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Jeff Bezos--Bankruptcy (1 Viewer)


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Jun 28, 2006
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Oaxaca, Mexico
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Jeff Bezos just moved up to take third place as the richest man.
Forbes Welcome

But, like Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos had a bankruptcy. It was in 2001. Yes, he went bust big time. But, he learned from his failure how to succeed. So, he succeeded big time.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, learned from his first bankruptcy how to make money going bankrupt so it did it three more times.

Now, by Forbes reckoning, Jeff Bezos is worth $65.8 billion and Donald Trump is worth $4.5 billion. Jeff Bezos did it without fleecing suckers, without running scams, and without being a bully.

Why isn't Jeff Bezos the Republican nominee? He's too busy and doesn't have that ego problem.
Why is any businessman with zero political experience running for president at all? That should be the first question. But yes after we determine the answer for that, I would like to know why out of all the wealthy businessmen in America (not just bezos) would American conservatives vote for Trump?

Maybe it has nothing to do with his business experience, and its really because he's america's first conspiracy theorist presidential candidate.
Jeff Bezos just moved up to take third place as the richest man.
Forbes Welcome

But, like Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos had a bankruptcy. It was in 2001. Yes, he went bust big time. But, he learned from his failure how to succeed. So, he succeeded big time.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, learned from his first bankruptcy how to make money going bankrupt so it did it three more times.

Now, by Forbes reckoning, Jeff Bezos is worth $65.8 billion and Donald Trump is worth $4.5 billion. Jeff Bezos did it without fleecing suckers, without running scams, and without being a bully.

Why isn't Jeff Bezos the Republican nominee? He's too busy and doesn't have that ego problem.
The idea of a businessman running for president is very appealing to a large part of the electorate. The problem with Trump is that there are likely thousands of other businessmen who would be a better standard bearer. To break through the political noise, such a person would have to be larger than life and be able to keep himself constantly in the forefront of the news. That's why we wound up with a Trump and not a Bezos.
The idea of a businessman running for president is very appealing to a large part of the electorate. The problem with Trump is that there are likely thousands of other businessmen who would be a better standard bearer. To break through the political noise, such a person would have to be larger than life and be able to keep himself constantly in the forefront of the news. That's why we wound up with a Trump and not a Bezos.

Some might forget but we did have a different type of businessman run in 2012, unsuccessfully. Trump is clearly a flawed candidate. Who but a flawed candidate is willing to put up with the nonsense that comes along with running for president. The premise here is a good example. There are few in life that do very well and never fail.

Not sure why Bezos is your standard, except for his wealth. He purchased the Washington Post with for him is chump change. His employees there are trying to toss the election in one direction. So you are OK with the 3rd wealthiest person in the world trying to buy an election?
Some might forget but we did have a different type of businessman run in 2012, unsuccessfully. Trump is clearly a flawed candidate. Who but a flawed candidate is willing to put up with the nonsense that comes along with running for president. The premise here is a good example. There are few in life that do very well and never fail.
But Romney didn't really run as a businessman and, in fact, seemed embarrassed by his financial success. Romney was all smooth politician and political insider with a splash of business experience.

Not sure why Bezos is your standard, except for his wealth. He purchased the Washington Post with for him is chump change. His employees there are trying to toss the election in one direction. So you are OK with the 3rd wealthiest person in the world trying to buy an election?
I didn't pick Bezos, the OP did.
But Romney didn't really run as a businessman and, in fact, seemed embarrassed by his financial success. Romney was all smooth politician and political insider with a splash of business experience.

I didn't pick Bezos, the OP did.

Romney spent much of his life as a businessman and the democrats chief attacks against him were about his business dealings. You are correct he was also an establishment politician following in his father's footsteps. You did not start the thread but did mention Bezos in your response.
Jeff Bezos did it without fleecing suckers, without running scams, and without being a bully.

You imply Trump does these things. Could you provide evidence of that?
Jeff Bezos just moved up to take third place as the richest man.
Forbes Welcome

But, like Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos had a bankruptcy. It was in 2001. Yes, he went bust big time. But, he learned from his failure how to succeed. So, he succeeded big time.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, learned from his first bankruptcy how to make money going bankrupt so it did it three more times.

Now, by Forbes reckoning, Jeff Bezos is worth $65.8 billion and Donald Trump is worth $4.5 billion. Jeff Bezos did it without fleecing suckers, without running scams, and without being a bully.

Why isn't Jeff Bezos the Republican nominee? He's too busy and doesn't have that ego problem.

If I recall correctly I think Bezos may be a Libertarian?
Why is any businessman with zero political experience running for president at all?

Obviously to do things politicians don't and won't do. Why do we continue electing politicians? It is a losing idea.
If I recall correctly I think Bezos may be a Libertarian?

If I recall correctly, Trump has most often been a Democrat. Bernie was a socialist running as a Democrat and Donald is a Democrat running as a Republican.
You imply Trump does these things. Could you provide evidence of that?

I am sure you're joking. Casinos exist to fleece suckers. They gave free cocktails so they could fleece suckers. Three of Donald's four bankruptcies fleeced suckers. Every sucker who signed up for Trump University got fleeced. People who bought Donald's junk bonds got fleeced. Trump Steaks, Trump Water, all bogus.
Some might forget but we did have a different type of businessman run in 2012, unsuccessfully. Trump is clearly a flawed candidate. Who but a flawed candidate is willing to put up with the nonsense that comes along with running for president. The premise here is a good example. There are few in life that do very well and never fail.

Not sure why Bezos is your standard, except for his wealth. He purchased the Washington Post with for him is chump change. His employees there are trying to toss the election in one direction. So you are OK with the 3rd wealthiest person in the world trying to buy an election?

I suppose Donald Trump is a businessman. One of his businesses is bankruptcies. Some businessmen are honest, ethical, honorable, and decent. And then there are the others who tend to give real businessmen a bad name.
I am sure you're joking. Casinos exist to fleece suckers. They gave free cocktails so they could fleece suckers. Three of Donald's four bankruptcies fleeced suckers. Every sucker who signed up for Trump University got fleeced. People who bought Donald's junk bonds got fleeced. Trump Steaks, Trump Water, all bogus.

I'm sure most people who go to casinos know that they are gambling. They know what the cocktails are all about. They don't regard themselves as suckers. Investors know that they are taking a risk. If Trump misrepresented any of his financial deals he could be charged with a crime. I don't know of any cases where he was charged.

Trump's school for real estate is the center of a lot of legal action with charges and counter charges flying all around. If you're inclined to believe one side or the other it would just show your own bias, I think.

Speaking of questionable universities, do you know about the Clinton's university problems? They got something like $14 million for their involvement.
I'm sure most people who go to casinos know that they are gambling. They know what the cocktails are all about. They don't regard themselves as suckers. Investors know that they are taking a risk. If Trump misrepresented any of his financial deals he could be charged with a crime. I don't know of any cases where he was charged.

Trump's school for real estate is the center of a lot of legal action with charges and counter charges flying all around. If you're inclined to believe one side or the other it would just show your own bias, I think.

Speaking of questionable universities, do you know about the Clinton's university problems? They got something like $14 million for their involvement.

Nice try. You want to talk about the Clintons. Why not the sleazy, dishonest, unethical Donald Trump who sometimes uses an alias.

I love the liberal defense of, "He hasn't been indicted yet." That morphs into, "He hasn't been convicted yet." Or, with Bill Clinton, "Okay, he was guilty but it really didn't matter."

And, so what if the suckers got drunk in the casino and lost their home. They should have known better. Of course, the suckers who are voting for Trump should have known better and don't think they're suckers, either.

But, my personal favorite is the list of great sacrifices he's made for our country. He hired thousands of people and had big buildings built. Apparently, Donald Trump doesn't know the meaning of sacrifice, either.
Jeff Bezos just moved up to take third place as the richest man.
Forbes Welcome

But, like Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos had a bankruptcy. It was in 2001. Yes, he went bust big time. But, he learned from his failure how to succeed. So, he succeeded big time.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, learned from his first bankruptcy how to make money going bankrupt so it did it three more times.

Now, by Forbes reckoning, Jeff Bezos is worth $65.8 billion and Donald Trump is worth $4.5 billion. Jeff Bezos did it without fleecing suckers, without running scams, and without being a bully.

Why isn't Jeff Bezos the Republican nominee? He's too busy and doesn't have that ego problem.

Republicans tend not to like to nominate Democrats to be their nominee.n

Real estate people tend to think of bankruptcy as a form of finance. There is no shame in bankruptcy, in fact, dare say a badge of honor in it for people in real estate.
If I recall correctly, Trump has most often been a Democrat. Bernie was a socialist running as a Democrat and Donald is a Democrat running as a Republican.

Great. So what's your point?
I am sure you're joking. Casinos exist to fleece suckers. They gave free cocktails so they could fleece suckers. Three of Donald's four bankruptcies fleeced suckers. Every sucker who signed up for Trump University got fleeced. People who bought Donald's junk bonds got fleeced. Trump Steaks, Trump Water, all bogus.

...as is his candidacy for President. The reason we have snake oil salesman is that some people like to buy snake oil.
Great. So what's your point?

I'm sorry. I thought you read the quote I was responding to that cited Jeff Bezos supposed political affiliation. Other than that, there was no point because everyone understands that Trump's political affiliation is based solely on what will benefit him at the moment. He's a Democrat.
Republicans tend not to like to nominate Democrats to be their nominee.n

Real estate people tend to think of bankruptcy as a form of finance. There is no shame in bankruptcy, in fact, dare say a badge of honor in it for people in real estate.

I wonder what pedophiles have as a "badge of honor"?

Republicans didn't want to nominate the Democrat, Donald Trump.
...as is his candidacy for President. The reason we have snake oil salesman is that some people like to buy snake oil.

No, they don't. They're conned by hucksters into thinking they're buying a miracle cure, a guaranteed new head of hair, the body of an 18-year old for an 80-year old.

I don't think it's more ethical if the people you're conning are stupid. That's why I wish the government had never gotten into the gambling business. It's bad enough unelected crooks prey on the suckers.
I'm sorry. I thought you read the quote I was responding to that cited Jeff Bezos supposed political affiliation. Other than that, there was no point because everyone understands that Trump's political affiliation is based solely on what will benefit him at the moment. He's a Democrat.

He's not a dem. He's windmill that changes directions whenever convenient.
Trump's school for real estate is the center of a lot of legal action with charges and counter charges flying all around. If you're inclined to believe one side or the other it would just show your own bias, I think.

Haha, oh damn that's funny.

The only thing under question here is whether what he did is illegal. As for "did he **** over thousands of people?" the answer is a resounding "Yes!". It's dishonest to say anything other than that.
Jeff Bezos just moved up to take third place as the richest man.
Forbes Welcome

But, like Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos had a bankruptcy. It was in 2001. Yes, he went bust big time. But, he learned from his failure how to succeed. So, he succeeded big time.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, learned from his first bankruptcy how to make money going bankrupt so it did it three more times.

Now, by Forbes reckoning, Jeff Bezos is worth $65.8 billion and Donald Trump is worth $4.5 billion. Jeff Bezos did it without fleecing suckers, without running scams, and without being a bully.

Why isn't Jeff Bezos the Republican nominee? He's too busy and doesn't have that ego problem.



The Trump hate threads have long since veered into petulant whining.
Jeff Bezos just moved up to take third place as the richest man.
Forbes Welcome

But, like Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos had a bankruptcy. It was in 2001. Yes, he went bust big time. But, he learned from his failure how to succeed. So, he succeeded big time.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, learned from his first bankruptcy how to make money going bankrupt so it did it three more times.

Now, by Forbes reckoning, Jeff Bezos is worth $65.8 billion and Donald Trump is worth $4.5 billion. Jeff Bezos did it without fleecing suckers, without running scams, and without being a bully.

Why isn't Jeff Bezos the Republican nominee? He's too busy and doesn't have that ego problem.

did bezos pay back the bankruptcy like a civil person that has the means would?

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