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Is This A Threat? (1 Viewer)

Is this a threat?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Other, will explain in comments

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


Requested Profile Delete. Bye
Supporting Member
Mar 27, 2022
Reaction score
Political Leaning
"Get well soon or I WILL be coming for you."
There are 2 or 3 ways to interpret that statement but yes, it seems a threat. Some people might retort>
"When I get well, I'll be coming for your ass" :)
No context.
Please note this was on another forum. Context : I used to help mod on another forum. This person was also a mod and not once but twice got very drunk and removed my mod abilities. I asked why and the first time she said it was by accident. The second time she gave no excuse or apology. mind you I left that place because of this stupidity and that the group owner did nothing about it. I got a message from a friend telling me she is all over that forum lying about what happened and accused me of emailing people which I had not. So, I got on and sent out emails to people telling them what actually happened and this pissed her off. Thus resulting in her saying...

"Thought you flounced, you effing psycho? You are making a fool of yourself sending out mails now with this nic. Get well soon or I WILL be coming for you."

so my question is should I report this just in case something does happen?
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There are 2 or 3 ways to interpret that statement but yes, it seems a threat. Some people might retort>
"When I get well, I'll be coming for your ass" :)
I don't think I should respond at all.
It's obviously a threat. You have to decide if it's an empty one or not.
"Get well soon or I WILL be coming for you."

Who made the comment?

If it was a mafia hit man, perhaps a threat.

If it was Jesus Christ, perhaps a promise.
Who made the comment?

If it was a mafia hit man, perhaps a threat.

If it was Jesus Christ, perhaps a promise.
I don't think I should name names or link the forum. Might even be against tos here.
Please note this was on another forum. Context : I used to help mod on another forum. This person was also a mod and not once but twice got very drunk and removed my mod abilities. I asked why and the first time she said it was by accident. The second time she gave no excuse or apology. mind you I left that place because of this stupidity and that the group owner did nothing about it. I got a message from a friend telling me she is all over that forum lying about what happened and accused me of emailing people which I had not. So, I got on and sent out emails to people telling them what actually happened and this pissed her off. Thus resulting in her saying...

"Thought you flounced, you effing psycho? You are making a fool of yourself sending out mails now with this nic. Get well soon or I WILL be coming for you."

so my question is should I report this just in case something does happen?
JUst another whack-job being whacky. Ignore it. Petty little internet dictators say that kinda shit all the time. Go down to the "basement" here and look at some of the shit the "dungeon masters" say.
JUst another whack-job being whacky. Ignore it. Petty little internet dictators say that kinda shit all the time. Go down to the "basement" here and look at some of the shit the "dungeon masters" say.
where is the basement?
Wow, shitty, now I don't know if I could keep my big mouth shut with such a petty threat but people on here are correct. Ignore it and run is probably your best bet. She'll go on to her next victim.

Although, reading your posts you seem a wee bit more like my personality. LMAO. :)
Is it cause I'm new?
Depends on your perspective I reckon. Some look at 'the finger' like its a threat.

Me...I think its hilarious. I mean...what are we doing here...making an OFFERING? A blessing...hopefully that happens for me later? Or is it an example of their own twisted dark minds?

The eye of the beholder....

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