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Is the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners who are more than (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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s the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners who are more than willing to dismiss any idea that moves the country forward. Climate change isn't real, if you're poor or can't seem to get ahead of your monthly bills, you're lazy or need a better education which most can't afford. Tax the super wealthy, well heck no, not the 'job creators' actually paying their fair share. Raise taxes, no.

I see almost everything asked immediately dismissed by the right like the new green deal or raising taxes on billionaires. Clean water for flint, renewable energy, hemp, legal cannabis etc. etc. pick your topic and the right will tell you why it can't be done. Whiners who don't come up with any solutions only criticism of ideas cause they come from liberals so they must be bad.

Two years of controlling everything what has the right done? Don't give me the economy crap either, the economy was doing fine and trump just took it over. If you're going to say the tax cuts, you're only saying you approve of the wealthy getting way more because you are happy with the pittance they threw you.

Is the GOP becoming the party of old cranky white people who see their own extinction down the road so will only go kicking and screaming trying to save the status quo. What is the GOP good for?
The one thing the right has excelled at is making mental illness accepted as normal. When you have an obvious mentally disturbed narcissist as the President of the USA occupying the White House and at least 38% of America thinks it is a fine thing - it has taken mental illness a long way from the bad old days where we shut our crazy relations up in the attic. Today we put them in the Oval Office.
s the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners who are more than willing to dismiss any idea that moves the country forward. Climate change isn't real, if you're poor or can't seem to get ahead of your monthly bills, you're lazy or need a better education which most can't afford. Tax the super wealthy, well heck no, not the 'job creators' actually paying their fair share. Raise taxes, no.

I see almost everything asked immediately dismissed by the right like the new green deal or raising taxes on billionaires. Clean water for flint, renewable energy, hemp, legal cannabis etc. etc. pick your topic and the right will tell you why it can't be done. Whiners who don't come up with any solutions only criticism of ideas cause they come from liberals so they must be bad.

Two years of controlling everything what has the right done? Don't give me the economy crap either, the economy was doing fine and trump just took it over. If you're going to say the tax cuts, you're only saying you approve of the wealthy getting way more because you are happy with the pittance they threw you.

Is the GOP becoming the party of old cranky white people who see their own extinction down the road so will only go kicking and screaming trying to save the status quo. What is the GOP good for?

Psychological projection - Wikipedia
The difference between the left and right, is the left is more creative but lacks applied and practical skills. The right is more conservative. They lack the same level of creative skills so they tend to do over the best of the best. However, they have applied and practical skills. Musicians and artists tend to be leftists since they can relate to the creative energy. Business is historically right wing, because business need skills that are applied and practical.

One of the problems of the left, is they have been taught too much revisionist history. What tends to happen is without objective knowledge of the past, creative ideas tend to be recycled, each generation. Since history has been revised, the creative are unaware these "new", ideas were already tried, and were not found to be practical. Reinventing the wheel is good practice, but should not be considered the dawn of the wheel.

For example, the idea of socialism is not new. It has been around since 1848 via Carl Marx. It has been tried many times, since then, but it never intersects the utopian vision, once tried in reality. It eventually diverges from the vision, in favor of centralized dictatorships and unhappy poor citizens.

The right understands practical and tries to extrapolate this creative vision, each generation, but it can't go from a creative utopian vision, all the way to tangible utopian reality. The right may seem like Debbie Downer, as it tries to puncture the fantasy, less we waste time, ruining the same experiment again and again.

A good modern experiment to watch is Venezuela. It used to be a democratic free enterprise country, that became Socialist. It went from the best economy in South America, to one of the poorest counties, even with lots of oil. The utopian vision, that led the change to Socialism, never panned out. It diverge to a dictatorship and now this is a revolt, to go back to democracy and capitalism. Watch what happens to Venezuela and see it this new change, makes it better or worse. This is a living pilot plant study, that is about to come full circle. Venezuela will have lived all the options, so we can compare. Hopefully this stops the creative recycle chain.
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How much do I owe you for the session doctor?

$200.00. Half my going rate as an internet article-posting therapist, because I like you. Please just send it via my PayPal account.
Partisan sandbox is in the basement. You missed.
"Is the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners ..."

Then you must be totally oblivious to the 90% of all whiny articles that were started by the left ... :lol:
s the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners who are more than willing to dismiss any idea that moves the country forward. Climate change isn't real, if you're poor or can't seem to get ahead of your monthly bills, you're lazy or need a better education which most can't afford. Tax the super wealthy, well heck no, not the 'job creators' actually paying their fair share. Raise taxes, no.

I see almost everything asked immediately dismissed by the right like the new green deal or raising taxes on billionaires. Clean water for flint, renewable energy, hemp, legal cannabis etc. etc. pick your topic and the right will tell you why it can't be done. Whiners who don't come up with any solutions only criticism of ideas cause they come from liberals so they must be bad.

Two years of controlling everything what has the right done? Don't give me the economy crap either, the economy was doing fine and trump just took it over. If you're going to say the tax cuts, you're only saying you approve of the wealthy getting way more because you are happy with the pittance they threw you.

Is the GOP becoming the party of old cranky white people who see their own extinction down the road so will only go kicking and screaming trying to save the status quo. What is the GOP good for?

You start out with a overly broad brush: "the right". You end up with a much narrower brush: "the GOP".

Maybe you should make up your mind who you want to talk about, eh? Just keep in mind that going with the broad brush will probably be the worst choice.

Anyway, the contentions you make are, at best, spun. At worst, outright lies. All of your contentions are leftward slanted. Add to that the variety of crap you throw against the wall, and what you end up with is biased nonsense.

Moving on...
s the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners who are more than willing to dismiss any idea that moves the country forward. Climate change isn't real, if you're poor or can't seem to get ahead of your monthly bills, you're lazy or need a better education which most can't afford. Tax the super wealthy, well heck no, not the 'job creators' actually paying their fair share. Raise taxes, no.

I see almost everything asked immediately dismissed by the right like the new green deal or raising taxes on billionaires. Clean water for flint, renewable energy, hemp, legal cannabis etc. etc. pick your topic and the right will tell you why it can't be done. Whiners who don't come up with any solutions only criticism of ideas cause they come from liberals so they must be bad.

Two years of controlling everything what has the right done? Don't give me the economy crap either, the economy was doing fine and trump just took it over. If you're going to say the tax cuts, you're only saying you approve of the wealthy getting way more because you are happy with the pittance they threw you.

Is the GOP becoming the party of old cranky white people who see their own extinction down the road so will only go kicking and screaming trying to save the status quo. What is the GOP good for?

How much of the Green New Deal can be funded by just taxing our current (540?) billionaires more? Keep in mind that it takes almost $1T/year just to cover current federal deficit spending. Even if you raised taxes on those (8,400 folks?) at the "tippy top" then taking an extra $10M/year from each would barely cover the current federal deficit.
s the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners who are more than willing to dismiss any idea that moves the country forward. Climate change isn't real, if you're poor or can't seem to get ahead of your monthly bills, you're lazy or need a better education which most can't afford. Tax the super wealthy, well heck no, not the 'job creators' actually paying their fair share. Raise taxes, no.

I see almost everything asked immediately dismissed by the right like the new green deal or raising taxes on billionaires. Clean water for flint, renewable energy, hemp, legal cannabis etc. etc. pick your topic and the right will tell you why it can't be done. Whiners who don't come up with any solutions only criticism of ideas cause they come from liberals so they must be bad.

Two years of controlling everything what has the right done? Don't give me the economy crap either, the economy was doing fine and trump just took it over. If you're going to say the tax cuts, you're only saying you approve of the wealthy getting way more because you are happy with the pittance they threw you.

Is the GOP becoming the party of old cranky white people who see their own extinction down the road so will only go kicking and screaming trying to save the status quo. What is the GOP good for?

A life long republican I have become very upset with the party since Gingrich.

That is when the nuts started to populate the party.
The difference between the left and right, is the left is more creative but lacks applied and practical skills. The right is more conservative. They lack the same level of creative skills so they tend to do over the best of the best. However, they have applied and practical skills. Musicians and artists tend to be leftists since they can relate to the creative energy. Business is historically right wing, because business need skills that are applied and practical.

This part is scientifically accurate.

The rest of your post ignores science in favor of tribe doctrine.
$200.00. Half my going rate as an internet article-posting therapist, because I like you. Please just send it via my PayPal account.

Thanks. I love you and the check is in the mail.
s the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners who are more than willing to dismiss any idea that moves the country forward. Climate change isn't real, if you're poor or can't seem to get ahead of your monthly bills, you're lazy or need a better education which most can't afford. Tax the super wealthy, well heck no, not the 'job creators' actually paying their fair share. Raise taxes, no.

I see almost everything asked immediately dismissed by the right like the new green deal or raising taxes on billionaires. Clean water for flint, renewable energy, hemp, legal cannabis etc. etc. pick your topic and the right will tell you why it can't be done. Whiners who don't come up with any solutions only criticism of ideas cause they come from liberals so they must be bad.

Two years of controlling everything what has the right done? Don't give me the economy crap either, the economy was doing fine and trump just took it over. If you're going to say the tax cuts, you're only saying you approve of the wealthy getting way more because you are happy with the pittance they threw you.

Is the GOP becoming the party of old cranky white people who see their own extinction down the road so will only go kicking and screaming trying to save the status quo. What is the GOP good for?

Their beliefs are what keep Rush Limbaugh in pain pills. Their beliefs are never going away.
A life long republican I have become very upset with the party since Gingrich.

That is when the nuts started to populate the party.

My apologies. Good old newt. Throwing rocks about clinton's affair from his mistresses house.
s the right good at anything? All I seem to see on here is a bunch of whiners who are more than willing to dismiss any idea that moves the country forward. Climate change isn't real, if you're poor or can't seem to get ahead of your monthly bills, you're lazy or need a better education which most can't afford. Tax the super wealthy, well heck no, not the 'job creators' actually paying their fair share. Raise taxes, no.

I see almost everything asked immediately dismissed by the right like the new green deal or raising taxes on billionaires. Clean water for flint, renewable energy, hemp, legal cannabis etc. etc. pick your topic and the right will tell you why it can't be done. Whiners who don't come up with any solutions only criticism of ideas cause they come from liberals so they must be bad.

Two years of controlling everything what has the right done? Don't give me the economy crap either, the economy was doing fine and trump just took it over. If you're going to say the tax cuts, you're only saying you approve of the wealthy getting way more because you are happy with the pittance they threw you.

Is the GOP becoming the party of old cranky white people who see their own extinction down the road so will only go kicking and screaming trying to save the status quo. What is the GOP good for?

Uh-huh. And Hillary appears to be getting ready to run again.

Old democrats.jpg

BOOMING ECONOMY, RECORD LOW UNEMPLOYMENT, WAGES up 5.8% since Trump took office, FAR OUTSTRIPPING INFLATION (before you try that lie), ISIS CRUSHED, manufacturing jobs exploding, more of peoples' own money in their pockets, prison reform, American hostage and remains returned , NO MISSILE firings or further nuke tests in NOKO, China FORCED to the bargaining table, new , better trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, military rebuilding into the DOMINANT military on the planet, Russians confronted, bad trade deals being dealt with, etc,. etc....
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Uh-huh. And Hillary appears to be getting ready to run again.

View attachment 67250136

BOOMING ECONOMY, RECORD LOW UNEMPLOYMENT, WAGES up 5.8% since Trump took office, FAR OUTSTRIPPING INFLATION (before you try that lie), ISIS CRUSHED, manufacturing jobs exploding, more of peoples' own money in their pockets, prison reform, American hostage and remains returned , NO MISSILE firings or further nuke tests in NOKO, China FORCED to the bargaining table, new , better trade agreement with Canada and Mexico, military rebuilding into the DOMINANT military on the planet, Russians confronted, bad trade deals being dealt with, etc,. etc....

Hi grok, have a fine day.
Is the GOP becoming the party of old cranky white people who see their own extinction down the road so will only go kicking and screaming trying to save the status quo.


That is something that many people are thinking, but most people discuss only among trusted family and friends.

Because of the strict posting rules on "delicate" subjects, I will say only the following and stop:

Maybe (maybe!) those "old cranky white people" are patriots who are worried about the future of their beloved United States of America when they become "extinct."

That is something that many people are thinking, but most people discuss only among trusted family and friends.

Because of the strict posting rules on "delicate" subjects, I will say only the following and stop:

Maybe (maybe!) those "old cranky white people" are patriots who are worried about the future of their beloved United States of America when they become "extinct."

Maybe, but my second world war combat veteran father in law who is still alive and in great mental shape, I think he would disagree. He sees our rights diminishing into our police state.
Maybe, but my second world war combat veteran father in law who is still alive and in great mental shape, I think he would disagree.


It's great to hear about your World War II father-in-law.

Whenever I see the hell endured by the GIs in Europe and in the Pacific (think Okinawa), I realize why your father-in-law belongs to the Greatest Generation.


If there is ever again a world war and conscription is instituted, I am guessing (wrongly, I hope) that MANY American youths would simply ignore the call, and the government at that time would accept their refusal.
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It's great to hear about your World War II father-in-law.

Whenever I see the hell endured by the GIs in Europe and in the Pacific (think Okinawa), I realize why your father-in-law belongs to the Greatest Generation.


If there is ever again a world war and conscription is instituted, I am guessing (wrongly, I hope) that MANY American youths would simply ignore the call, and the government at that time would accept their refusal.

Thank you. Truthfully, for those actually involved with the war, they knew very little about it. They knew where they were and if and what the objective is/was. That's about it. I asked him what he knew about the war in the pacific. His whole knowledge, somebody in his company got word his brother was killed. That was the extent of his knowledge of the pacific war. I think my 'pops' was in belgium right after the battle of the bulge, france and germany. He's a lucky guy, stepped on a booby trapped step and the step was built so well back then it blew him down the steps and knocked him out for he doesn't know how long but other than that, the wood took the blast. He's told me some funny stories and in turn I've gotten him to watch some documentaries about the war.
The one thing the right has excelled at is making mental illness accepted as normal. When you have an obvious mentally disturbed narcissist as the President of the USA occupying the White House and at least 38% of America thinks it is a fine thing - it has taken mental illness a long way from the bad old days where we shut our crazy relations up in the attic. Today we put them in the Oval Office.

Holy crap...are you kidding me?

It is the left that forced gender dysphoria, with it's 45% suicide rate, off the list of mental illnesses and celebrates it as a heroic blessing.

It is the left that ignores the apparent dangers of a homosexual lifestyle, with statistics showing staggering rates of depression, STDs etc.

It is the left that is pushing laws to accommodate people that identify as a Pi, Pan, Zin, Zey, GenderBender, Multrazen, or one of the other 70 genders that come from the dark depths of people's imaginations.

It is the left that is becoming a ladder for peadophiles, 45-year old men who identify as babies, and a whole plethora of clearly disturbed individuals to gain attention and acceptance under the guise of progressivism.

It is the left that is pushing for everyone to recognize traditional masculinity as dangerous and "toxic" mental illness when it's simply a biological and natural result of our evolution.

It is the left that literally introduced society to Trump Derangement Syndrome, which some people in this thread are clearly suffering.

You need to get real.
Holy crap...are you kidding me?

It is the left that forced gender dysphoria, with it's 45% suicide rate, off the list of mental illnesses and celebrates it as a heroic blessing.

It is the left that ignores the apparent dangers of a homosexual lifestyle, with statistics showing staggering rates of depression, STDs etc.

It is the left that is pushing laws to accommodate people that identify as a Pi, Pan, Zin, Zey, GenderBender, Multrazen, or one of the other 70 genders that come from the dark depths of people's imaginations.

It is the left that is becoming a ladder for peadophiles, 45-year old men who identify as babies, and a whole plethora of clearly disturbed individuals to gain attention and acceptance under the guise of progressivism.

It is the left that is pushing for everyone to recognize traditional masculinity as dangerous and "toxic" mental illness when it's simply a biological and natural result of our evolution.

It is the left that literally introduced society to Trump Derangement Syndrome, which some people in this thread are clearly suffering.

You need to get real.

Not since old Gabby Johnson entertained us with genuine frontier gibberish in Blazing Saddles have we seen the likes of such magnificent language. Perhaps the man doth protest too much.
Holy crap...are you kidding me?

NO. Trump is a mentally ill person who represents the greatest threat to this nation in three-quarters of a century. We used to take whack jobs like that and lock them in state institutions. We closed a great deal of them and now we use the White House for that same purpose.

It is the left that literally introduced society to Trump Derangement Syndrome, which some people in this thread are clearly suffering.

The tens of million who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome are the Trumpkins who cannot separate reality from the delusional state they have willfully adopted so that they can worship before the later of their demi-god. Many of them - not all of course - but many of them are themselves so far from reality that they too are mentally disturbed.

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