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Iraq,Muslims Killing Muslims (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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Political Leaning
Maybe no ones noticed, lately the Muslim Terrorists have been killing other muslims in Iraq. Its not the christian crusaders,its muslims.
We should be telling the world about this.
The political climate over there is so much different then it is in the US. It's not that simple. You won't have very much luck.

Besides I'm sure they already noticed anyways.
JOHNYJ said:
Maybe no ones noticed, lately the Muslim Terrorists have been killing other muslims in Iraq. Its not the christian crusaders,its muslims.
We should be telling the world about this.

Oh no we must keep it quite, we don't want people thinking that the terrorists are bad guys do we. :notlook:

It would seem that some actually feel this way, if we brought this into an argument about the cause of terrorism all the American bashers would just insist that the terrorist were confused about whom they were blowing up, or some crap like that. Besides it's not really news, a lot of the civilians they have been blowing up are Muslims. Remember they don't ask what faith you are before they detonate.
Correct me if I am wrong. But muslims have been killing muslims in this area for a hell of a long time. It's done on an almost daily bases. Men, woman and children. The favorite target in Iraq for them seems to be those that actually live there
Who started all this mess ??

now what is happening is simpel ..Shia vs Sunni ..and the reason is to build up the government !! ..i know one thing for sure ..us won t be able to sort it out..wait and u will see as well...

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