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Joe Biden is a serial adulterer. Do Democrats care? (1 Viewer)


Photo of me taken in the Army 1963
DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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Meridian, Idaho
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They told us during Clinton, that is only the business of Bill and Hillary.

Swapped views for Trump. Grabbed some *****.

Will they still vote for Biden knowing he grabbed some ***** and committed adultery too?

Jill Biden's ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe Biden in 1970s

Jill Biden’s ex-husband has accused the potential first lady of having an affair with Joe Biden and says they lied about how they met in the 1970s, according to a bombshell new report.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone,” said Stevenson, now 72, who is working on a book that includes the lurid claim. “But facts are facts and what happened, happened.”

Stevenson and his then-wife grew close to Biden in 1972 while working on his first campaign to represent Delaware in the U.S. Senate.

Jill Biden'''s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe Biden in 1970s | Fox News
Point 1 - one affair doesn’t make someone a serial adulterer.

Point 2 - the issue for me with Trump isn’t that he’s a serial adulterer, I really don’t care, but that the religious right that’s suppose to care about adultery gives him a pass on it.
So they possibly had an affair in the early 70's. Do Trumpeteers care about adultery? Because it seems like they don't.
Point 1 - one affair doesn’t make someone a serial adulterer.

Point 2 - the issue for me with Trump isn’t that he’s a serial adulterer, I really don’t care, but that the religious right that’s suppose to care about adultery gives him a pass on it.

Trumpeteers trying to climb moral high horses now is rather amusing.
Well these things use to matter for the GOP.. but since they have a serial adulterer as their leader, then guess it is not an issue anymore. Then again paedophilia use to be a bad thing, and yet the GOP supports those types as well. Oh and being a Nazi, but hey they support that too now days.
You know how nothing trump did before he was President is supposed to matter?
Point 1 - one affair doesn’t make someone a serial adulterer.

Point 2 - the issue for me with Trump isn’t that he’s a serial adulterer, I really don’t care, but that the religious right that’s suppose to care about adultery gives him a pass on it.

The religious right also gives him a pass on lying, theft, usury, the shameless, immoral pursuit of personal wealth and so much more. I think it's time we all stop pretending that Jesus is a moral compass. He's more of a moral "get out of Hell free" card that the grossly immoral use to forgive themselves for whatever they DESIRE to do to others. Under their stewardship, slavery and greed have become sanctified again and again. Trump is the high priest of the prosperity gospel.
So they possibly had an affair in the early 70's. Do Trumpeteers care about adultery? Because it seems like they don't.

It's not like Biden cheated on his mistress while his wife was pregnant.
Someone doesn't know the definition of "serial".
They told us during Clinton, that is only the business of Bill and Hillary.

Swapped views for Trump. Grabbed some *****.

Will they still vote for Biden knowing he grabbed some ***** and committed adultery too?

Jill Biden'''s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe Biden in 1970s | Fox News

This is just too stupid.

You don't have standing to whine about it. And if you did have standing, it wouldn't be irrelevant because on this like every other metric, Trump is far far worse.

He actually is a serial adulterer. He has 25 sexual assaults to his name. And he bragged about walking in on naked underaged girls at his pageants.

Donald Trump used to “stroll right in” to the dressing room of beauty pageants while the contestants - some of whom were teenagers - were naked or half-dressed, a former model has claimed. Tasha Dixon was 18 when she competed in the Miss USA pageant, winning the state crown.

“Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half naked changing into our bikinis,” Ms Dixon told CBS.“He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked.”
Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant also said the Republican used to walk in. Some of the girls were as young as 15. Former Miss Vermont Teen USA, Mariah Billado, told Buzzfeed: "I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, 'Oh my god, there's a man in here." . . .Mr Trump said on the Howard Stern radio show in 2005 that he was “allowed”, as the owner of the pageant, to go backstage while the contestants were getting dressed.“You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”

Donald Trump boasted about meeting semi-naked teenagers in beauty pageants | The Independent


Why do you love a Pedo Peeping Tom?
Is a person campaigning against love affairs and such to present themselves as clean and white as new fallen snow?

If so and this person has participated in such there might be a problem?

Conservatives love to dig up sex stories as if their party is somehow as clean and white as new fallen snow which is most certainly a problem A BIG PROBLEM.

I personally believe people's sex lives should left completely out of political campaigns ABSOLUTELY.

Because there are so many other issues that impact millions upon millions upon millions of people that are far more important BELIEVE IT!

Trump is simply an idiot that pays for sex so it means nothing to him = an insensitive human being. Which shows up everywhere in his politics.
They told us during Clinton, that is only the business of Bill and Hillary.

Swapped views for Trump. Grabbed some *****.

Will they still vote for Biden knowing he grabbed some ***** and committed adultery too?

Jill Biden'''s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe Biden in 1970s | Fox News
Another swing and a miss for Robertinfremont.

When you decided to wholeheartedly support the utterly morally corrupt, pathologic liar, and serial bigot Trump, you threw away any chance of ever being able to talk **** about “the other guy/s”.
They told us during Clinton, that is only the business of Bill and Hillary.

Swapped views for Trump. Grabbed some *****.

Will they still vote for Biden knowing he grabbed some ***** and committed adultery too?

Jill Biden'''s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe Biden in 1970s | Fox News


By electing Trump you have immunized Democrats to all of your usual attacks

Morality attacks? Grabbed by the ***** gone.
Military Service? Fraudulent medical excuse gone.
Religion? I have never had to ask God for forgiveness gone.

You need a new playbook. Nobody is buying this crap from your side anymore.
They told us during Clinton, that is only the business of Bill and Hillary.

Swapped views for Trump. Grabbed some *****.

Will they still vote for Biden knowing he grabbed some ***** and committed adultery too?

Jill Biden'''s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe Biden in 1970s | Fox News

This is one of the great things about Trump, and there are few. Never again will we pretend that the right wing cares about this kind of thing. We know it doesn't matter, because Trump. Even the evangelicals jumped on the Trump train with both feet. He had sex with a porn star when his third wife was home with his newborn son, and paid her off to keep quiet. Evangelicals and the rest of the MAGA contingent? :shrug:

So these stories will be published, forgotten the next day. If he had an affair 45 years ago, OK. Shame on you Joe Biden!

In 2020, he's been married to the same woman for 45 years, is a devoted husband and father, and I don't care at all, not a tiny little bit, about the possibility he might have, maybe, had an affair 46 years ago, and neither does anyone else enough to impact their vote.
Leave sex out of political campaigns !!!!!!!!!!!!!
They told us during Clinton, that is only the business of Bill and Hillary.

Swapped views for Trump. Grabbed some *****.

Will they still vote for Biden knowing he grabbed some ***** and committed adultery too?

Jill Biden'''s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe Biden in 1970s | Fox News

You never cease to amaze me in a negative way.

On this post, you are accusing Biden of being a sexual predator off of 1 accusation and your post is attempting to give a negative connotation to people voting for him.

You are a total hypocrite given that you 100% support Trump and have stated that you will vote for him and yet Trump has 25 sexual misconduct allegations against him and it has been proven he has not only had sex with other women while married but he even paid them.

Is a person campaigning against love affairs and such to present themselves as clean and white as new fallen snow?

If so and this person has participated in such there might be a problem?

Conservatives love to dig up sex stories as if their party is somehow as clean and white as new fallen snow which is most certainly a problem A BIG PROBLEM.

I personally believe people's sex lives should left completely out of political campaigns ABSOLUTELY.

Because there are so many other issues that impact millions upon millions upon millions of people that are far more important BELIEVE IT!

Trump is simply an idiot that pays for sex so it means nothing to him = an insensitive human being. Which shows up everywhere in his politics.

Trump is simply an idiot that pays for sex so it means nothing to him = an insensitive human being. Which shows up everywhere in his politics. THIS IS A FUC-ING PROBLEM!

There are stories galore about our politicians from both sides of the aisle gathering at high dollar hotels where prostitutes just happen to be ===== for both men and women on that I'm not sure.

Why the hell are you conservatives wasting so much time on this issue = it is fuc-ing useless as conservatives do prostitutes too!!!!

Hell Newt was screwing another woman when one of his wives was in the hospital. Democrats should be doing videos on conservatives going down on female prostitutes and male prostitutes.

Lindsey Graham is gay yet he is a conservative BUT BUT BUT conservatives rail against gays. GHW Bush had a boy friend so it was rumored.


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