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Is healthcare a right or a privilege? (1 Viewer)

Is healthcare a right?

  • Yes

    Votes: 36 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 24 40.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2015
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Political Leaning
Is healthcare a right or a privilege.

I would assume if you believe healthcare is a right, than everyone should have access to healthcare, and for many, free healthcare. If healthcare is free, than who would be the ones paying for it?
Is healthcare a right or a privilege.

I would assume if you believe healthcare is a right, than everyone should have access to healthcare, and for many, free healthcare. If healthcare is free, than who would be the ones paying for it?

The same people who pay insurance premiums every month.. except everyone pays.. in single-payer.
Is healthcare a right or a privilege.

I would assume if you believe healthcare is a right, than everyone should have access to healthcare, and for many, free healthcare. If healthcare is free, than who would be the ones paying for it?

It is not an inherent right. (Otherwise we wouldn't need doctor's to provide it to us) It is a privilege of citizenship if and only if the citizenry agrees and accepts this responsibility.

Think of it like we do the obligations we accept to pay for provision of mutual defense, justice, and education.

So if we as a society accept the idea that we can and should afford citizens at least some basic form of healthcare protection, then this obligates us to cooperate in funding and becomes a shared privilege of citizenship.
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The same people who pay insurance premiums every month.. except everyone pays.. in single-payer.

Many people in this country can't afford a premium payment.
Many people in this country can't afford a premium payment.

And they force those who do pay for health insurance into paying for them..
Is healthcare a right or a privilege.

I would assume if you believe healthcare is a right, than everyone should have access to healthcare, and for many, free healthcare. If healthcare is free, than who would be the ones paying for it?

You can think that it's both a privilege and something everyone should have access to. They aren't mutually exclusive.
I think basic healthcare should be a right.

Full/Cadillac healthcare? Not so sure.
Calling a service provided by other people a right is bogus and is akin to promoting slavery.

Hospital costs go up to compensate for all the uninsured people that receive services and cannot pay. These costs are forwarded onto the consumer, in this case the purchaser of insurance, ends up eating the costs for the uninsured that receive health care.
At the end of the day it matters not. The real debate is how you accomplish the goal for all to have access to health care in an affordable, timely and sustainable way, otherwise the song remains the same.
Hospital costs go up to compensate for all the uninsured people that receive services and cannot pay. These costs are forwarded onto the consumer, in this case the purchaser of insurance, ends up eating the costs for the uninsured that receive health care.

That's because of a law passed by Reagan.
Calling a service provided by other people a right is bogus and is akin to promoting slavery.

Health care is considered a right of citizenship in wealthy, advanced countries. In poor, developing countries health care is only for those who can afford it.
Is healthcare a right or a privilege.

I would assume if you believe healthcare is a right, than everyone should have access to healthcare, and for many, free healthcare. If healthcare is free, than who would be the ones paying for it?

Your country of origin has the responsibility to keep it's citizens safe and healthy.
Health care is considered a right of citizenship in wealthy, advanced countries. In poor, developing countries health care is only for those who can afford it.

So what other things do people have a right to have others provide them?
Is healthcare a right or a privilege.

I would assume if you believe healthcare is a right, than everyone should have access to healthcare, and for many, free healthcare. If healthcare is free, than who would be the ones paying for it?

If it's you life, or you wife's life , or your child's life who's on the line, it's a right. If it's you neighbors' life on the line it's a privilege. Correct?
That's because of a law passed by Reagan.

If you ask me.. it's because of a variable cost to the hospital. Uninsured people get in car accidents and can't pay the bill. If you don't have health care, chances are you already can't make your bills, the hospital is the last creditor on your list.
So what other things do people have a right to have others provide them?

Roads, elementary education, viable currency, police, lotsa stuff, lots more that I can't think of right now. Was the road past your place plowed for snow this winter?
Roads, elementary education, viable currency, police, lotsa stuff, lots more that I can't think of right now. Was the road past your place plowed for snow this winter?

fire dept
Roads, elementary education, viable currency, police, lotsa stuff, lots more that I can't think of right now.

Those are government services, not rights.

Was the road past your place plowed for snow this winter?

No. The taxpayer payed plow service doesn't come out here.
At the end of the day it matters not. The real debate is how you accomplish the goal for all to have access to health care in an affordable, timely and sustainable way, otherwise the song remains the same.

I'm puzzled why people with pre-existing conditions think they are entitled to health care. IMO programs like Medicaid need to be cut.
Those are government services, not rights.

No. The taxpayer payed plow service doesn't come out here.

If you pay taxes, you have a right to certain government services. That's what you pay taxes for. Why do you pay taxes if not to make it possible for the community to provide services.
Everyone is entitled to health and life. Anyone who disagrees with that is a potential sociopath.

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I'm puzzled why people with pre-existing conditions think they are entitled to health care. IMO programs like Medicaid need to be cut.
Why wouldn't they be entitled to health care?

Sent from my LG-H910 using Tapatalk
Neither, it's a service sold on the free market.

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