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Is capital punishment a deterrent? (1 Viewer)

Is capital punishment a deterrent?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • No

    Votes: 25 89.3%

  • Total voters
Navy Pride said:
your thoughts please:
I dont believe it is a deterrent to crime but I also dont believe it hurts to knock a proven killer off the planet either.

No one turns to crime thinking they will get caught. If they do then they have other issues.

Originally Posted by akyron:
I dont believe it is a deterrent to crime but I also dont believe it hurts to knock a proven killer off the planet either.
What about knocking someone off the planet that wasn't the killer?
Billo_Really said:
What about knocking someone off the planet that wasn't the killer?

Proven killer is the keyphrase. Of course it is not ok to get the wrong guy.
Originally Posted by akyron:
Proven killer is the keyphrase. Of course it is not ok to get the wrong guy.
I'm not going anywhere with this, but I just want to ask the question: What's worse, a) letting a killer live or b) killing an innocent person.
Billo_Really said:
I'm not going anywhere with this, but I just want to ask the question: What's worse, a) letting a killer live or b) killing an innocent person.

Of course killing an innocent person would be worse. But I don't think that means we shouldn't use the death penalty. If you commit horrible acts of violence and rape, I think you deserve to be put to death. I really do believe that. Whether or not it actually cuts down on crime is irrelevant; I believe the state simply has a moral duty to put to death people that are extremely sick and evil.
Originally posted by George_Washington:
Of course killing an innocent person would be worse. But I don't think that means we shouldn't use the death penalty. If you commit horrible acts of violence and rape, I think you deserve to be put to death. I really do believe that. Whether or not it actually cuts down on crime is irrelevant; I believe the state simply has a moral duty to put to death people that are extremely sick and evil.
Your talking about a mechanism that is not administered equally! You don't see something inherrently wrong with that?
George_Washington said:
Of course killing an innocent person would be worse. But I don't think that means we shouldn't use the death penalty. If you commit horrible acts of violence and rape, I think you deserve to be put to death. I really do believe that. Whether or not it actually cuts down on crime is irrelevant; I believe the state simply has a moral duty to put to death people that are extremely sick and evil.

The state and federal govt. have a "moral" obligation to it's citizens to keep them safe. Keeping them incarcerated with the restrictions that death row inmates have does that. In Illinois a man was exonerated (DNA evidence)after being on death row for 17 YEARS. Using the phrase "moral duty" and put to death is oxymoronic in this context. It is unnecesary. Please don't tell me about the cost of incarceration. We can talk about the cost of incarcerating victimless non-violent crimes which outweighs that cost. I am not sad that Gacy is dead. He was no longer a threat before his death because there was no possibility of him getting out.
Originally posted by independent_thinker2002
The state and federal govt. have a "moral" obligation to it's citizens to keep them safe. Keeping them incarcerated with the restrictions that death row inmates have does that. In Illinois a man was exonerated (DNA evidence)after being on death row for 17 YEARS. Using the phrase "moral duty" and put to death is oxymoronic in this context. It is unnecesary. Please don't tell me about the cost of incarceration. We can talk about the cost of incarcerating victimless non-violent crimes which outweighs that cost. I am not sad that Gacy is dead. He was no longer a threat before his death because there was no possibility of him getting out.
Don't get me started on that issue. I've got more to say about the 70% of people we lock up for victimless crimes. I believe if their is no victim, there is no crime. But that's just my belief. I don't advocate breaking the law. Even the dumb ones. If they want to reduce crime in America, stop making so many god-damn laws.
independent_thinker2002 said:
The state and federal govt. have a "moral" obligation to it's citizens to keep them safe. Keeping them incarcerated with the restrictions that death row inmates have does that. In Illinois a man was exonerated (DNA evidence)after being on death row for 17 YEARS. Using the phrase "moral duty" and put to death is oxymoronic in this context. It is unnecesary. Please don't tell me about the cost of incarceration. We can talk about the cost of incarcerating victimless non-violent crimes which outweighs that cost. I am not sad that Gacy is dead. He was no longer a threat before his death because there was no possibility of him getting out.

That was not the question in the poll.......The question was is capital punishment a deterrent?
Get with the program liberals..........This is not a poll about whether punishment should be the death penalty or life in prison......
Navy Pride said:
That was not the question in the poll.......The question was is capital punishment a deterrent?

I was responding to George Wasington's post. I can't believe anyone has to ask if it is a deterent. Of course it isn't. Just look at all of the capital murders still being commited. People who commit capital murder either don't think that they will get caught or don't think or care about the consequences. I have never heard of a documented case of it actually being a deterent. "I would have killed that policeman but I don't want the death penalty." Nope, those words have never been said seriously.
independent_thinker2002 said:
I was responding to George Wasington's post. I can't believe anyone has to ask if it is a deterent. Of course it isn't. Just look at all of the capital murders still being commited. People who commit capital murder either don't think that they will get caught or don't think or care about the consequences. I have never heard of a documented case of it actually being a deterent. "I would have killed that policeman but I don't want the death penalty." Nope, those words have never been said seriously.

Would you agree that the person executed is deterred?
Navy Pride said:
Would you agree that the person executed is deterred?

I wouldn't say deterred. Deterred means that they can make the choice and choose not to. They are prevented from committing that crime again though. So is a person incarcerated with death row standards.
Originally Posted by Navy Pride
Would you agree that the person executed is deterred?
I'll agree to that. Would you agree that you are treating the symptoms and not the problem?
independent_thinker2002 said:
I wouldn't say deterred. Deterred means that they can make the choice and choose not to. They are prevented from committing that crime again though. So is a person incarcerated with death row standards.

Spin it any way you want.......The guy executed will never rape or murder again......

Oh and one more thing...There are documented cases of criminals moving to states that don't have the death penalty to commit their crimes........Why do you think they did that?
Navy Pride said:
Spin it any way you want.......The guy executed will never rape or murder again......

Oh and one more thing...There are documented cases of criminals moving to states that don't have the death penalty to commit their crimes........Why do you think they did that?

Cite these documented cases. The logic doesn't follow. Death penalty or not, they would be in prison for their natural life or close to it. They still don't want to get caught. I would think that they would rather die than spend the rest of their life in prison anyway.
Originally Posted by Navy Pride
Spin it any way you want.......The guy executed will never rape or murder again......

Oh and one more thing...There are documented cases of criminals moving to states that don't have the death penalty to commit their crimes........Why do you think they did that?
Because they had the gas to get there.
independent_thinker2002 said:
Cite these documented cases. The logic doesn't follow. Death penalty or not, they would be in prison for their natural life or close to it. They still don't want to get caught. I would think that they would rather die than spend the rest of their life in prison anyway.

Why is that scumbag Tookie Williams in California begging to have his death sentence commuted if he would rather die.........:confused:
Billo_Really said:
Because they had the gas to get there.

Yeah right........Billo I know your smarter then that........
Navy Pride said:
Why is that scumbag Tookie Williams in California begging to have his death sentence commuted if he would rather die.........:confused:

Does he speak for all death row inmates. Not a scientific sample is it?
independent_thinker2002 said:
Does he speak for all death row inmates. Not a scientific sample is it?

Well I guareentee he is the rule and not the exception.....As I already said, where there is life there is hope..........Where there is death there is none.........
Navy Pride said:
Well I guareentee he is the rule and not the exception.....As I already said, where there is life there is hope..........Where there is death there is none.........

And your experience with death row inmates is? No offense, but your guarantee doesn't mean much to me.
independent_thinker2002 said:
Does he speak for all death row inmates. Not a scientific sample is it?

No its not not but I am sure if you asked all the in mates on death row you would find out I am right for the reason I already mentioned which you conveniently ignored....

It is easy to say I would rather die then go to prison for the rest of your life until you have to face that death...........

I know what your going to say..You would rather die if it was you,Problem is your not facing that choice...............
Navy Pride said:
No its not not but I am sure if you asked all the in mates on death row you would find out I am right for the reason I already mentioned which you conveniently ignored....

It is easy to say I would rather die then go to prison for the rest of your life until you have to face that death...........

I know what your going to say..You would rather die if it was you,Problem is your not facing that choice...............

Nor will I face that choice, because I would rather die than go to prison.

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