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Iran and Syria Alliance (1 Viewer)


British, Irish and everything in-between.
DP Veteran
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland
Political Leaning

LOL, well it looks like the leaders of Iran and Syria have got some brains. This is very very very clever of them, BRAVO!. They seen the American threat and together they are standing up against it. If they get more Middle East countries to join this entente America's position and power in the Middle-East will be underminded. Could Iraq's new pro-Iran government join?
Also Russia is ****ing off Bush, Putin wants to sell missiles to Syria.
Its interesting how you UK folks are in this as well ... but it's ALL America's fault. Right?
LOL yeah we made a mistake invading Iraq too, Tony "the poodle" Blair tricked us all into going to war by saying our nation was under threat. I personally didn't buy it, but a majority of British people did. Now we all know we were taken for a ride in Blair's spin bus.

Britain isn't threatening Iran or Syria, we are trying to talk and discuss things - thats how REAL politics works.

Also just to led you know, Blair appeared on a politics show on Britain's Channel 5 to discuss politics with the audience. He was CRUCIFIED, about Iraq and domestic affairs as well, the British public is not very happy with Blair at all. Yet he will still win the election, bah.
Pacridge said:
What's the UK's involvement?

Thank you for the correction... America is in it alone.
vauge said:
Thank you for the correction... America is in it alone.

I'm not correcting anything. I just don't understand how the UK is/was involved in the Iran-Syria issue being discussed and asked you to clarify your comment. I'm still lost. The UK was involved and now they're not and it's between the US, Iran, Syria and Russia?
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Pacridge said:
I'm not correcting anything. I just don't understand how the UK is/was involved in the Iran-Syria issue being discussed and asked you to clarify your comment. I'm still lost. The UK was involved and not their not and it's between the US, Iran, Syria and Russia?
Blair is getting involved (Paging GarzaUK to call me wrong, but (s)he'll have to pull some cites that disagree).
Blair has noted that Britain will carry on their policy, with the full support of France, Germany and now the United States. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has warned Iran that it should accept the offer of the leading European Union (EU) countries or it will be sent to the United Nations (UN) Security Council. Blair in the House of Commons earlier today has said, "Iran needs to be told that it can not violate the rules of the Atomic Energy Agency and have nuclear weapons." The British Prime Minister emphasized that the international community do not want Tehran to have nuclear weapons.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has called Iran a state sponsor of terrorism, and urged the Islamic republic to bow to EU demands to renounce its suspected pursuit of nuclear weapons.

"I hope very much that if we can make progress in the Middle East, Iran realizes it's got an obligation to help that, not hinder it."

The UK's Press Association reported that he was asked whether anybody would believe him if he said a military strike against Iran was needed because it possessed weapons of mass destruction.

Blair replied, according to PA: "I'm not saying that. I think it depends what the evidence base is.

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