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Is Govenor Christie the best way for the Republicans to go in the next election? (1 Viewer)

I would tend to agree with Mitt Romney That the Republican party needs a candidate that can win an election. Christie's weight I think is a problem, yet his stance on Obamacare is right where it needs to be. He also will seem like a good president to work across the isle to get things done, which is another problem the party has in light of the shut down. What do you think?
I usually tended to vote for Democrats, as I was taught to. With nearly 40 years on this planet I can say I would rather have the opportunity to earn a living rather than have a government destroy my ability to do so, while giving me enough to exist on. Their idea of enough seems aligned with what some see in North Korea.
I don't see a Republican victory in 2016. I don't like Christie. But I can't really think of any Republican with a better chance if looking at it from the question of how could Republican's win?

I think his weight will be a plus for him. MANY voters are overweight and could tire of the jokes about him for it.
DSA;bt2542 said:
I usually tended to vote for Democrats, as I was taught to. With nearly 40 years on this planet I can say I would rather have the opportunity to earn a living rather than have a government destroy my ability to do so, while giving me enough to exist on. Their idea of enough seems aligned with what some see in North Korea.
Then why the hell do you keep voting for them?
joko104;bt2543 said:
I don't see a Republican victory in 2016. I don't like Christie. But I can't really think of any Republican with a better chance if looking at it from the question of how could Republican's win?

I think his weight will be a plus for him. MANY voters are overweight and could tire of the jokes about him for it.

The Beltway Republican Party is trying to be like Democrats, and that's causing the in-fighting. Don't think for a minute that Boehner is leading the opposition; he's a spineless wonder. Christie is what the Beltway Reps think will get them Latino votes. Well forget it! No one can be more liberal than liberals. It won't work, if people want a welfare state they're not going to the Republican Party for that. And after Christie's asskissery during Sandy (whose victims btw appear to have been forgotten by Obama), many on the right don't trust him......just as they didn't trust Romney.
Tubby Tubbo as the GOP cand. would be an assured victory for HRC. When did it become acceptable for the opposition to start saying who was a viable candidate for the OTHER party? This is what happen. He's a fat guy in a little shirt, damn, I mean he's a Republican in Name Only....Worse than McCain, and we see what the alternative to that ended up being...

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