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Israel's Land (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Vincennes IN
Political Leaning

I think it is crazy for the people in the Middle East to make such a fuss about a piece of land roughly the size of Massachusetts. Get the heck over it. That shows how irrational and crazy they are. Not to mention extremely greedy. It seems like they just look for reasons to hate people. Why go wild and violent over a small piece of land. They blow themselves up over that??????????
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alphieb said:

I think it is crazy for the people in the Middle East to make such a fuss about a piece of land roughly the size of Massachusetts. Get the heck over it. That shows how irrational and crazy they are. Not to mention extremely greedy. It seems like they just look for reasons to hate people. Why go wild and violent over a small piece of land. They blow themselves up over that??????????

How much land do you own? I got five acres (a lot smaller then Massachusetts) not planning on giving it, or letting some one take it, away from me. But perhaps I'm simply being greedy.
Pacridge said:
How much land do you own? I got five acres (a lot smaller then Massachusetts) not planning on giving it, or letting some one take it, away from me. But perhaps I'm simply being greedy.

So you'd agree that kicking the Israelis out of Israel would be the wrong thing to do.
Pacridge said:
How much land do you own? I got five acres (a lot smaller then Massachusetts) not planning on giving it, or letting some one take it, away from me. But perhaps I'm simply being greedy.

I used to own 20 acres of forest land until I sold it. That is really not a comparison this has been going on for years and years. It would be like if the British still thought America was their land or if the Indians ganged together to form a terrorist group, because this was originally their land. Can you imagine if they formed a group like AlQaeda and blew themselves up over it. Get over it people.

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