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Is Barack Obama a Warmonger? (1 Viewer)

Is Barack Obama a Warmonger?

  • Yes he is a Warmonger

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • No he is not a Warmonger

    Votes: 13 68.4%

  • Total voters
Beats me. That's your conspiracy theory, not mine.

Does it even exist? I just see bits on it here and there. If it exists and Barak is a member wouldn't this influence his foreign policys?

To be perfectly honest I don't know if it exist?
Not bactracking a bit, I gave my own speculation, and that stands. And Gates is a temporary thing.

Speculation based on nothing with regards to foreign policy.

When is Gates leaving?

Or is it temporary like Obama is temporarily President?
Speculation based on nothing with regards to foreign policy.

When is Gates leaving?

Or is it temporary like Obama is temporarily President?

I can base my speculations on anything I wish, but normally I base them on observations. How Obama handles foreign policy remains to be seen.

Last I read Gates was going to stay for about a year and then be replaced. It's possible that's changed.

I have no idea what your last question is supposed to be about, as I've not ever said anything about Obama being a temporary president.
I can base my speculations on anything I wish, but normally I base them on observations. How Obama handles foreign policy remains to be seen.

Last I read Gates was going to stay for about a year and then be replaced. It's possible that's changed.

I have no idea what your last question is supposed to be about, as I've not ever said anything about Obama being a temporary president.

Obama is temporarily President. He won't be President forever.
I do not believe either Bush or Obama were or are "war mongers". Bush did what he felt was right for America. He acted on bad intelligence in Iraq and for that he must be held accountable; however, this does not translate to him being a liar or a war monger as so many leftists like to claim.

As for Obama, he is effecting a continuation of previous policy. Thus far I haven't heard anything which would make me believe that he is either a coward or a war monger. It seems he will take a pragmatic approach towards Iraq and Afghanistan. I think Obama will be successful in terms of foreign policy. He will strengthen our relations with other countries but I don't see him capitulating either. It's just too bad that while he's executing pragmatic policy abroad he'll be gutting our economy from the inside out.
independent_thinker2002 you talk good of your President,well done m8,some of the people on here try to castigate him without give in him a chance,not very nice.independent_thinker2002 i hope you are right an every way u think
about your President,as they are not many like you.

my kindest regards to U

We’ll see.
I’m thinking Obama has his eye on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran (I would not discount Russia and China) but, may be he’ll changeand end the American Empire (which is a good thing).
Yes Obama is a war monger... but is that bad? Nope. It will allow us to continue to engage terrorists abroad and allow us to maintain our high standard of living.
We’ll see.
I’m thinking Obama has his eye on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran (I would not discount Russia and China) but, may be he’ll changeand end the American Empire (which is a good thing).

American Empire?

Was Israel wrong for killing innocent palestinian civilians? What about Bush? Many called him a warmonger when stories of civilian deaths (collateral damage) at the hands of US military circulated.

Obama is now the Commander in Chief and like Truman said "The buck stops here" So, since Obama is ultimately responsible when civilians die at the hands of our military does that make him a warmonger. It made Bush a warmonger.

Here is a story from today. Yesterday 16 civilians were killed by American forces in Afghanistan including two women and three children according to a statement by Karzai.

Afghan president: US forces killed 16 civilians - Yahoo! News

Anyway my question for you,

Is Barack Obama a Warmonger? please explain how you came to your answer.

Bush was a war monger because he started two wars. One of them on faulty information his administration inflated. Are you even serious anymore?
Bush was a war monger because he started two wars. One of them on faulty information his administration inflated. Are you even serious anymore?

Obama is definitely a warmonger. He is bombing a country that never attacked us.

An argument could be made that Bush didn't start any wars. The Iraq war started in 1991 and never ended. There was a conditional cease fire that Iraq never fully obeyed; thus, the war only resumed in 2003.

Bush didn't start the war in Afghanistan. We were attacked by terrorists who were protected by the Taliban who refused to turn them over.
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Obama is definitely a warmonger. He is bombing a country that never attacked us.

Is there something wrong with bombing a country that never attacked us?
Walleye is talking about Pakistan. Obama authorized drone attacks on two homes there. As far as I know Pakistan never attacked the United States.


And the text of the US-Pakistan Strategic Partnership:

Deputy Secretary Negroponte and Foreign Minister Qureshi reaffirmed their commitments to a wide-ranging, substantive, and long-term strategic partnership between the United States and Pakistan, which is based on shared values and a common effort to promote enduring peace, security, stability, freedom, and prosperity of Pakistan and of the region. Both sides exchanged views on ways to deepen their bilateral cooperation and to make the Strategic Dialogue more effective and productive.

The United States and Pakistan both strongly condemned the terrorist attack at the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, on 20 September. Both Deputy Secretary Negroponte and Foreign Minister Qureshi offered their condolences to the families of all of those lost in the vicious attack. They acknowledged that terrorism and violent extremism pose a common threat to Pakistan, the United States, and the international community.

The United States affirmed its support for Pakistan's sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity. The United States is dedicated to providing Pakistan with the training and equipment it needs to fight terrorism, including support to enhance Pakistan’s counterinsurgency and counterterrorism capabilities and increased cooperation with Pakistani security forces. Both sides renewed their intention to work together to combat the threat of terrorism and violent extremism by expanding security cooperation, and to work together to develop and modernize the Federally Administered Tribal Areas. Pakistan expressed its appreciation for the $4 million the U.S. has committed for flood relief and for humanitarian assistance to those displaced by fighting in Bajaur.

During the Strategic Dialogue, the two sides discussed regional and international issues of common interest. The U.S. expressed support for continued dialogue and improved relations between Pakistan and its neighbors. The U.S. expressed support for the resumption of the Jirga process with Afghanistan and for Pakistan’s commitment to hold the next Regional Economic Cooperation Conference meeting in Islamabad later this year.

The Pakistani Government expressed its appreciation for the new Friends of Pakistan initiative, which will help Pakistan face its challenges in the years ahead.

Building on the August 2008 bilateral Economic Dialogue, both sides reaffirmed their commitment to increased bilateral economic cooperation. Pakistan outlined its economic stabilization measures and reforms to foster economic growth and opportunity. The U.S. expressed support for Pakistan's plan to stabilize its economy and welcomed Pakistan's commitment to implement comprehensive reform measures.

The U.S. expressed its determination to continue efforts to promote Reconstruction Opportunity Zones legislation, currently pending in Congress. The establishment of such zones would improve stability and security by stimulating jobs, infrastructure and legitimate economic alternatives in underdeveloped areas.

The two sides emphasized the need for improved regional cooperation and integration in the energy sector. They reaffirmed their commitment to address Pakistan’s growing energy needs by expanding technical assistance and promoting investment in Pakistan’s energy sector.

Cooperation in education and science and technology were reviewed, and both resolved to make best efforts to hold Energy and Education Dialogues by the end of the year.

In keeping with the commitment made by President Bush and Prime Minister Gillani during their July meeting in Washington, the delegations began discussions focused on agricultural cooperation that would help Pakistan strengthen its agricultural sector and enhance its food security.

The two sides committed to work together to realize their long-term vision of the U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Partnership.

Released on September 29, 2008
Bodhisattva said:
Wow. Your post was truly troubling. War does not stop terrorism; it brings terrorism (blowback). It makes our country less safe. How does war bring a high-standard of living? Sadly, war does the exact opposite of your post.
Moon said:
American Empire?
Yes, the American Empire. It’s the imperialism of America at least of our military presence around the world. You might laugh at the idea but, it’s not so funny in the countries that are dominated by our military.
I am sorry, but Obama is not a war monger?

In case you have not paid attention to anything, Obama is trying get some peace.

For yu Right Wingers who are not fimiliar with this word, this used it a normal word in our language(english)

I am giving a link to the infoplease.com online dictionary.

The Word is PEACE

I don't want any of you right winger to have a heart attack, so you better call 911, so you won't pass away from just the the thought of peace in the definition.




Pronunciation: (pēs), [key]
—n., interj., v., peaced, peac•ing.

1. the normal, nonwarring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world.
2. (often cap.) an agreement or treaty between warring or antagonistic nations, groups, etc., to end hostilities and abstain from further fighting or antagonism: the Peace of Ryswick.
3. a state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal relations: Try to live in peace with your neighbors.
Yes, he is a warmonger just like Bush. Those people were not bothering us. They were probably having a wedding or some sort of innocent social gathering and then that mean Obongo drops bombs on them for no reason at all. Is there something in the water in the White House? :2razz:
Hehehehe, the pipes are probably rusty. Someone probably assembled an empty tent, or was planning and aspirin factory. :rofl
Yes, the American Empire. It’s the imperialism of America at least of our military presence around the world. You might laugh at the idea but, it’s not so funny in the countries that are dominated by our military.

You have an ridiculously low threshold of what constitutes imperialism.
Yes Obama is a war monger... but is that bad? Nope. It will allow us to continue to engage terrorists abroad and allow us to maintain our high standard of living.

Wow. Your post was truly troubling. War does not stop terrorism; it brings terrorism (blowback). It makes our country less safe. How does war bring a high-standard of living? Sadly, war does the exact opposite of your post.

1. Who said anything about "stopping" terrorism? Obviously I did not.
2. Prove that engaging terrorists over there makes our country less safe.
3. Who said that "war" brings a high standard of living? Engaging terrorists over there enables us to live our nice little lives over here free of troubles, or free-er of troubles.
4. Sadly, you are mistaken, war ushered in the greatest time in American History. Without war, we would still have been in a recession of epic proportions and still have been fairly isolated. The dollar was weak too.

Originally Posted by peepnklown
Yes, the American Empire. It’s the imperialism of America at least of our military presence around the world. You might laugh at the idea but, it’s not so funny in the countries that are dominated by our military.

imperialism   /ɪmˈpɪəriəˌlɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.

1. Care to explain how America fits the definition of as Imperial or as an Empire?
2. Care to explain how those nations are not inviting us in for a variety of reasons and how you think that we could not or would not be there if that nation did not want us there?
1. Who said anything about "stopping" terrorism? Obviously I did not.
2. Prove that engaging terrorists over there makes our country less safe.
3. Who said that "war" brings a high standard of living? Engaging terrorists over there enables us to live our nice little lives over here free of troubles, or free-er of troubles.
4. Sadly, you are mistaken, war ushered in the greatest time in American History. Without war, we would still have been in a recession of epic proportions and still have been fairly isolated. The dollar was weak too.

imperialism   /ɪmˈpɪəriəˌlɪzəm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [im-peer-ee-uh-liz-uhm] Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.

1. Care to explain how America fits the definition of as Imperial or as an Empire?
2. Care to explain how those nations are not inviting us in for a variety of reasons and how you think that we could not or would not be there if that nation did not want us there?

I think it's because we dare to have a military, and that we also dare to send portions of that military to other countries. Ignoring, of course, that we have formal agreements in place with those other countries to have our military within their borders.
I'm wondering how many in this thread who defended Obama are the same ones who castigated Bush for the same thing?

I just read that Pakistan is not going to allow the USA to bomb Al Queda in Pakistan anymore. Now what do we do?
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