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Israeli Police Recommend Netanyahu Be Charged With Bribery In Telecom Case (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
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How many times have we heard about bibi and indictment?

Israeli Police Recommend Netanyahu Be Charged With Bribery In Telecom Case
Police said they’d uncovered enough evidence to charge the prime minister and his wife with bribery and fraud.

Israeli police on Sunday recommended indicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on bribery charges related to a corruption case involving Israel’s telecom giant, prompting immediate calls for his resignation.

Police say their investigation has established an evidentiary foundation to charge Netanyahu and his wife Sara with accepting bribes, fraud and breach of trust. The case revolves around suspicions that confidants of Netanyahu promoted regulations worth hundreds of millions of dollars to the Bezeq telecom company in exchange for positive coverage of the prime minister on Bezeq’s subsidiary news website, Walla.

Police have already recommended indicting Netanyahu on corruption charges in two other cases. One involves accepting gifts from billionaire friends, and the second revolves around alleged offers of advantageous legislation for a newspaper in return for positive coverage.​

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