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It's the discuss political cartoons/pictures thread: (1 Viewer)

Dittohead not!

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link to political cartoons

To start it off:


Just where is this "left" that idolizes Karl Marx?

Exactly! Don't like abortion? Don't have one. Don't like pot? Don't smoke it. Don't like gays? Don't hang out with them. Don't like authoritarians? Don't elect them to office.

Exactly! Don't like abortion? Don't have one. Don't like pot? Don't smoke it. Don't like gays? Don't hang out with them. Don't like authoritarians? Don't elect them to office.

Don’t like guns? Don’t have one. Don’t like Rush? Don’t listen to him. Don’t like the guy who won the election? Well that’s too ****ing bad.
Don’t like guns? Don’t have one. Don’t like Rush? Don’t listen to him. Don’t like the guy who won the election? Well that’s too ****ing bad.

Don’t like the guy w ho won the election? work for his opponent next time.
So I guess that means you have to give your country up to the 3rd world who's going to vote in those socialist politicians whom you hate.
Or, maybe it just means that nationalism teaches you to hate people you've never met and take pride in accomplishments you had no part in.

But one of them didn't get elected president. Too bad it isn't both of them who didn't get elected president.

Bernie Sanders identifies as a democratic socialist and has a longstanding commitment to the policies and movements of the anti-imperialist Left. It is therefore unsurprising that his views on Venezuela would attract interest and concern during the 2016 Presidential Election cycle and beyond. However, a comprehensive search of Sanders’s congressional records, speeches, newspaper articles, books, and the weight of opposition research against him, offers a rather different picture to that painted by his political opponents. The condemnation of his apparent praise of the Venezuelan regime, it turns out, is based on unfounded claims, unexamined sources, conclusion-jumping, intellectual laziness, and some pretty shoddy journalism.

The Falsity of the Sanders Venezuela Meme
So I guess that means you have to give your country up to the 3rd world who's going to vote in those socialist politicians whom you hate.

Giving a nation up doesn't mean you have to replace it with another. When you remove cancer from a body, you don't replace it with another type.
Giving a nation up doesn't mean you have to replace it with another. When you remove cancer from a body, you don't replace it with another type.
So what's going to stop the flow of migrants?

Sent from my HTC phone. Instaurare omnia in Christo.

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