to the tune of millions of dollars.
Nope, I’m “coming out” against the state deciding they know what a property was (or is) ‘really worth’ better than a (mortgage) lender.
you appear to not even know the trump case.

maybe take some time and catch up.
Perhaps, but people as wealthy as this don’t have loads of cash sitting around. Like Trump, they rely on personal loans from financial institutions using various assets as collateral. So it’s likely this inflated value was cited to a bank at some stage of this transaction.
Wouldn't it be the buyer who cited it to the bank?
Perhaps, but wealthy people don’t have loads of cash sitting around.

Probably not in checking/savings accounts. But they likely have a lot of liquid money in stocks, short-term treasuries, etc.

Like Trump, they rely on personal loans from financial institutions using various assets as collateral. So it’s likely this inflated value was cited to a bank.

It's $17.5 million. Lots of Manhattan multi-millionaires/billionaires can afford that no problem without a bank loan.
you appear to not even know the trump case.

maybe take some time and catch up.
Let’s make this easy for you. Is it or is it not fraud to profit from a false* representation of property value?

*False being defined as any amount in excess of tax appraisal value.

LOL the usual lib hypocrisy. If Trump got taken to court then so should Jon Stewart, but since he's a lib we know thats not gonna happen. Rules for thee but not for me.
Shouldn't he be on trial? Lock him up!!!
I already told you...

You honestly cannot recognize the distinctions?
Seriously and earnestly?
You're not just playing along with the gag because you're team player?

You really and truly are unable to see the difference?

To you, that is the same thing as saying 3,00 sq ft is 30,000 sq ft?

And me personally doubling the difference from 1000% to 23000% is the same thing as letting two outside parties make their judgments?

This really, really, really all looks identical to you?


. . . seriously?
According to you folks it is. At the core, Trump and Stewart did the same thing. They represented to third parties that the value of their property is far in excess of the appraised value they were paying taxes on and they “profited” from those representations.

Only to those ignorant of how actual real estate works.... Cheese and rice.... For supposed "capitalists", the MAGA crowd sure seems ignorant of how capitalism actually works...
Let’s make this easy for you. Is it or is it not fraud to profit from a false* representation of property value?

*False being defined as any amount in excess of tax appraisal value.
It's fraud to misrepresent your property value in writing to a bank to secure a loan for more than your property is worth. It's not fraud to sell your home to a buyer who is willing to pay above market value for it.
You honestly cannot recognize the distinctions?
Seriously and earnestly?
You're not just playing along with the gag because you're team player?

You really and truly are unable to see the difference?

To you, that is the same thing as saying 3,00 sq ft is 30,000 sq ft?

And me personally doubling the difference from 1000% to 23000% is the same thing as letting two outside parties make their judgments?

This really, really, really all looks identical to you?


. . . seriously?
Ok, you apparently did not follow the Engoron case. Moving on...
It's fraud to misrepresent your property value in writing to a bank to secure a loan for more than your property is worth. It is not fraud to sell your home to a buyer who is willing to pay above market value for it.
:) (y)
Let’s make this easy for you. Is it or is it not fraud to profit from a false* representation of property value?

*False being defined as any amount in excess of tax appraisal value.
so we have yet another poster not familiar with the trump case.

fox/republicans/republican media has done a wonder con job yet again.
They represented to third parties that the value of their property is far in excess of the appraised value they were paying taxes on and they “profited” from those representations.

We know Trump did this. How do you know Stewart did this?

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