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Is Trump Fatigue Setting In? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 5, 2016
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Richmond, VA
Political Leaning
It will never happen here but in the more normal world signs of Trump fatigue are popping up. Google the term and you may be surprised at the number of links. TF could have been a factor in the midterms, Democrats having done better than expected. It seems only natural that even many committed supporters would tire eventually of someone this boorish.

No, I don't think Trump supporters will ever tire of him fighting for them.
I never cease to be surprised at the amount of corruption and cruelty that conservatives can excuse. This is less about fatigue and more about tenacious, right wing denial. How ****ing rosey do their glasses have to be to NOT be outraged, much less fatigued.
I barely turn on the news anymore because it doesn't matter what network you look at it is all about Trump. The only news that trumps Trump is a disaster or mass shooting and even those don't get the coverage that Trump gets 24/7. Seriously...how many times a day or how many ways can his latest tweet, latest lie, latest gaff, etc. be analyzed, opinionized, or excused? C'mon...a freakin tweet is breaking news! /smack my head
There is no turning back now.

Trumpers are fully committed .... to the point of disbelieving modern science, excusing corruption and guilty pleas, and no longer paying heed to the US Constitution.
What is there to be outraged about?
No, I don't think Trump supporters will ever tire of him fighting for them.

I agree. Watching conservatives ignore his lies and immorality for two years tells me that their support will never waiver. He's the first president to work so hard at dividing Americans and stoking hate. He's what conservatives have been hoping for, a politician who will put a voice to their hatred of people of color, the Dems and all they stand for.

Thankfully I believe his behavior will have a big effect and will motivate all noncult members who'll make the difference in 20'...
It would be nice to have a future president that doesn't constantly make headlines and cause so many arguments. I think all of the fighting does create fatigue for those of us that aren't dedicated to one team or the other. I'd be stoked if in the next election there are some candidates that are just calm, chill, smart, and friendly that will just put his or her head down and work without itching for a fight.
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I agree. Watching conservatives ignore his lies and immorality for two years tells me that their support will never waiver. He's the first president to work so hard at dividing Americans and stoking hate. He's what conservatives have been hoping for, a politician who will put a voice to their hatred of people of color, the Dems and all they stand for.

Thankfully I believe his behavior will have a big effect and will motivate all noncult members who'll make the difference in 20'...

Trump’s behavior and actions during the past week seem to me that trump is taking the loss of the House really hard
I barely turn on the news anymore because it doesn't matter what network you look at it is all about Trump. The only news that trumps Trump is a disaster or mass shooting and even those don't get the coverage that Trump gets 24/7. Seriously...how many times a day or how many ways can his latest tweet, latest lie, latest gaff, etc. be analyzed, opinionized, or excused? C'mon...a freakin tweet is breaking news! /smack my head

You know he's the President of the United States, right?
I agree. Watching conservatives ignore his lies and immorality for two years tells me that their support will never waiver. He's the first president to work so hard at dividing Americans and stoking hate. He's what conservatives have been hoping for, a politician who will put a voice to their hatred of people of color, the Dems and all they stand for.

Thankfully I believe his behavior will have a big effect and will motivate all noncult members who'll make the difference in 20'...

Obama is the one who sought to divide the country, along with Russians.
That's always how it is. Did you just start watching tv?

When did we ever see 24/7/365 days non stop coverage of a president for over 2 years straight? This has been non-stop since the moment he announced he was running for presisdent so essentially more than 2 years.
LOL Is that another failure for Obama? Clearly Trump is outdoing him in the division contest.

Exactly! There is no way that Trump is going to be outdone by Obama for anything. ;)
When did we ever see 24/7/365 days non stop coverage of a president for over 2 years straight? This has been non-stop since the moment he announced he was running for presisdent so essentially more than 2 years.

Wait a minute. I thought this was a general gripe. I was just saying it's always been this way for every President, and you're only noticing now.

But now I see. This is a Trump-sucking victim narrative?
LOL Is that another failure for Obama? Clearly Trump is outdoing him in the division contest.

Only because the left went nuts because they lost an election. Think about that.....the left has been enraged for two stinking years because Hitlery Klinton is not their leader. Barf! Haha
No, I don't think Trump supporters will ever tire of him fighting for them.

But many have started to understand that he is not fighting for them, it is all about Trump. Look at the tax cut, did it help the middle and lower income people, no, but it meant millions for Trump and family. Eventually more and more of the people, like the women who voted for him in 2016, will begin to realize the mistake they made and will turn against him.
I barely turn on the news anymore because it doesn't matter what network you look at it is all about Trump. The only news that trumps Trump is a disaster or mass shooting and even those don't get the coverage that Trump gets 24/7. Seriously...how many times a day or how many ways can his latest tweet, latest lie, latest gaff, etc. be analyzed, opinionized, or excused? C'mon...a freakin tweet is breaking news! /smack my head

Trump does this on purpose. He seeks out controversy because he loves the limelight, and the media obliges. This isn't the media creating news about Trump; it's Trump creating news and the media reporting on it. If you are tired of it then by extension you are tired of Donald Trump. And you can send him that message with your vote in 2020. If you vote for him you are voting for more of the same. If you want change vote for someone else.
Only because the left went nuts because they lost an election. Think about that.....the left has been enraged for two stinking years because Hitlery Klinton is not their leader. Barf! Haha

LOL It is not about her it is about Trump. He is the most incompetent and corrupt President in modern history. He is making a mockery of this country.
But many have started to understand that he is not fighting for them, it is all about Trump. Look at the tax cut, did it help the middle and lower income people, no, but it meant millions for Trump and family. Eventually more and more of the people, like the women who voted for him in 2016, will begin to realize the mistake they made and will turn against him.

Actually the tax cut will save Trump and his family over a BILLION in a decade. But we won't know the whole story until the House gets his tax returns next year. They should be quite interesting.
Wait a minute. I thought this was a general gripe. I was just saying it's always been this way for every President, and you're only noticing now.

But now I see. This is a Trump-sucking victim narrative?

It was a general gripe. I don't recall any other president covered non-stop (2+ years) and for so many asinine reasons. My opinion or grievance about the endless Trump coverage does define me a victim. It simply means I am one less person contributing to their ratings and when I do tune in and only see it is just another round of beating the same dead horse that has been beaten over and over from every angle then I turn it off. To all those who enjoy this kind of news programming please continue enjoying it.

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