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Jo Cox MP dead after shooting attack, UK, England (1 Viewer)


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Jun 16, 2016
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An MP has died after she was shot and stabbed in a "horrific" assault in her constituency, police have said.
Jo Cox, Labour MP for Batley and Spen, was left bleeding on the ground after the attack in Birstall, West Yorkshire. A man was arrested nearby.
One eyewitness told the BBC they heard her attacker shout "put Britain first" at least twice beforehand.
Tributes flooded in from politicians including David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn and US Secretary of State John Kerry.
Mrs Cox's husband Brendan said she would want people "to unite to fight against the hatred that killed her."

More information here. Jo Cox MP dead after shooting attack - BBC News
guns are banned in the UK, how did this happen?
1) there is already two threads on this
2) why did you place yours in the gun-control forum?
It didn't happen.

The UK has gun control.

Citizens don't have ready access.

There is no real gun crime.

The law protected her.

I'm sure this is all just some joke news article to stir up us wild and wooly gun-toting Americans.

Now I have to go make sure my herd of Unicorns and pen of Flying Pigs get fed. :cowboy:
Guns aren't banned in Great Britain. They require permits. And we all know that gun control must be 100% effective or it fails.

handguns are completely banned for citizens. so you are wrong. 100% gun control means no one has guns. As long as the government has guns, others can get them. so you are talking about a scenario that has no reality
handguns are completely banned for citizens. so you are wrong. 100% gun control means no one has guns. As long as the government has guns, others can get them. so you are talking about a scenario that has no reality
You didn't say "handguns." You said "guns." Not all guns are handguns, and not all guns are banned in the UK. You are wrong.

And gun control does not mean a complete ban on guns---even 100% gun control (i.e. registration, etc).

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