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I've continually written about the young pushing "change" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 22, 2019
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As I've written many times about the young generation pushing and promoting "change".

They are re-learning what people in the 19th and 20th Century learned. They are fast understanding the value premise and beneficial principles of "Unionization".


The Revolt of the College-Educated Working Class

These experiences, which economic research shows became more common after the Great Recession, appear to have united many young college-educated workers around two core beliefs: They have a sense that the economic grand bargain available to their parents — go to college, work hard, enjoy a comfortable lifestyle — has broken down. And they see unionizing as a way to resurrect it.

Support for labor unions among college graduates has increased from 55% in the late 1990s to around 70% in the last few years, and is even higher among younger college graduates, according to data provided by Gallup.

“I think a union was really kind of my only option to make this a viable choice for myself and other people,” said Mulholland, 32, who helped lead the campaign to unionize his New York City REI store in March. Shiflett and Alanna have also been active in the campaigns to unionize their workplaces.

And those efforts, in turn, may help explain an upsurge for organized labor, with filings for union elections up more than 50% over a similar period one year ago.

Though a minority at most nonprofessional workplaces, college-educated workers are playing a key role in propelling them toward unionization, experts say, because the college-educated often feel empowered in ways that others do not.

“There’s a class confidence, I would call it,” said Ruth Milkman, a sociologist of labor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. “A broader worldview that encompasses more than getting through the day.”

While other workers at companies like Starbucks and Amazon are also supportive of unions and sometimes take the initiative in forming them, the presence of the college-educated in these jobs means there is a “layer of people who particularly have their antennae up,” Milkman said. “There is an additional layer of leadership.”
end quote

They will make Union's work they way they should work, they are more educated than people in the 19th and 20th Century, where the average Union worker had a High School Diploma and some had even less for certain jobs under the Union shop. They relied on more poorly educated people as shop stewards, who did not have the educational background to engage the level of critical thinking that was necessary during those periods, and by the time people were misled to abandon Union's the Union Shop did not have the talent in the shop steward roles to deal with the University Educated types in the management and executive sector or in the general work place.

NOW, a new dynamics is involved in what makes up Union Leadership from the top down to the shop stewards. This younger generation are more willing to speak up and build consensus.
they not only will restore benefits the previous generation gave away, they will regain company contribution to pension plans, and many other benefits, that the previous generation did not know how to maintain and keep. This young generation also understand the means and ways to address "progressive wage". they won't toss it all away, crying about Union Dues, because they understand better "why they joined and requested Unionized Workplace". They also don't have the race bias, and gender bias of the previous generations that did not adjust to minorities and women making the Union scale that white men had enjoyed.

They also know how to be better "Corporate Watcher's" and they have better technology tools to utilize to do so. They will be better at holding the corporation accountable to citizen consumers as well as employee groups. Once the Union worker enters the administrative office as employees, they have better access to more correct and exacting information.
They will be better equipped to ensure Union Members don't abuse their membership, because they understand the value of maintaining the integrity of the Union.
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As I've written many times about the young generation pushing and promoting "change".

They are re-learning what people in the 19th and 20th Century learned. They are fast understanding the value premise and beneficial principles of "Unionization".


The Revolt of the College-Educated Working Class

These experiences, which economic research shows became more common after the Great Recession, appear to have united many young college-educated workers around two core beliefs: They have a sense that the economic grand bargain available to their parents — go to college, work hard, enjoy a comfortable lifestyle — has broken down. And they see unionizing as a way to resurrect it.

Support for labor unions among college graduates has increased from 55% in the late 1990s to around 70% in the last few years, and is even higher among younger college graduates, according to data provided by Gallup.

“I think a union was really kind of my only option to make this a viable choice for myself and other people,” said Mulholland, 32, who helped lead the campaign to unionize his New York City REI store in March. Shiflett and Alanna have also been active in the campaigns to unionize their workplaces.

And those efforts, in turn, may help explain an upsurge for organized labor, with filings for union elections up more than 50% over a similar period one year ago.

Though a minority at most nonprofessional workplaces, college-educated workers are playing a key role in propelling them toward unionization, experts say, because the college-educated often feel empowered in ways that others do not.

“There’s a class confidence, I would call it,” said Ruth Milkman, a sociologist of labor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. “A broader worldview that encompasses more than getting through the day.”

While other workers at companies like Starbucks and Amazon are also supportive of unions and sometimes take the initiative in forming them, the presence of the college-educated in these jobs means there is a “layer of people who particularly have their antennae up,” Milkman said. “There is an additional layer of leadership.”
end quote

They will make Union's work they way they should work, they are more educated than people in the 19th and 20th Century, where the average Union worker had a High School Diploma and some had even less for certain jobs under the Union shop. They relied on more poorly educated people as shop stewards, who did not have the educational background to engage the level of critical thinking that was necessary during those periods, and by the time people were misled to abandon Union's the Union Shop did not have the talent in the shop steward roles to deal with the University Educated types in the management and executive sector or in the general work place.

NOW, a new dynamics is involved in what makes up Union Leadership from the top down to the shop stewards. This younger generation are more willing to speak up and build consensus.
they not only will restore benefits the previous generation gave away, they will regain company contribution to pension plans, and many other benefits, that the previous generation did not know how to maintain and keep. This young generation also understand the means and ways to address "progressive wage". they won't toss it all away, crying about Union Dues, because they understand better "why they joined and requested Unionized Workplace". They also don't have the race bias, and gender bias of the previous generations that did not adjust to minorities and women making the Union scale that white men had enjoyed.

They also know how to be better "Corporate Watcher's" and they have better technology tools to utilize to do so. They will be better at holding the corporation accountable to citizen consumers as well as employee groups. Once the Union worker enters the administrative office as employees, they have better access to more correct and exacting information.
They will be better equipped to ensure Union Members don't abuse their membership, because they understand the value of maintaining the integrity of the Union.

Before some righty comes in here and tries to claim that young people will get more conservative as they get older...They're not. At least, not yet.

Before some righty comes in here and tries to claim that young people will get more conservative as they get older...They're not. At least, not yet.

Young people "understanding growth and change" far better than previous generations, and the younger generation adapt to change and embrace the growth that change brings. They know Liberal Policies that are Principle Based in Wide Spread Equality benefits "All". They are not angered when others gain benefit from their labors. They don't have the gender push back mentality, and they don't have the race and ethnicity bias push back of previous generations.

They know Liberal Policies Build Progress, Conservatism promotes Austerity, and nothing Grows and Progresses under Austerity.

It's a different pardigm in society, young people grew up together who are members of the working class from Kindergarden through University... so they don't just come in contact with others ethnicities and races in the work place... they've dealt with diversity throughout their growth cycle.

They have watched in the tech world they grew up in, video of Republican out right lying, and then try and deny it, when they have video and audio proof of the lie. they know how to "research, and they have the technology of today that makes it easy... without having to spend hours in a library trying to find the information they seek. They grew up in a world that is very different from the past.
This is nothing new, they start as kids complaining about bedtime, voting for pizza, and negotiating longer TV viewing hours.
This is nothing new, they start as kids complaining about bedtime, voting for pizza, and negotiating longer TV viewing hours.
And then some turn into raging conspiracy conservatives that are so stupid they believe in mass election fraud and satanic portals above the White House. Seriously conservatives, take care of your own idiots for once instead of complaining about the left.
As I've written many times about the young generation pushing and promoting "change".

They are re-learning what people in the 19th and 20th Century learned. They are fast understanding the value premise and beneficial principles of "Unionization".


The Revolt of the College-Educated Working Class

These experiences, which economic research shows became more common after the Great Recession, appear to have united many young college-educated workers around two core beliefs: They have a sense that the economic grand bargain available to their parents — go to college, work hard, enjoy a comfortable lifestyle — has broken down. And they see unionizing as a way to resurrect it.

Support for labor unions among college graduates has increased from 55% in the late 1990s to around 70% in the last few years, and is even higher among younger college graduates, according to data provided by Gallup.

“I think a union was really kind of my only option to make this a viable choice for myself and other people,” said Mulholland, 32, who helped lead the campaign to unionize his New York City REI store in March. Shiflett and Alanna have also been active in the campaigns to unionize their workplaces.

And those efforts, in turn, may help explain an upsurge for organized labor, with filings for union elections up more than 50% over a similar period one year ago.

Though a minority at most nonprofessional workplaces, college-educated workers are playing a key role in propelling them toward unionization, experts say, because the college-educated often feel empowered in ways that others do not.

“There’s a class confidence, I would call it,” said Ruth Milkman, a sociologist of labor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. “A broader worldview that encompasses more than getting through the day.”

While other workers at companies like Starbucks and Amazon are also supportive of unions and sometimes take the initiative in forming them, the presence of the college-educated in these jobs means there is a “layer of people who particularly have their antennae up,” Milkman said. “There is an additional layer of leadership.”
end quote

They will make Union's work they way they should work, they are more educated than people in the 19th and 20th Century, where the average Union worker had a High School Diploma and some had even less for certain jobs under the Union shop. They relied on more poorly educated people as shop stewards, who did not have the educational background to engage the level of critical thinking that was necessary during those periods, and by the time people were misled to abandon Union's the Union Shop did not have the talent in the shop steward roles to deal with the University Educated types in the management and executive sector or in the general work place.

NOW, a new dynamics is involved in what makes up Union Leadership from the top down to the shop stewards. This younger generation are more willing to speak up and build consensus.
they not only will restore benefits the previous generation gave away, they will regain company contribution to pension plans, and many other benefits, that the previous generation did not know how to maintain and keep. This young generation also understand the means and ways to address "progressive wage". they won't toss it all away, crying about Union Dues, because they understand better "why they joined and requested Unionized Workplace". They also don't have the race bias, and gender bias of the previous generations that did not adjust to minorities and women making the Union scale that white men had enjoyed.

They also know how to be better "Corporate Watcher's" and they have better technology tools to utilize to do so. They will be better at holding the corporation accountable to citizen consumers as well as employee groups. Once the Union worker enters the administrative office as employees, they have better access to more correct and exacting information.
They will be better equipped to ensure Union Members don't abuse their membership, because they understand the value of maintaining the integrity of the Union.
Heaven help us all if even an ounce of this garbage be true.
This is nothing new, they start as kids complaining about bedtime, voting for pizza, and negotiating longer TV viewing hours.
You've completely grasped the OP and reduced it to utter nonsense in one sentence. Stunning.
Heaven help us all if even an ounce of this garbage be true.
You seem not to understand what "Collective Unity Is and How it Benefits All.
I hope the young people build the strongest and best performing Unionization the world has ever seen. "they understand the principle" WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER.
You've completely grasped the OP and reduced it to utter nonsense in one sentence. Stunning.
It just proves Right Wing and Conservatives Republicans always try to turn anything into negatives, because they don't know anything other than "attack anything", and "attack everything they encounter".
It's probably why so many are so miserable and always try and block and tackle with intent to try and defeat anything that promotes progress. they hate to see others have and enjoy their lives, because they convinced themselves not to enjoy anything except trying to attack and defeat something, because they hate the thought and reality of women and minorities having the ability to get the same thing, they themselves want.
It chaps their ass, to see women and minorties get and do things they themselves did not do what it takes to do and get the same thing for themselves.

Anyone can go throughout the forum on any topic... and all they do is "attack anything", and "attack everything they encounter".
  • They have zero ideas that help build and progress society and the world.
  • All they do is complain about 'everything'.
  • then stand back and think they are model for society and want to try and dictate something to others.
You seem not to understand what "Collective Unity Is and How it Benefits All.
I hope the young people build the strongest and best performing Unionization the world has ever seen. "they understand the principle" WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER.
I understand collectivism all too well - and quite apparently far more than you do.
6. Labor unions provider worker protections.
In most states in the US, non-union workers are typically employed in what is called an “at-will” environment. This means an employer can fire someone for virtually any reason. Only limited exceptions are in place, which often involve discrimination or whistleblowing. Any reason outside of the limited exceptions will qualify as a legal termination. At best, a fired employee would have access to unemployment benefits. Unionized workers can only be fired for what is called a “just cause.” There must be evidence of misconduct and any disciplinary action can usually go through arbitration or a grievance procedure.
end quote

Focus on the benefit of Union Membership...!!! if you understand the company and understand the union, one would not have problem or difficulty with being a member in a Union Shop.
You've completely grasped the OP and reduced it to utter nonsense in one sentence. Stunning.

It's a fact. Kids want freedom and anarchy. Punk music is literally an outgrowth of youth angst.

All generations of youth explode into their twenty's then find a mate, calm down, and suddenly enjoy a beer, the grill, and watching movies at home. Even the aging hippies from '68 are saying today, "Go get a job you bum!"

I know because I was a rebellious youth too, strapped with a guitar and stack of Marshalls, screaming about "the man". LOL

Boomers and Millennials: Adapting to Generational Change

Every generation has its own approach to life and work. At the risk of stating the obvious, the interactions between generations have profound effects on families and their businesses.
Reflecting on John’s decades of researching and advising family companies, we are impressed with how attitudes about work, careers, family life, and family business have changed rather steadily since 1978, when “Baby Boomers,” born between 1946 and 1964, were just entering the workforce.

Baby Boomers were interacting with their parents, members of the “Silent” or “Builder” generation, born between 1925 and 1945.

Today, Boomers are mostly in charge and getting hit with the new wave of change brought in by the Millennial generation, born between 1982 and 2004, sometimes called Generation Y. By 2016, Millennials will be 80% of the global workforce. We’ve never seen generational change on this scale before, and most Boomer leaders are not ready for the widespread changes the Millennials will bring to their organizations.

Sandwiched in the middle are Generations Xers, with technical skills and insights into new trends that are propelling them into leadership positions faster than the two generations that came before them.
Meanwhile, the Silent Generation are not retiring in their 60s or even their 70s, as generations have always done before them.
  • They are still exerting significant influence on families, ownership groups, foundations, and companies.

At the Cambridge Institute for Family Enterprise, we are tracking how all four of today’s living generations approach life and work, and what impact that has on family enterprise. We are particularly concerned with the confusion and conflict that can arise when multiple generations— especially from the same family–meet across the conference table.
Our research aims to better understand how generational differences can be transformed into advantages and opportunity. In this article, though, we will stay focused on Boomers and Millennials.
end quote

Trump played on the difficulties the Baby Boomers have with Adapting to the Change, and those Baby Boomers, led the right wing conservative to fight against change. "MAGA", all about trying to recreate the past, hey day of the White Right Wing Conservative Evangelical. The same groups that were staunch fighters against Civil Rights Legislation and staunch fighter against Immigration Reform, staunch fighters against Gender Equality and staunch fighters against people making their own choices about their Sex Lives. They Fight against any Government Work to promote support the principles of Equality in All Things.
They only want Government Funds to do what it did in the 1900-1960's.. which is only invest in what benefits "White Right Wing Conservative Evangelical"

Millennial generation, Generation X are change makers, but Millennial's adapt even quicker. They don't have time for that backward, segregationist bias and bigotry.. they build and work toward expanding potential, to be and create things that benefit "anyone and everyone" who engages to interact with progress and development.
It's a fact. Kids want freedom and anarchy. Punk music is literally an outgrowth of youth angst.

All generations of youth explode into their twenty's then find a mate, calm down, and suddenly enjoy a beer, the grill, and watching movies at home. Even the aging hippies from '68 are saying today, "Go get a job you bum!"

I know because I was a rebellious youth too, strapped with a guitar and stack of Marshalls, screaming about "the man". LOL
Young people have learned that "The Man" is "themselves"...

  • They are even more committed to making changes in society, as they know they are the responsible party that must do so, which means they have to elect intelligent people, they have to elect liberal policy makers who respect the principle of equality for all, and liberal people who think in terms of building a better future, they think in terms of electing people who can think without bias and bigotry to develop things that progress citizens, society, and nation, while knowing how to work with the world of nations.
It's a fact. Kids want freedom and anarchy. Punk music is literally an outgrowth of youth angst.

All generations of youth explode into their twenty's then find a mate, calm down, and suddenly enjoy a beer, the grill, and watching movies at home. Even the aging hippies from '68 are saying today, "Go get a job you bum!"

I know because I was a rebellious youth too, strapped with a guitar and stack of Marshalls, screaming about "the man". LOL
And now you’re screaming about massive election fraud. 😂. Hasn’t changed much lol

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