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Is Diversity Evil? (1 Viewer)

Is Diversity Evil?

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2015
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Hear me out. :)

I think there is a simple truth that as long as there is diversity there will be lines in the sand between culture, religion or lack thereof, economic class and the social circles they create, and many other facets in our day to day life.
As long as there is diversity there will be confrontation.

Do those who want to remove religion (or a lack thereof) or cultural "barriers", economic classes, various education levels, also want to destroy diversity?

And should diversity be destroyed?

Thank you for hearing out my abstract mind process.
We are by definition "diverse".

The problem is not diversity which is a buzz word for "do your own thing", but academia getting a brain fart and deciding everyone should hyphenate their origin so as to distance themselves from the global them "American". Thus we have recreated tribes which we tried so hard to eliminate with social programs, equality, and equal justice.

So now in effect, as is done in middle eastern countries our tribe is part of our identity with names like Charlie Chan, of the American Chinese Tribe. Or as an Iraqi might say, Charliechan Al Chinaki Al Ameriki. Or some variation of that.
No, diversity is not a bad/evil thing. I'm pretty much fine with diversity.
Diversity doesn't automatically guarantee the best results. It can improve groupthink, especially if that groupthink is all one race/sex/religion/gender but making diversity an overriding qualification in an already widely diverse viewpoint may not be the best idea.
Evil? No. Overrated (as currently treated)? Yes.

Diversity can be a beautiful thing, and I feel that it used to be when people would retain their identities while still melding together as a society. Today I feel it has devolved into people demanding they get to do things their way all the time while still expecting the benefits of the melded society... without having to work at making the melded society function properly. We've lost sight of the balance that makes it work. Diversity has become a buzzword for "me me me", or lack of diversity.
No, diversity is not a bad/evil thing. I'm pretty much fine with diversity.

Are you talking colors or cultures? Or sexual orientation? It covers a wide variety of things, including political leanings.

The only thing I know is that a tolerant culture cannot exist with an intolerant culture, and the intolerant culture will win.
Hear me out. :)

I think there is a simple truth that as long as there is diversity there will be lines in the sand between culture, religion or lack thereof, economic class and the social circles they create, and many other facets in our day to day life.
As long as there is diversity there will be confrontation.

Do those who want to remove religion (or a lack thereof) or cultural "barriers", economic classes, various education levels, also want to destroy diversity?

And should diversity be destroyed?

Thank you for hearing out my abstract mind process.

From what I seen diversity is a not so subtle code for NOT WHITE ! :roll:
Hear me out. :)

I think there is a simple truth that as long as there is diversity there will be lines in the sand between culture, religion or lack thereof, economic class and the social circles they create, and many other facets in our day to day life.
As long as there is diversity there will be confrontation.

Do those who want to remove religion (or a lack thereof) or cultural "barriers", economic classes, various education levels, also want to destroy diversity?

And should diversity be destroyed?

Thank you for hearing out my abstract mind process.

Diversity has the same value for culture as it does for evolution...and as a recent study showed, mutts are generally genetically healthier than pure-breds.

Lack of diversity in society breeds ignorance and lack of understanding between cultures...which leads to suspicion, prejudice, and all too often, war.
Do those who want to remove religion (or a lack thereof) or cultural "barriers", economic classes, various education levels, also want to destroy diversity? And should diversity be destroyed?
On the perspective of wanting us to lose religion - I'm firmly in that camp. However I don't feel that it's the diversity of the religions that is the problem. I feel that it's what religions have in common that is the problem. Most notably the dogma of the "one true" path that's shared between the big three monotheistic religions. To just quick use the Bible as an illustration: Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

Said another way: This dogma that the only way is the Christian way. There's no other alternative ideology. Just Jesus. Which firmly sets Christians into the mindset of "us" good people and "those" heathens. Then throw in the same "one true" idea but from a Islamic and Jewish perspective and that'll ensure we'll have a warring future unless we can either rid ourselves of those religions or fundamentally change them.
On the perspective of wanting us to lose religion - I'm firmly in that camp. However I don't feel that it's the diversity of the religions that is the problem. I feel that it's what religions have in common that is the problem. Most notably the dogma of the "one true" path that's shared between the big three monotheistic religions. To just quick use the Bible as an illustration: Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

Said another way: This dogma that the only way is the Christian way. There's no other alternative ideology. Just Jesus. Which firmly sets Christians into the mindset of "us" good people and "those" heathens. Then throw in the same "one true" idea but from a Islamic and Jewish perspective and that'll ensure we'll have a warring future unless we can either rid ourselves of those religions or fundamentally change them.

However, the Bible also says and I will go find the citation if need be, something to the extent of when in the house of a nonbeliever to respect the nonbeliever.
This is often forgotten but is a tenant of the religion.

I don't have issues with religion, in and of itself, I have an issue with organizations which actually work against the diversity of (your chosen) Creator. All too often, this amounts to just what you said "OUR way is the only way...." and it creates strife.

I am not for erasing religions because I have seen some who have been very strong, very inspiring people because of their beliefs but I would push for less dependency on organized religion. Spirituality > Religion IMHO.
On the perspective of wanting us to lose religion - I'm firmly in that camp. However I don't feel that it's the diversity of the religions that is the problem. I feel that it's what religions have in common that is the problem. Most notably the dogma of the "one true" path that's shared between the big three monotheistic religions. To just quick use the Bible as an illustration: Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.

Said another way: This dogma that the only way is the Christian way. There's no other alternative ideology. Just Jesus. Which firmly sets Christians into the mindset of "us" good people and "those" heathens. Then throw in the same "one true" idea but from a Islamic and Jewish perspective and that'll ensure we'll have a warring future unless we can either rid ourselves of those religions or fundamentally change them.
I seriously do not want to go off on a religion tangent, but seriously, that's what religion is... the belief that "I'm right and you're wrong". Black and white. Cut-and-dry. To think it is supposed to be otherwise is naively idealistic.
From what I seen diversity is a not so subtle code for NOT WHITE ! :roll:

This isn't how I intended it at least. Like I pointed out, diversity covers culture (which there can be multiple of among even the same race, including white races), religions and non-religions, education class, economic class, demographics, etc.
Diversity does cover a lot of things. I, personally, celebrate differences between people. Sameness is anathema to my own instinct. It is also, quite frankly, boring. :)
Of course there should be a certain responsibility with diversity, realizing that everyone IS different and that your specific culture, social group, etc, does not make you somehow inherently better than others. Just different.
My two Abrahams only.
Depends on what you mean by diversity. Do you mean enforced diversity? Then yes, that is evil. However, if it's just people living together and not making a big deal over their similarities or differences, then no, it's fine. People are people. They have some things in common and some things that are different. Deal with it. Don't make it a big issue.
Diversity causes division by definition.

Yes, it is a vile, vile concept. When forced on those who don't want it.

As is multiculturalism. (note: this is different than being multi-ethnic, but even then, ya know, freedom of association...)
Diversity is a good thing, till the social glue no longer works, then it is not, then we are in big trouble.

We are in big trouble.

Victim culture has really messed things up, too long handing out special favors and rules to alleged victims groups has created resentment from the lowest classes, the lowest of the low of course being white males. And generally speaking the collective has lost the power to set standards and enforce them, which means that the society inevitably falls apart.

The push for Trump is in large part a protest, and a hope to enter into reforms with the purpose of strengthening this society, and putting Trump in the POTUS chair will likely help, but I still tend to think that we have mass riots in our foreseeable future.
From what I seen diversity is a not so subtle code for NOT WHITE ! :roll:

Well, you seen wrong then. Switzerland is culturally diverse and nearly lily-white.
I seriously do not want to go off on a religion tangent, but seriously, that's what religion is... the belief that "I'm right and you're wrong". Black and white. Cut-and-dry. To think it is supposed to be otherwise is naively idealistic.
Indeed. Which is different than diversity. A person's ethnicity, social class, sex, sexual orientation, age, etc. doesn't literally shout out "I'm right and you're wrong." We obviously have created implicit ideas about who's right/wrong, because humans are cynical in that sense, but no one's born with genes that makes their chest hair spell out "UR WRONG" or is sexually attracted to the sentence "This is the one and only true way!"

As opposed to most religions where it's usually a core fundamental idea, which will lead to disputes the long-term if we continue to take those religions seriously.

However, the Bible also says and I will go find the citation if need be, something to the extent of when in the house of a nonbeliever to respect the nonbeliever. This is often forgotten but is a tenant of the religion. I don't have issues with religion, in and of itself, I have an issue with organizations which actually work against the diversity of (your chosen) Creator. All too often, this amounts to just what you said "OUR way is the only way...." and it creates strife. I am not for erasing religions because I have seen some who have been very strong, very inspiring people because of their beliefs but I would push for less dependency on organized religion. Spirituality > Religion IMHO.
Aye, but that's irreconcilable in the end. You cannot have a consistent religion that holds the "one true" dogma, but then allows for alternatives.
It dilutes the message and would (I assume) eventually lead to the religion fading in practice.
Nope it is code for NOT ONLY WHITE! :doh

Just like the lib's to think it's ok to punish one generation based solely on race and reward another who wasn't harmed . And truly believe this is NOT discrimination ! :roll:
This isn't how I intended it at least. Like I pointed out, diversity covers culture (which there can be multiple of among even the same race, including white races), religions and non-religions, education class, economic class, demographics, etc.
Diversity does cover a lot of things. I, personally, celebrate differences between people. Sameness is anathema to my own instinct. It is also, quite frankly, boring. :)
Of course there should be a certain responsibility with diversity, realizing that everyone IS different and that your specific culture, social group, etc, does not make you somehow inherently better than others. Just different.
My two Abrahams only.

And my point is because you happen to be white , it does NOT make you responsible for past generations bad decisions .
Well, you seen wrong then. Switzerland is culturally diverse and nearly lily-white.

My comment refer to the USA , not every **** Country . :lamo

Dive is try

Try is dive

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Yeah, so far I am okay with it.

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