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Is this healthy or not ? [W:253] (1 Viewer)

Is this healthy or not ?

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Add 10 pounds of rice (that's a grain) to your regular daily diet and let us know how much you've gained in a year.

you must not know much about how much rice asians, indians and other cultures eat. that's not too different from the average american though.
Actually they do. You can OD on all of those. Eating too much fruit, for example, can result in bloating and diarrhoea in the short term, and diabetes in the long term.

Contrariwise, it's essentially impossible for a child to get enough brain-building proteins to achieve normal mental function if they don't eat at least some amount of fish or meat. Some babies will outrightly die of being denied these nutrients. The vast majority of adults will be deficient, and experience slightly increased mortality.

So, no, you're incorrect. "Balanced" applies to everything, not just your food categories of choice. If you'd like to suffer for your morals, more power to you, but try not to lie about reality to justify it.

look at all those unhealthy americans who eat too much fresh fruit

look at all those unhealthy americans who eat too much fresh fruit


Actually, over-comsumption of fruit juice and even the fresh smoothies fad is a major contributor to America's diabetes problem.

Once again, you're showing your ignorance on this subject.
Actually, over-comsumption of fruit juice and even the fresh smoothies fad is a major contributor to America's diabetes problem.

Once again, you're showing your ignorance on this subject.

try to read. I said raw fruit .

not processed fruit juice. LOL
try to read. I said raw fruit .

not processed fruit juice. LOL

Fresh smoothies aren't processed. At least not any more so than a cut up apple is. Is a cut up apple "processed" to you?

The issue with smoothies is that they make it really easy to intake a ton of fruit all in one go, so just one is generally more than your daily requirement. So a smoothie a day plus whatever other fruit a person eats is generally way too much sugar, and will result in weight gain and diabetes if you do it long enough.

Sorry, you're wrong. You can over-do any food category. You can also under-do any food category, including animal products, which is shown clearly in the deficiency and mortality rate for vegans, and the studies showing severe developmental delay in vegan children.
you must not know much about how much rice asians, indians and other cultures eat. that's not too different from the average american though.

Ive been to Asia many times and the most Ive seen Asians eat is two cups of rice per meal- most eat one cup or less in fact. Eating ten pounds of rice per meal will make you sick so he's right about that. Its clear you need to stop misleading people on your lying claims that eating an unlimited amount of grain, fruit and vegetable is good for you.
Now, now lets keep it clean, no need to brag about your conquests

Lol. With a shotgun. Don't be gross.

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Here is something not really talked about here that I have seen:

Healthy Food IS More Expensive. So Now What? | Parents

Short version? Healthy is expensive...and you really have to work hard to find the cheap stuff that is still healthy. And if you are in my boat, you have a $10,000 debt that you want to get off your shoulders (even though it isn't that big a burden it is just extra you don't want) so you can start saving more. So. How is it done cheap and healthy?

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Here is something not really talked about here that I have seen:

Healthy Food IS More Expensive. So Now What? | Parents

Short version? Healthy is expensive...and you really have to work hard to find the cheap stuff that is still healthy. And if you are in my boat, you have a $10,000 debt that you want to get off your shoulders (even though it isn't that big a burden it is just extra you don't want) so you can start saving more. So. How is it done cheap and healthy?

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and then get ill from eating cheap garbage and meat. impeccable logic.
Ive been to Asia many times and the most Ive seen Asians eat is two cups of rice per meal- most eat one cup or less in fact. Eating ten pounds of rice per meal will make you sick so he's right about that. Its clear you need to stop misleading people on your lying claims that eating an unlimited amount of grain, fruit and vegetable is good for you.

show me where i said you can eat 10 pounds of rice per meal. or shut up.
Is this healthy or not ?

and then get ill from eating cheap garbage and meat. impeccable logic.

1) You don't get "ill" from eating meat. That is stupid. That is also contrary to our evolutionary history. The only time anyone gets sick from eating meat is when they eat bad meat. Kind of like when you eat bad veggies or fruit or pretty much anything that is no suitable for consumption due to being past expiration or being contaminated with something like E. coli (spinach?)

2) You seem to have some kind of disdain for eating "cheap" stuff. Good for you getting the silver spoon and expensive foods. Maybe that IS a choice for you, but please don't preach to us with bills to pay about how bad we are for picking cheap food so we can afford to live.

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Your first post in this thread:

Perhaps it might be better for you to shut up instead... :lol:

Where did I say to eat 10 pounds of rice? I told you to show me. You couldn't do it. If you read the thread someone else said that. you're confused again.

the first post simply says you can eat salad every day, where science tells you not to eat deli meat every day.

1) You don't get "ill" from eating meat. That is stupid.

you aren't a cardiologist are you? meat clogs arteries. meat contributes to colon cancer. In small quantitities it is fine. in large quantities it causes diseases. Look up the China study.
Where did I say to eat 10 pounds of rice? I told you to show me. You couldn't do it. If you read the thread someone else said that. you're confused again.

the first post simply says you can eat salad every day, where science tells you not to eat deli meat every day.


Bzzt, seems you cant understand what you wrote yourself. You made a claim that you dont need to eat grains in moderation, whats the opposite of moderation again?
It would be healthy if the bottled water in the lower left corner was not there and beer was there instead.
eat deli meat every day. every meal <shrug>

Why would I do that? There is an entire world of delicious meats out there. BBQ/smoked meats, steaks, jerkies, grilled, fried, baked, and so on. Why limit myself to one option? That isn't how meat consumption works man. You have a plethora of choices. It is always good to mix it up.

By the way. Are you saying that you don't ever eat unhealthy foods?

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If someone doesnt want to eat meat that is their choice, but dont lie and pretend not eating meat is the healthier choice, it isnt.
Eating too much of anything is bad for you. Too much carbs in grains and sugar in fruit and you get fat/diabetic. Too much spinach could impair your ability to absorb calcium, too much carotenoids and your skin turns orange (happened to my son).
Add water to that list of things that aren't good for you (and I don't mean drowning). Drinking too much water at one time can lead to water intoxication and death. Studies have shown too much artificial sweetener isn't good. I still remember this 'nutrition' class I had at college that criticized the use of the artificial sweetener aspartame because of the complications of drinking massive amounts of diet soda because one thought they wouldn't get fat....

Over regulation can be bad.
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If someone doesnt want to eat meat that is their choice, but dont lie and pretend not eating meat is the healthier choice, it isnt.

I knew a couple of vegans. They had a string of health food stores. I used to tell them that they were not a good advert for their products. They were thin with waxy skin. We were having dinner with them once and my wife said that she would make the coffee. When it transpired that my wife had made the coffee with faucet water they reacted as if they had been poisoned. They both died in their fifties. They had no fat in their diet and I believe that is what killed them. A bit of meat now and again would have done them a world of good.

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