Liberals shi*t canning your posts. Conservatives shi*t canning your posts. Moderates and independents shi*t canning your posts. You're not bright enough to start a thread upstairs and have it stay there. So what's it like to start a thread and and get zero replies? You have Republicans and Democrates alike telling you to shut the fuc*k up because you're a dumbass. Nobody buys your stress deal and everyone tells you you use it as a crutch to be a dick. You claim to be some sort of shrink yet everyone rips apart your so called analasises. The only person that is nice to you is aps and that is because she feels sorry for you. I think it's pretty obvious what the real deal is with a man that publically claims to do so well with the ladies. Everyone tells you you whine like a little bitch. You get slapped around here more than a puck on an overcrowed rink full of epileptic hockey players. And what's with this personalized threads on individuals? You certainly seem to have cnredd and I under your skin. I posted the word "stormtrooping" and the next day you start a thread about it. You have the charm of Robodoon, the compassion of Ayran Imperium, and the logic of Canuck. Whenever you see a post you agree with there is an audible sound of azz sucking over the net, which on a text website is very, very strange. vergiss has been handing you your azz. Even Billo smacked you. You have no comeback ability...
***Feeling left out Teach. No one paying attention to you? Don't get your panties in a wad. Hey, its your fault you didn't come to me for the second and most important session. You're the one that has to suffer.
Yeah, the liberal moderators keep s*hit canning my posts. Have you been fooled into thinking there are Conservatives and Republicans here? You need not worry Teach, for you have yet to post an original one of your own upstairs. Frankly, I doubt you have the smarts to engage in such an over-taxing assignment for you pea-sized brain.
You never display wit or humor, yet feel free to tell others they don't. You post angry posts and when someone replies in kind you tell them they need help with their anger. Everyone here kicks you around like a an ugly stray mutt with fleas yet you go on like you the man. In the basement threads you've started you average about 20 replies. Most of those to tell you to shut the fuc*k up. When the liberal female aps had kind words for you her fellow female liberal friends where like, "hey aps, what the fuc*k?"
***Someone like yourself that states he has no other purpose here then to flame and get under peoples' skins wouldn't know what humor was, or know how to react to it if it had bitten you in the arse. Your anger prevents you from acknowledging humor, from laughing, and from getting comfortable in your own skin. You're a very sick puppy, in case someone hasn't told you for a while.
But do stick around. You're fun to watch. Now say something stupid about you being able to help me with my anger.