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Is Russia an ally in the battles in Syria? (1 Viewer)

Dittohead not!

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Dec 3, 2009
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Is Russia an ally in the battles in Syria?

Beirut (AFP) - Russian-backed Syrian troops pushed into the Islamic State group's bastion province Raqa Saturday, threatening to catch the jihadists in a pincer movement as US-backed Kurdish-led fighters advance from the north.


The Mid East battles are looking more and more like:

), Oceania was at war with Eurasia and in alliance with Eastasia. In no public or private utterance was it ever admitted that the three powers had at any time been grouped along different lines. Actually, as Winston well knew, it was only four years since Oceania had been at war with Eastasia and in alliance with Eurasia. But that was merely a piece of furtive knowledge which he happened to possess because his memory was not satisfactorily under control. Officially the change of partners had never happened. Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia. The enemy of the moment always represented absolute evil, and it followed that any past or future agreement with him was impossible.

source: Orwell's 1984 (but you knew that already.)
Where the hell has this reporter been?
They are an ally in the same sense the Soviets were allies in WWII, my enemy's enemy is my friend. It seems to even be turning into a race to Berlin type situation.
Is Russia an ally in the battles in Syria?

Russia is an ally. What the U.S. can't stand is that Russia has a decisive patriot for a leader, and the U.S. a metro-sexual man-boy drawing red lines in the sand, who still didn't figure out that any vacuum the U.S. creates by stupidly removing strongmen like Gaddafi is immediately filled with the Muslim fanatics. With Libya - the crowning achievement by the woman whose phone is safely off at 3 a.m. to let her get that well-deserved beauty sleep - as the best example of that brilliant policy.

The American military complex made Russia a scary "enemy" to justify spending more money on the obsolete NATO that, like cancer, refuses to stop growing, while at home, the naive Americans are being sold the lies how Russia "conquered" Crimea, and that the new hardware deployed right there at Russia's doorstep in Romania and Poland is absolutely necessary as a defense against...brace yourself...Iran.

Yeah, Iran, because, as we all know so very well from the Enquirer, Iran is planning to attack Eastern Europe.
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They are an ally in the same sense the Soviets were allies in WWII, my enemy's enemy is my friend. It seems to even be turning into a race to Berlin type situation.

Pretty much this.

Is Russia an ally in the battles in Syria?


The Mid East battles are looking more and more like:

source: Orwell's 1984 (but you knew that already.)

Russia supports our enemies and is fighting our allies in Syria. That we are fighting a mutual enemy too is immaterial.
Russia supports our enemies and is fighting our allies in Syria. That we are fighting a mutual enemy too is immaterial.

Which countries are the U.S. enemies that Russia supports?
Is Russia an ally in the battles in Syria?


The Mid East battles are looking more and more like:

source: Orwell's 1984 (but you knew that already.)

I suspect that these are Russian backed Kurds as much as US backed Kurds. The US tries not to offend its' scumbag ally, Turkey, by not supporting Kurds. OTOH, the US cannot prevent the Russians from supporting them. Pretty soon the US backed Al-Nusra Front is going to become just another outright "terrorist" army and the Russians are going to attack them. They are wreaking havoc in and around Alleppo with lots of Turkish support and Russia will only stand the backstabbing so long, then kersmack. I think we are getting pretty close to "kersmack."
Russia supports our enemies and is fighting our allies in Syria. That we are fighting a mutual enemy too is immaterial.

Other than the Kurds, what other allies do we have in Syria? Seems to me the Russians, the Kurds, and the US are all fighting the jihadis. The difference is that Russia still supports Syria's dictator.

The limited wars in the Middle East never end, do they? Who are we fighting currently? Who were we fighting 20 years ago? At least we don't have a minister of truth trying to change the past, just a populace with a short memory.
Other than the Kurds, what other allies do we have in Syria? Seems to me the Russians, the Kurds, and the US are all fighting the jihadis. The difference is that Russia still supports Syria's dictator.

The limited wars in the Middle East never end, do they? Who are we fighting currently? Who were we fighting 20 years ago? At least we don't have a minister of truth trying to change the past, just a populace with a short memory.

In '96 we were involved in Bosnia, conducted air strikes against Saddam's troops in northern Iraq and evacuated American civvies from Liberia and the Central African Republic.

Russia is a "sorta ally". They'll work with the West if they feel like it but they don't agree with Western aims/policy ideals for the Middle Eastern region and view the West as a rival more then an ally.
Which countries are the U.S. enemies that Russia supports?

Russia is an ally. What the U.S. can't stand is that Russia has a decisive patriot for a leader, and the U.S. a metro-sexual man-boy drawing red lines in the sand, who still didn't figure out that any vacuum the U.S. creates by stupidly removing strongmen like Gaddafi is immediately filled with the Muslim fanatics. With Libya - the crowning achievement by the woman whose phone is safely off at 3 a.m. to let her get that well-deserved beauty sleep - as the best example of that brilliant policy.

The American military complex made Russia a scary "enemy" to justify spending more money on the obsolete NATO that, like cancer, refuses to stop growing, while at home, the naive Americans are being sold the lies how Russia "conquered" Crimea, and that the new hardware deployed right there at Russia's doorstep in Romania and Poland is absolutely necessary as a defense against...brace yourself...Iran.

Yeah, Iran, because, as we all know so very well from the Enquirer, Iran is planning to attack Eastern Europe.

You realize that destruction or disbandment of NATO was a Soviet objective throughout the Cold War? Putin is KGB. If an American leader is dumb enough to disband NATO Russian troops will be in Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius within days and Kiev within a month.

If you recall, Assad's Alawite State is very definitely not a friend of the US
You realize that destruction or disbandment of NATO was a Soviet objective throughout the Cold War? Putin is KGB. If an American leader is dumb enough to disband NATO Russian troops will be in Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius within days and Kiev within a month.

If you recall, Assad's Alawite State is very definitely not a friend of the US

Which must be what you want if you think Putin is a "decisive patriot" and so much better than the leader of the free world.
You realize that destruction or disbandment of NATO was a Soviet objective throughout the Cold War? Putin is KGB. If an American leader is dumb enough to disband NATO Russian troops will be in Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius within days and Kiev within a month.

If you recall, Assad's Alawite State is very definitely not a friend of the US

1. Enemy, or not a friend? Big difference.

2. There is no NATO. It's a bunch of toothless states on the U.S. welfare - militarily speaking.

3. Europe can keep NATO if they like NATO. They have the money and the people. Two of them have nukes. They just don't have the balls or desire to defend themselves.

4. Why would Russia want to re-conquer the ex-republics they let go in the past?

5. USSR disbanded itself with NATO reasonably far. The U.S. changed that landscape unilaterally and moved NATO forces right up to Russia. Do you actually expect Putin to like it?
Which must be what you want if you think Putin is a "decisive patriot" and so much better than the leader of the free world.

You are confusing him with me.

Yes, I think Putin is much better for Russia than the first "black" president is for the U.S.
1. Enemy, or not a friend? Big difference.

2. There is no NATO. It's a bunch of toothless states on the U.S. welfare - militarily speaking.

3. Europe can keep NATO if they like NATO. They have the money and the people. Two of them have nukes. They just don't have the balls or desire to defend themselves.

4. Why would Russia want to re-conquer the ex-republics they let go in the past?

5. USSR disbanded itself with NATO reasonably far. The U.S. changed that landscape unilaterally and moved NATO forces right up to Russia. Do you actually expect Putin to like it?

1. Assad's state has trained and aided terrorist groups for years.

2/3. You literally just argued that NATO is toothless. Now your claiming they can take care of themselves. Which one is it? Not to mention the fact that Russia has hundreds more nukes then Western Europe.

4. Why would Russia want to reconquer their old republics? That's a pretty easy question to answer--- in order to regain prestige and secure valuable resources.

5. No, they didn't "reasonably disband". They only disbanded because there was no other choice. Many countries (i.e. the Baltic States) had been occupied by the Soviets since the 1940s. They didn't want to risk being occupied by Russia again---hence them joining NATO.
1. Assad's state has trained and aided terrorist groups for years.

2/3. You literally just argued that NATO is toothless. Now your claiming they can take care of themselves. Which one is it? Not to mention the fact that Russia has hundreds more nukes then Western Europe.

4. Why would Russia want to reconquer their old republics? That's a pretty easy question to answer--- in order to regain prestige and secure valuable resources.

5. No, they didn't "reasonably disband". They only disbanded because there was no other choice. Many countries (i.e. the Baltic States) had been occupied by the Soviets since the 1940s. They didn't want to risk being occupied by Russia again---hence them joining NATO.

1. Did any Assad's terrorists attack the U.S.? That would be news to me.

2. NATO is toothless without the U.S. because they don't spend enough and don't have the balls. Germany has that goofy constitution that doesn't allowed them to fight outside of Germany. Tough s***. Change the constitution.

3. EU's GDP is actually higher than the U.S. so they can defend themselves alone. Time to move out of America's basement. Russia's nukes have nothing to do with any Russia's moves into Eastern Europe. Neither the U.S. nor France or U.K. would use nukes to fight the Russian invasion. And Russia would win with conventional weapons based on the historical distaste for casualties on the part of Western Europe and the U.S.

4. What resources do the three Baltic ex-republics have that are worth the 3rd WW?

5. I wrote, "USSR disbanded itself with NATO reasonably far". I realize that I could have done a better job so here it is: USSR disbanded itself while the nearest NATO country - Germany - was reasonably for from Russia.

We can go like this for a long time. An objective look reveals that Russia fights where their vital interest are - close to Russia. The U.S. is all over the map, thousands of miles from North America and in a constant state of war with one country or another.

Obama is the first president with a war going since he moved into the WH in 2009. How many times did the Chinese fight since the Korean War or the Russians since Afghanistan outside of the ex-USSR borders?
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1. Did any Assad's terrorists attack the U.S.? That would be news to me.

2. NATO is toothless without the U.S. because they don't spend enough and don't have the balls. Germany has that goofy constitution that doesn't allowed them to fight outside of Germany. Tough s***. Change the constitution.

3. EU's GDP is actually higher than the U.S. so they can defend themselves alone. Time to move out of America's basement. Russia's nukes have nothing to do with any Russia's moves into Eastern Europe. Neither the U.S. nor France or U.K. would use nukes to fight the Russian invasion. And Russia would win with conventional weapons based on the historical distaste for casualties on the part of Western Europe and the U.S.

4. What resources do the three Baltic ex-republics have that are worth the 3rd WW?

5. I wrote, "USSR disbanded itself with NATO reasonably far". I realize that I could have done a better job so here it is: USSR disbanded itself while the nearest NATO country - Germany - was reasonably for from Russia.

We can go like this for a long time. An objective look reveals that Russia fights where their vital interest are - close to Russia. The U.S. is all over the map, thousands of miles from North America and in a constant state of war with one country or another.

Obama is the first president with a war going since he moved into the WH in 2009.

Assad let AQ fighters train in Syria and turned a blind eye to jihadis slipping over the border into Iraq. In regards to the Baltic States it's not so much the resources so much as the geography and the boost to moral Russians would get from having some more of the lands which were their's under the Tzar and under communism back under Russia.

The German constitution exists because of this thing called the Second World War. They've been understandably leery of foreign adventures ever since.

The problem with that assessment is that, for example, Syria isn't particularly close to Russia yet the Russians are more then willing to get involved.
Assad let AQ fighters train in Syria and turned a blind eye to jihadis slipping over the border into Iraq.

How does that make them the enemies of the U.S.? Did they attack the U.S.? Those idiots have been killing each other over there for the last 100 centuries. How does that become our problem?

I am really not getting the logic of it.
How does that make them the enemies of the U.S.? Did they attack the U.S.? Those idiots have been killing each other over there for the last 100 centuries. How does that become our problem?

I am really not getting the logic of it.

They provided aid and support for terrorists who attacked our servicemen. That's sure as **** not a friendly act.
You realize that destruction or disbandment of NATO was a Soviet objective throughout the Cold War? Putin is KGB. If an American leader is dumb enough to disband NATO Russian troops will be in Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius within days and Kiev within a month.

If you recall, Assad's Alawite State is very definitely not a friend of the US

Who knows what Russia is planning if NATO isn't around.. but Assad's Alawite is very pro-Western. Has been since the French Mandate. Assad family is very western, be it educated or marrying dual nationals of western citizenship. Assad family supported the 1st gulf war. Assad wanted Syria to become a beacon of Western Science prior to the Jihadist war breaking out.
Other than the Kurds, what other allies do we have in Syria? Seems to me the Russians, the Kurds, and the US are all fighting the jihadis. The difference is that Russia still supports Syria's dictator.

The limited wars in the Middle East never end, do they? Who are we fighting currently? Who were we fighting 20 years ago? At least we don't have a minister of truth trying to change the past, just a populace with a short memory.

I would have identified more allies albeit they do seem to come and go and change their stripes in a colorfully lively dance macabre.
Who knows what Russia is planning if NATO isn't around.. but Assad's Alawite is very pro-Western. Has been since the French Mandate. Assad family is very western, be it educated or marrying dual nationals of western citizenship. Assad family supported the 1st gulf war. Assad wanted Syria to become a beacon of Western Science prior to the Jihadist war breaking out.

Which is why they let AQ train in the country and have supported Hezbollah, right?

The Alawites were only ever in power in Syria because the French, as was the usual European colonial practice, took the ethnic group which had been beaten down by the other ethnic groups and made them France's local top dogs. The Alawites have never looked back.

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