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Islamic State terrorist murders police officer in Paris (1 Viewer)


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May 14, 2009
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Islamic State terrorist murders police officer in Paris

A policeman and his wife were killed in a frenzied knife attack at their home in a Paris suburb on Monday night by a man who reportedly shouted “Allahu Akhbar”. The man had been sentenced in 2013 for taking part in a jihadist organisation with links to Pakistan, press agency AFP reported on Tuesday.
They identified him as Larossi Abballa, 25, adding that he had been sentenced to a three-year term - six months of which were suspended - for "criminal association with the aim of preparing terrorist acts," in a trial with seven other defendants.
French police sources also said that Abballa was part of a recent investigation into a Syria jihadist network and had pledged allegiance to Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

Islamic State terrorist murders police officer in Paris 

The terrorist had apparently broadcasted the brutal murders of the police officer and his wife live on Facebook.
The three years old son of the couple was unharmed.
French President: Killing of police officer, partner a terror attack

Larossi Abballa is the attacker who killed a French policeman and his partner in Magnanville, France, on Monday, a source close to the investigation told CNN Terrorism Analyst Paul Cruickshank. The source also said Abballa broadcast the attack live on Facebook as he carried it out.

The killing of a French police officer and his partner Monday night by a man claiming allegiance to ISIS was "unquestionably a terrorist act," French President Francois Hollande.
The attacker stabbed the officer to death before taking the partner and their 3-year-old son hostage in a house in Magnanville, 45 kilometers (28 miles) northwest of Paris.

The attacker was then killed by a SWAT team after a standoff with police, officials said.
Though the ISIS-linked A'maq agency reported the killing was done by an "Islamic State fighter," there has been no direct claim of responsibility.

A woman's body was found in the house, according to Pierre-Henry Brandet, spokesperson for the French Interior Ministry.
The SWAT team was able to rescue the son, the French Interior Ministry added.
French government spokesman Stephane LeFoll said the case has been turned over to the terrorism prosecutor.
The killings come as France is on high alert for terrorist attacks as it hosts the Euro 2016 football championship, Europe's centerpiece football event.
U.S. and British officials have both warned their citizens about the potential terror risks of attending.

Killer of French police officer, partner, broadcast attack live on Facebook - CNN.com
Islamic State terrorist murders police officer in ParisÂ*

The terrorist had apparently broadcasted the brutal murders of the police officer and his wife live on Facebook.
The three years old son of the couple was unharmed.

Sorry for the victims ,nobody can understand this better than me as a person whose people have been killed for years.Unfortunately France keeps ignoring the fact that every kind of terrorism is bad..I comdemn this attack.I wish all people comdemn every kind of terrorist!Their people are important but they try to justify other terrorists that harm 'other people!A terrorist does not have to be islamist to be a terrorist.We all see my point.............
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They identified him as Larossi Abballa, 25, adding that he had been sentenced to a three-year term - six months of which were suspended - for "criminal association with the aim of preparing terrorist acts," in a trial with seven other defendants.

Soft sentence for terrorism charges...get's out...kills 2 innocent people in ISIS's name.

Good job, French justice system. Good job.


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