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Is JLO hot and do you like Marilyn Manson? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
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Very Liberal
I wanted a thread that most embodies the essence of billo. Something that makes absolutely no sense. So I decided to bridge the two gaps of JLO's butt with Marilyn's slut. Yes, JLO is hot (I would do her in a New York minute). And I like Marilyn Manson's music. It is cutting edge, raw, provocative and loud. Rock music can only be played loud.

I'm pretty fly for a white guy.
Billo_Really said:
I wanted a thread that most embodies the essence of billo. Something that makes absolutely no sense. So I decided to bridge the two gaps of JLO's butt with Marilyn's slut. Yes, JLO is hot (I would do her in a New York minute). And I like Marilyn Manson's music. It is cutting edge, raw, provocative and loud. Rock music can only be played loud.

I'm pretty fly for a white guy.

Billo, I'm sure you're real mack daddy in that buck wild kinda way of yours, but sounds like you been candy flippen if you think you'd get close to JLO's whoopie cakes listening to M.M. That's so last year. Try Kayne West or Madvillain, instead.
Originally posted by Gardener
Billo, I'm sure you're real mack daddy in that buck wild kinda way of yours, but sounds like you been candy flippen if you think you'd get close to JLO's whoopie cakes listening to M.M. That's so last year. Try Kayne West or Madvillain, instead.
Actually, I'm so bad with women that I was rejected by my own hand.........twice!

But thanks for the tip. I'll check 'em out.
Billo_Really said:
Actually, I'm so bad with women that I was rejected by my own hand.........twice!

If at first you don't succeed.........

I'm trying to think of some new bands that you *would* like, though. Don't think you'd really go for the two above.

Were you into Cheap Trick at all when you were younger? There is an Aussie band called Neon that resides in similar territory.

Oh, and for your original question? It's Lucy Liu and Kirsten Dunst for me, thankyou.
Originally posted by Gardener
If at first you don't succeed.........

I'm trying to think of some new bands that you *would* like, though. Don't think you'd really go for the two above.

Were you into Cheap Trick at all when you were younger? There is an Aussie band called Neon that resides in similar territory.

Oh, and for your original question? It's Lucy Liu and Kirsten Dunst for me, thankyou.
I like Rhino Bucket. Because they sound like the greatest rock band of all-time, AC/DC.
Billo_Really said:
I like Rhino Bucket. Because they sound like the greatest rock band of all-time, AC/DC.

Hey, wait a minute here. I thought Cream was the greatest rock band of all time. I'm so confused, now.
Originally posted by Gardener
Hey, wait a minute here. I thought Cream was the greatest rock band of all time. I'm so confused, now.
Cream had the best guitarist, best bassist and best drummer. The cream of the crop in the music industry. That is why they called themselves The Cream. I have always loved that band.

But the best is AC/DC.
@_girL........ said:
Old People....

Finally, somebody who knows how to say those two words with the sort of reverence and awe that shows she recognizes some real wellsprings of wisdom when she sees them.

Come partake of the wisdom your elders have to offer, oh young one........
Gardener said:
Finally, somebody who knows how to say those two words with the sort of reverence and awe that shows she recognizes some real wellsprings of wisdom when she sees them.

Come partake of the wisdom your elders have to offer, oh young one........

Of course gramps!!! I do know some of the artists of "back in the day", my favorite would be ABBA and like Fleetwood Mac (got to love the drum guy and all of his instruments *THE GONG!!!*) Back to the offer, I am here to bask in the essence of wisdom.
@_girL........ said:
Of course gramps!!! I do know some of the artists of "back in the day", my favorite would be ABBA and like Fleetwood Mac (got to love the drum guy and all of his instruments *THE GONG!!!*) Back to the offer, I am here to bask in the essence of wisdom.

There you go. Fleetwood. Don't know about ABBA.
@_girL........ said:
:shock: You dont know about ABBA!?!?! Come on now... Dancing Queen... Fernando!!! Ring any bells?!?!

Yes...I know ABBA, silly....I just don't know about ABBA.

.....and as far as this rediculous thread....."Billo" has it wrong. What he really meant was that he likes Marilyn Manson's butt (and would do him in a New York minute) and he likes JLO's music. Don't let him fool ya.
Orginally posted by GySgt:
Yes...I know ABBA, silly....I just don't know about ABBA.

.....and as far as this rediculous thread....."Billo" has it wrong. What he really meant was that he likes Marilyn Manson's butt (and would do him in a New York minute) and he likes JLO's music. Don't let him fool ya.
@_girL........ said:
Of course gramps!!! I do know some of the artists of "back in the day", my favorite would be ABBA and like Fleetwood Mac (got to love the drum guy and all of his instruments *THE GONG!!!*) Back to the offer, I am here to bask in the essence of wisdom.

If you absolutely promise to not tell a word of this to anybody, I can let you in on a little secret Billo told me the other day. He made me promise, too, because he has this full-on balls to the wall rock and roll animal thing going on, but he told me "Dancing Queen" is one of his absolute faves.

Mum's the word.

As far as Fleetwood Mac, I liked them before the arrival of Stevie Nicks and her boozed up vocal slurings. They actually started off as something of a blues-rock band, what with some of the originals having cut their musical teeth with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, and it was only after Peter Green left that they became more poppish.

"Kiln House" is their best album IMO.
J-LO is totally over-rated. C'mon, she is a couple Twinkies away from you not being able to hear the stereo when she sits on your face. This ghetto-booty fad has escaped me. Never date a woman with an *** bigger than your own.:lol:

Marylin Manson's 15 minutes is up.
Originally posted by Gardener
If you absolutely promise to not tell a word of this to anybody, I can let you in on a little secret Billo told me the other day. He made me promise, too, because he has this full-on balls to the wall rock and roll animal thing going on, but he told me "Dancing Queen" is one of his absolute faves.

Mum's the word.

As far as Fleetwood Mac, I liked them before the arrival of Stevie Nicks and her boozed up vocal slurings. They actually started off as something of a blues-rock band, what with some of the originals having cut their musical teeth with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, and it was only after Peter Green left that they became more poppish.

"Kiln House" is their best album IMO.
What's up with this ABBA crap?

Actually, I prefer The Original Fleetwood Mac. Peter Green was good (before he went nuts). I still like Kiln House:

This is the rock
We been talkin' about
This is the rock, rock, rock,
This the rock,
That makes jump and shout
This is the rock, rock, rock,
This is the rooooooocckk,
That's what its all about.
Gardener said:
If you absolutely promise to not tell a word of this to anybody, I can let you in on a little secret Billo told me the other day. He made me promise, too, because he has this full-on balls to the wall rock and roll animal thing going on, but he told me "Dancing Queen" is one of his absolute faves.

Mum's the word.

As far as Fleetwood Mac, I liked them before the arrival of Stevie Nicks and her boozed up vocal slurings. They actually started off as something of a blues-rock band, what with some of the originals having cut their musical teeth with John Mayall's Bluesbreakers, and it was only after Peter Green left that they became more poppish.

"Kiln House" is their best album IMO.

I promice not to tell a soul!!! ;)
independent_thinker2002 said:
J-LO is totally over-rated. C'mon, she is a couple Twinkies away from you not being able to hear the stereo when she sits on your face. This ghetto-booty fad has escaped me. Never date a woman with an *** bigger than your own.:lol:

Marylin Manson's 15 minutes is up.

What??? Come on!!! Big a$ses are cool!!! I have to say that cause I got one on me, but still, think about all da 'bounce' you can get from it!!!;)
Billo_Really said:
What's up with this ABBA crap?

Actually, I prefer The Original Fleetwood Mac. Peter Green was good (before he went nuts). I still like Kiln House:

This is the rock
We been talkin' about
This is the rock, rock, rock,
This the rock,
That makes jump and shout
This is the rock, rock, rock,
This is the rooooooocckk,
That's what its all about.

Yes, yes, Fleetwood Mac was great, reguardless, but how can you deny ABBA so?!?! :boohoo:
I agree with Billo, physically, JLo is hot. The problem is that she looks like such a supercillious bitch that you'd have to scrape away 40 lbs. of narcissism before you'd be able to truly appreciate her ***.

Huh? What? ABBA? Cream? Better watch out, it sounds like grandpa is going to start reminiscing about what the world was like before electricity.

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