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Iran to US: Missile program ‘not open to negotiation' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 2, 2013
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Northern New Jersey
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Oh, no! It can't be. Not our buddies, Iran. Another failure for Obama. Not that this deal wasn't bad enough already. This what happens when you have a bunch of bumbling fools taking on tasks that are way out of their league.

Iran to US: Missile program ?not open to negotiation? | Fox News

Iran’s foreign minister said Sunday the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile program is “not open to negotiation” with the United States, seemingly spurning an overture from Secretary of State John Kerry.

What a joke this administration is.
As many of us have said since the "deal" was inked, it was extremely foolish to trust Iran to be diplomatic about their weapons desires in exchange for a reduction in sanctions (and/or continued better relations.)

Not sure I completely buy the FoxNews article, as they have a vested interest in anything anti-Obama administration, but we have always had reason to be cautious in dealing with Iran. In all fairness, it looks like this particular missile test / missile technology was not covered by the agreement. It does not look like Iran has the present capability to deliver a nuclear weapon in that missile system.

We should still be concerned but if the agreement did not cover this type of testing, why are we upset?
As many of us have said since the "deal" was inked, it was extremely foolish to trust Iran to be diplomatic about their weapons desires in exchange for a reduction in sanctions (and/or continued better relations.)

Not sure I completely buy the FoxNews article, as they have a vested interest in anything anti-Obama administration, but we have always had reason to be cautious in dealing with Iran. In all fairness, it looks like this particular missile test / missile technology was not covered by the agreement. It does not look like Iran has the present capability to deliver a nuclear weapon in that missile system.

We should still be concerned but if the agreement did not cover this type of testing, why are we upset?

So we can bash Obama?
why should we expect iran to abandon an ABM program when its nemesis in the region possesses an arsenal of nuclear weapons

the iranian government properly recognizes its obligation to defend its population from iran's arch enemy

however, there is a way to get iran to concede on the ABM point: ensuring that israel's military strength is reduced to parity with iran's

otherwise, to expect iran to pass on ABM development is as reasonable as expecting it to take a knife to a gun fight
Oh, no! It can't be. Not our buddies, Iran. Another failure for Obama. Not that this deal wasn't bad enough already. This what happens when you have a bunch of bumbling fools taking on tasks that are way out of their league.

Iran to US: Missile program ?not open to negotiation? | Fox News

Iran’s foreign minister said Sunday the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missile program is “not open to negotiation” with the United States, seemingly spurning an overture from Secretary of State John Kerry.

What a joke this administration is.

You're charitable to assume it's the result of incompetence. I think it is the result of design--that this disgrace of a president resents the very nation whose constitution he swore to defend. I believe that in his heart of hearts, B. Hussein Obama favors foreign Muslims over the America of our traditions; that he dislikes most things about this country; and that he has been doing all he can to diminish its standing in the world. I know just what that Marxist liar means when he says he wants a fundamental transformation of the U.S. He and many of his collectivist sycophants want to turn this country into something unrecognizable as America. Let them try.

The jihadist regime in Tehran must never be allowed to get hold of nuclear weapons. If it ever does, one or more of those weapons might surreptitiously be passed to Islamists--in Hizballah, for example--to use against any city in the world. Afterwards, we could never be certain enough that Iran was behind the attack to retaliate in kind, and our inaction would invite even more of the same. I can only hope that the next president will repudiate this shameful agreement.

The U.S. should make clear that it will use military force to disarm Iran, if it does not promptly abandon its nuclear weapons program. The U.S. military could destroy the five vital facilities in that program in a single night. One of these, the heavy water/future plutonium facility at Arak, could be wrecked with only a handful of 2,000-lb. guided bombs. It would take no more than four 30,000-lb. bombs placed directly on top of the two vast underground centrifuge galleries at Natanz, each of which covers about eight acres, to turn all the extremely expensive machines in them into junk. A few more of the same very large bombs would make sure of the most important site of all, the deeply buried centrifuge galleries at Fordo.

As Americans, we should be ashamed ever to worry about what Iran might do to the United States. Instead, we should do all we can to make the leaders in Tehran spend many sleepless nights worrying about what the United States might do to Iran.
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why should we expect iran to abandon an ABM program when its nemesis in the region possesses an arsenal of nuclear weapons

the iranian government properly recognizes its obligation to defend its population from iran's arch enemy

however, there is a way to get iran to concede on the ABM point: ensuring that israel's military strength is reduced to parity with iran's

otherwise, to expect iran to pass on ABM development is as reasonable as expecting it to take a knife to a gun fight

Yes, why should they comply when our morons negotiated a deal that allows them to build non nuke missiles? And, of course, Iran will build missiles that are nuke capable, because they have no fear of our feckless, incompetent, weak spined President and his administration.

Never has one President been told so early, so often, by members of both parties, that what he wanted to do would be a complete disaster. He did it anyway, because he thinks he is smarter than everyone, when he really is a fool, and it's shown to be a complete disaster, over and over. Not one good thing has come from this deal, at least for the Ammerican people.
Yes, why should they comply when our morons negotiated a deal that allows them to build non nuke missiles? And, of course, Iran will build missiles that are nuke capable, because they have no fear of our feckless, incompetent, weak spined President and his administration.
[emphasis added by bubba]
please offer a cite showing where the nuke agreement spoke to the issue of missile technology authorized to be used by iran
maybe you can. but my bet is you cannot, as i do not recall that being any part of the nuke agreement

Never has one President been told so early, so often, by members of both parties, that what he wanted to do would be a complete disaster. He did it anyway, because he thinks he is smarter than everyone, when he really is a fool, and it's shown to be a complete disaster, over and over. Not one good thing has come from this deal, at least for the Ammerican people.
[emphasis again added by bubba]
already something good has come from the nuke deal
most of the fissionable material, the type to be processed into weapons, has been transported out of iran
the UN has monitors at every step of the process required to fashion a nuclear weapon; from source materials to materials processing. thus, iran is in a much weaker position to construct nuclear weaponry than before the agreement was signed. to many of us, that would be called a very good thing
So we can bash Obama?

You have my permission. Just a light bashing though, with a dash of olive oil. After all, who truly believes that Iran would do anything that undermines their perceived self-interest? They're nearly as apocalyptic as ISIS - not quite, but close. It's like the difference between pulled pork and pulled pork barbeque.
How much money did we give Iran again?
No, missiles were not addressed in the nuke deal. They were addressed in UN Security Council Resolution 2231.
Does Iran not have the right to self-defense? They are a sovereign country after all.
If you ask me, lets let Iran get a nuke.
Does Iran not have the right to self-defense? They are a sovereign country after all.

This isn't about fairness. We wouldn't look at North Korea and say "Well, it's a sovereign country and they are surrounded by potentially hostile powers..." They are surrounded by hostile powers because of the character of their regime and their intentions. Likewise for Iran, primarily the latter point.
This isn't about fairness. We wouldn't look at North Korea and say "Well, it's a sovereign country and they are surrounded by potentially hostile powers..." They are surrounded by hostile powers because of the character of their regime and their intentions. Likewise for Iran, primarily the latter point.

Ah, I see. If they don't want America to murder them, they have to be open to other enemies murdering them. Got it.

I can see why they refuse to have a discussion about their non-nuke missiles.
Ah, I see. If they don't want America to murder them, they have to be open to other enemies murdering them. Got it.

I can see why they refuse to have a discussion about their non-nuke missiles.

Yes. We don't want our enemies and those who imperil the global liberal order we're attempting to construct to become more powerful. To think otherwise is to assert a kindergarten sense of equity, afterall I don't suppose you think North Korea deserves it's nuclear weapons---in the name of fairness of course.
Yes. We don't want our enemies and those who imperil the global liberal order we're attempting to construct to become more powerful. To think otherwise is to assert a kindergarten sense of equity, afterall I don't suppose you think North Korea deserves it's nuclear weapons---in the name of fairness of course.

LOL! This is totally hilarious!

It was American imperialism that had a hand in creating the Iran we see now.


As the rest of your ridiculous post, every nation has the right to self-defense. That's reality. Not to mention the fact that it's Iran that's out there fighting ISIS.

It's your fear driven believe that a country that cannot harm America or it's allies in any substantial way must be totally brought to heel. That's the state Iraq is now in. Look what that brought us.
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LOL! This is totally hilarious!

It was American imperialism that had a hand in creating the Iran we see now.


As the rest of your ridiculous post, every nation has the right to self-defense. That's reality. Not to mention the fact that it's Iran that's out there fighting ISIS.

It's your fear driven believe that a country that cannot harm America or it's allies in any substantial way must be totally brought to heel. That's the state Iraq is now in. Look what that brought us.

You didn't answer my question. Do you think North Korea is entitled to having nuclear weapons in order to counter-balance its neighbors? Surely thats the only fair approach.
LOL! This is totally hilarious!

It was American imperialism that had a hand in creating the Iran we see now.


As the rest of your ridiculous post, every nation has the right to self-defense. That's reality. Not to mention the fact that it's Iran that's out there fighting ISIS.

It's your fear driven believe that a country that cannot harm America or it's allies in any substantial way must be totally brought to heel. That's the state Iraq is now in. Look what that brought us.

The fact is people are uneasy about Iran potentially getting the bomb because many of those in charge in the country are more than willing to use such a weapon---after all, many of the mullahs believe we're living in the end times, and thinking nuking Israel might just kickstart the arrival
You didn't answer my question. Do you think North Korea is entitled to having nuclear weapons in order to counter-balance its neighbors? Surely thats the only fair approach.

No one is entitled to anything.

If they have the know-how to make a nuke, that's on them. But, we should try our best to convince them otherwise... without threatening to murder them if they don't obey.
No one is entitled to anything.

If they have the know-how to make a nuke, that's on them. But, we should try our best to convince them otherwise... without threatening to murder them if they don't obey.

Oh? You're trying to thread a needle here and it isn't making sense. If they aren't entitled to anything then what prohibits us from doing what we can to try and stop them? Surely we would have benefited from using everything, including threats and coercion, to halt the rearmament of Germany in the 1930's. Likewise we choose to apply economic, political, and yes the threat of military consequences to deter our enemies from acquiring more military power. Countries like North Korea... and Iran. Yes?
Oh? You're trying to thread a needle here and it isn't making sense.
If you say so.
If they aren't entitled to anything then what prohibits us from doing what we can to try and stop them? Surely we would have benefited from using everything, including threats and coercion, to halt the rearmament of Germany in the 1930's.
believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
No one and no country is entitled to anything... period.

Wow. Comparing Iran to Germany. Who has Iran invaded? Right... no one. They aren't aggressive. Iran isn't going to actually defeat any ally America has. They aren't a threat. Germany on the other hand was a global threat. Not comparable.

Now if they were threatening and were an actual danger, then we'd have cause to go after them.

Treat actual threats as threats. Those missiles are not a danger to Israel, America or anyone we're cool with.
Likewise we choose to apply economic, political, and yes the threat of military consequences to deter our enemies from acquiring more military power. Countries like North Korea... and Iran. Yes?
Iran has the right to self-defense. They aren't a threat to America. They've made no overtures to attack America. We've no need to fear them. Our fear of Iran is grossly disproportionate to the threat they actually propose. In my opinion, this is a work program for the military industrial complex.
If you say so.

No one and no country is entitled to anything... period.

Wow. Comparing Iran to Germany. Who has Iran invaded? Right... no one. They aren't aggressive. Iran isn't going to actually defeat any ally America has. They aren't a threat. Germany on the other hand was a global threat. Not comparable.

Now if they were threatening and were an actual danger, then we'd have cause to go after them.

Treat actual threats as threats. Those missiles are not a danger to Israel, America or anyone we're cool with.

Iran has the right to self-defense. They aren't a threat to America. They've made no overtures to attack America. We've no need to fear them. Our fear of Iran is grossly disproportionate to the threat they actually propose. In my opinion, this is a work program for the military industrial complex.

You haven't answered the question. Do we have the right to use political, economic, and military pressure to stop North Korea from obtaining advanced weapons like nuclear weapons? You alternate between arguing that countries have a right to self-defense (as though that obviates the aforementioned point) and then say countries are not entitled to anything. You can't have a right to self-defense and then claim no one is entitled to anything.

Entitle | Definition of Entitle by Merriam-Webster
entitle Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Definition of “entitled” | Collins English Dictionary
So we can bash Obama?

This is a more serious situation than just bashing Obama will fix. It's an ideology that I'm afraid cannot be cured.

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