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Is Al Gore a Sexual Predator? (1 Viewer)

Is Al Gore a Sexual Predator?

  • Yes he is.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 12 85.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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Carl Franzen Contributor
AOL News Surge Desk
(July 21) --

According to the The National Enquirer, police are investigating the claims of two more massage therapists who say that Gore sexually abused them in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The former incident is said to have taken place when Gore was staying at a Beverly Hills hotel ahead of the 79th Academy Awards ceremony, while the latter has been traced to Tokyo. Both would have occurred while Gore was married.

Al Gore Alleged to Have Sexually Abused Two More Massage Therapists

Seems we could be seeing a little bit of a pattern.
A Modus operandi of getting relief for his Second Chakra.

You think Al is a sexual predator?
Anyone who forms an opinion on this before all the facts are in is silly. If the allegations can be proven, then, "Yes!! Absolutely he's a sexual predator." I hope we don't find out that these ladies went to the authorities and were disregarded...
Al Gore invented sexual molestation.
Anyone who forms an opinion on this before all the facts are in is silly. If the allegations can be proven, then, "Yes!! Absolutely he's a sexual predator." I hope we don't find out that these ladies went to the authorities and were disregarded...

It's a poll for Christ sake.

Allegations have been made... if you follow the news you're usually forming some kind of opinion if your brain is engaged. So... is he a sexual predator... it's even a private poll... not like the private pole he was accused of brandishing.

"The therapist claimed that when they were alone, Gore shrugged off a towel and stood naked in front of her," a source said, recounting the Beverly Hills incident. "He pointed at his erect penis and ordered her, 'Take care of this.'"

Read more: Two other women claim Al Gore abused them: report - NYPOST.com

One thing in Al's favor is he was taught good manners. He didn't simply dictate to her to... "Blow Me".

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Maybe he was a poor Tipper so they resented giving him a happy ending.
All politicians are sexual predators.
Al Gore is a politician.
Al Gore is a sexual predator.

Easy logic.
Well we all should know now that the Portland massage therapist was lying her ass off.

Report: Gore Accuser Failed Lie Detector Test - Your Vote News Story - KPTV Portland

And am I not prepared to make any judgements on "facts" that are not there. Nor should anyone.

So no, he's not a predator.

ROTFLOL... to bad we don't have this standard when it comes to presidential candidates... NY Times rumors about McCain on page 1.

Ignoring Obi's background.

Newsweek burying Lewinski.

Or the press screeching about secrecy when it comes to freedom of information about global warming.

Would be nice to have them report on bills congress passes without reading them.
Or... blowing the jobs saved BS out of the water.
Or... Or...

It's possible. Failing a lie detector test doesn't mean much.
It's possible. Failing a lie detector test doesn't mean much.

Unless she passed it then people will argue that she's telling the truth.
Unless she passed it then people will argue that she's telling the truth.

Some people, yes. But there have been people who passed lie detector tests and they were found out to be guilty.
Some people, yes. But there have been people who passed lie detector tests and they were found out to be guilty.

It's funny, they aren't admissible in court but you have to take one if you are going to be a law enforcement officer.
It's possible. Failing a lie detector test doesn't mean much.

Read the article. There's more to her fabricated story. Did you know this is not the first time she's pressed such charges?

Failed lie detector + pressed false charges before + her story reeks + no DNA on pants + zero evidence = bull****

So you want to still give her the benefit of the doubt or will you continue to throw common sense out the window?
ROTFLOL... to bad we don't have this standard when it comes to presidential candidates... NY Times rumors about McCain on page 1.

Ignoring Obi's background.

Newsweek burying Lewinski.

Or the press screeching about secrecy when it comes to freedom of information about global warming.

Would be nice to have them report on bills congress passes without reading them.
Or... blowing the jobs saved BS out of the water.
Or... Or...



None of your "retort" has anything to do with the story. You started the thread and should know better to stay on topic.

So tell me Zimmer... think Gore is guilty as hell? Think he's a sexual predator? Think he should go to jail?
No, I don't think he is - and not because of Middleground's "all Democrats are benevolent and all Republicans are evil" belief. I just simply believe that opportunist and predator are not synonymous. Did he try and bust off a nut? Yeah, probably so. Is it his fault? No. It's the "Kobe defense" - you don't go to a wildly popular celebrity's private hotel room at 3am and expect Snapple and a Three Stooges marathon. I think it's the same thing as Kobe: consentual sex where the average Joe (or Jane) looks for a fat, juicy payoff. She probably topped him off good, and is now looking at some sort of foiled extortion bid so she's going to milk the publicity for all the pennies she can get.
In the general scheme of things, this is merely as distraction, it is so unimportant and doubtless will remain so until such time as proof positive is revealed

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