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John Kerry worries war is bad for climate change (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Illustrative of Kerry and virtually all of the AGW alarmist cult. These people are absolutely out to lunch.

“John Kerry was excoriated by critics Thursday for expressing hope that Russian President Vladmir Putin would help the world "stay on track" with fighting climate change despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces.

Kerry's comments came during an appearance Wednesday on BBC Arabic, in which Biden's climate envoy also lamented the potential "emissions consequences" from the war in Ukraine and worried the attention of large countries would be "diverted" from fighting climate change because of the conflict”
Illustrative of Kerry and virtually all of the AGW alarmist cult. These people are absolutely out to lunch.

“John Kerry was excoriated by critics Thursday for expressing hope that Russian President Vladmir Putin would help the world "stay on track" with fighting climate change despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces.

Kerry's comments came during an appearance Wednesday on BBC Arabic, in which Biden's climate envoy also lamented the potential "emissions consequences" from the war in Ukraine and worried the attention of large countries would be "diverted" from fighting climate change because of the conflict”
Thankfully we have JK to inject some rationality into the conversation. 🤣
I saw this last night as Laura Ingrahm and Tom Cotton trashed the sitting President and then showed Kerry talking.
Illustrative of Kerry and virtually all of the AGW alarmist cult. These people are absolutely out to lunch.

“John Kerry was excoriated by critics Thursday for expressing hope that Russian President Vladmir Putin would help the world "stay on track" with fighting climate change despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces.

Kerry's comments came during an appearance Wednesday on BBC Arabic, in which Biden's climate envoy also lamented the potential "emissions consequences" from the war in Ukraine and worried the attention of large countries would be "diverted" from fighting climate change because of the conflict”
"I hope Putin stays on track with fighting climate change while he orders the deaths of thousands of Ukrainian civilians!"

John Kerry's PR guy is probably fumbling all over him/herself trying to find a way to salvage this idiocy.
"I hope Putin stays on track with fighting climate change while he orders the deaths of thousands of Ukrainian civilians!"

John Kerry's PR guy is probably fumbling all over him/herself trying to find a way to salvage this idiocy.
Regardless of having some empathy for Kerry's position the guy is a card carrying idiot IMO. The literal definition of somebody that cannot get out of his own way. The GOP would love to clone him.
John... who?
Of the bad takes on the left I didn’t think this was as bad as the people worried that the fleeing Ukrainians weren’t wearing masks.

Or that Putin was only getting away with invading Ukraine because he was white.

On the plus side I’m sure ANTIFA will leave Portland and head to Kiev, right?
Illustrative of Kerry and virtually all of the AGW alarmist cult. These people are absolutely out to lunch.
As I understand it, one of if not the most effective sanction-type tools against Putin and Russia would be cutting off access to SWIFT. Why has it not been done? Primarily because it's needed to pay for fossil fuels from Russia. Imagine that: Thirty plus years of relaxed, "nah, it's not a big deal, costs too much, we need our fossil fuels, let the next administration deal with it" attitudes towards a global crisis undermining the earth systems and ecosystems on which human civilization depends is now also helping undermine efforts to restore peace and end the third major illegal invasion of the post-Cold War era. Let Putin keep killing Ukrainians because the high from those fossil fumes is just soo damn good!
Regardless of having some empathy for Kerry's position the guy is a card carrying idiot IMO. The literal definition of somebody that cannot get out of his own way. The GOP would love to clone him.
Scary part is he came close to being our president. The encouraging part is the usual suspects in here aren't coming to his defense. Then again I've been hitting the ignore button quite a bit lately so maybe I just don't see them.
Illustrative of Kerry and virtually all of the AGW alarmist cult. These people are absolutely out to lunch.

“John Kerry was excoriated by critics Thursday for expressing hope that Russian President Vladmir Putin would help the world "stay on track" with fighting climate change despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces.

Kerry's comments came during an appearance Wednesday on BBC Arabic, in which Biden's climate envoy also lamented the potential "emissions consequences" from the war in Ukraine and worried the attention of large countries would be "diverted" from fighting climate change because of the conflict”
The concern is legitimate ..........
Scary part is he came close to being our president. The encouraging part is the usual suspects in here aren't coming to his defense. Then again I've been hitting the ignore button quite a bit lately so maybe I just don't see them.
What's there to defend? He's doing his job. Kerry says lots of dumb things. I didn't vote for him. Don't like him. That has nothing to do with the fact this is what Kerry is paid to do. Maybe attending a political convention and calling his opponents communists would be a better use of his time?
The concern is legitimate ..........
So as Putin invades a sovereign country and hundreds if not thousands die or are horribly injured Kerry actually hopes Putin won't lose focus on climate change. That's some sick shit.
What's there to defend? He's doing his job. Kerry says lots of dumb things. I didn't vote for him. Don't like him. That has nothing to do with the fact this is what Kerry is paid to do. Maybe attending a political convention and calling his opponents communists would be a better use of his time?
Kerry has shown he's suffering from some sort of AGW psychological disorder and is incapable of empathy for his fellow human beings and their suffering. He's a dangerous individual.
Kerry has shown he's suffering from some sort of AGW psychological disorder and is incapable of empathy for his fellow human beings and their suffering. He's a dangerous individual.

Thanks. That I never get a rational response won't stop me from looking for the lulz. I love it. That's what the Motivator is for.

Here ya go. Read this. I can't wait...

Let me lig...I mean...get the popcorn. Lol.

John Kerry, another relic that is mouthing off at all the wrong times.
Illustrative of Kerry and virtually all of the AGW alarmist cult. These people are absolutely out to lunch.

“John Kerry was excoriated by critics Thursday for expressing hope that Russian President Vladmir Putin would help the world "stay on track" with fighting climate change despite the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russian armed forces.

Kerry's comments came during an appearance Wednesday on BBC Arabic, in which Biden's climate envoy also lamented the potential "emissions consequences" from the war in Ukraine and worried the attention of large countries would be "diverted" from fighting climate change because of the conflict”
perhaps we should ask putin to use electric tanks for any future conflicts...

Thanks. That I never get a rational response won't stop me from looking for the lulz. I love it. That's what the Motivator is for.

Here ya go. Read this. I can't wait...

Let me lig...I mean...get the popcorn. Lol.

Kerry as I stated seems incapable of empathy. He's in a position to harm lives and obviously doesn't care about people. His sole focus is AGW and anyone or anything that gets in his way is expendable.
John Kerry, another relic that is mouthing off at all the wrong times.
Kerry always mouths off at the wrong time. He's the left's Mitt Romney.

"I was for it before I was against it, and that means you, 47%."

"Reporting for duty" *salute* <<--remember that?

This is Kerry being his silver-foot-in-his-mouth self. The OP is an invitation to a circle-jerk. I find it hilarious.
Kerry as I stated seems incapable of empathy. He's in a position to harm lives and obviously doesn't care about people. His sole focus is AGW and anyone or anything that gets in his way is expendable.
That's nice. Are you writing a book? Or just like playing the submissive?

Nobody cares about Kerry's stupid remarks. Except you...for some reason. Care to explain?
perhaps we should ask putin to use electric tanks for any future conflicts...
The fossil fuel industry have been known to charge we the taxpayers $700 a gallon for fossil fuel .....looks like they want to come back for more at $100 per barrel since Putin declared war.

That's nice. Are you writing a book? Or just like playing the submissive?

Nobody cares about Kerry's stupid remarks. Except you...for some reason. Care to explain?

Yet you’re here squealing about how no one cares. That seems more like caring than not caring. Care to explain?

If the Democrats just put him out to pasture then no one would care -- except those who always care when someone in the other party embarrasses the other party. But Democrats tend to elevate their relics to the highest positions in the party.
The fossil fuel industry have been known to charge we the taxpayers $700 a gallon for fossil fuel .....looks like they want to come back for more at $100 per barrel since Putin declared war.

by all means, tell us please.

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