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Interesting (1 Viewer)

Aug 1, 2005
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I was doing some reading last night and came across this.
I agree with it 100%

The republican party, one of contradition and intervention, stands firmly with thier culture of life while disregaurding one of the key issues. George W Bush, as governor of Texas, executed 152 people including a retarded person and a women who considered herself a "born again". This indiscriminant use of capitial punishment is evidence of Karl Rove's (the president's senior advisor) political prowess. Everytime a reporter questions the presidents evocation of this papal quote, the Press Secretary or others will sidestep the question and use spin to stop the question dead. If the president is so avid about is preservation of life (aka not permitting unlimited stem cell research, standing against women's right to choose, intervening in the right to die case of one braindead women....Terry Schaivo) that he will ask the supreme court to end capital punishment...not likely...he will prepetuate his system of hypocracy and lies.
I think its realy wrong for someone to advocate a prolife stance and then be pro-deathpenalty. Its not right and its not right to be anti-death penalty and pro-choice. You have to be constant and unwavering in your veiws. Killing is killing is killing.
I'm afriad it isn't quite that simple for most people.
Mikkel said:
I'm afriad it isn't quite that simple for most people.

I understand what your saying but its wrong to be one thing at one time and a different person for another time. I do understand the hard choices that have to be made by people who want an abortion.
I disagree. It all centers on when you believe life begins. If you do not believe that life begins as a fetus, then having an abortion is not ethically wrong. At the same time, you may feel that the death penalty is to barbaric of a practice to be happening in todays civilized age.

If you believe life begins as a fetus, having an abortion is barbaric, while killing criminals is justified punishment.

Being pro-choice and anti-death penalty and vice versa is not a contradiction.
Mikkel said:
I disagree. It all centers on when you believe life begins. If you do not believe that life begins as a fetus, then having an abortion is not ethically wrong. At the same time, you may feel that the death penalty is to barbaric of a practice to be happening in todays civilized age.

If you believe life begins as a fetus, having an abortion is barbaric, while killing criminals is justified punishment.

Being pro-choice and anti-death penalty and vice versa is not a contradiction.

I dont think we'll get anywhere with this discusion becuase we're talking about morals. You make very good points. I just think that life begins at conception so thats how i see contrdiction. My problem is with catholics that say there against the death penalty but think that abortion is fine.
TJS0110 said:
I dont think we'll get anywhere with this discusion becuase we're talking about morals. You make very good points. I just think that life begins at conception so thats how i see contrdiction. My problem is with catholics that say there against the death penalty but think that abortion is fine.

My whole family is roman catholic, and let me tell you, catholics don't think abortion is fine. Candidates who are Catholic (ie John Kerry) often go against their church to conform with party lines (catholics stereotypically being democratic).

tr1414 was a poster who started a thread called 'Liberalism is a Mental Disorder' under the political platforms forum. I caught him plagiarizing passages from a book by Michael Savage named... you guessed it! "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder". After that he started spewing offensive language and obscenities. After being warned about his posts, he continued and was banned from the forum for 5 days. I don't know if he will return, but if he does he'll hopefully learn to respect the opinions of others, and start thinking for himself. I had a couple of other people pending on my list earlier, but they shaped up after a while. I hope I don't need to have a list in the future, but sometimes I feel like my ability to debate is being inhibited by jerks who only like calling people names and getting in the way.
I hate when people know nothing and in a last ditch effort they just start attacking you personaly and makeing stupid comments.
he is kinda crazy because hes getting angry about religion
I read some of his posts, and I definately agree with you guys. I haven't debated him personally, so I can't make that kind of judgement call. If I do find he's really a nuisance, though, he might just make it onto the list.
why do we have to have crazy catholics it gives us a bad name.
he just spews meaningless ideas that he doesn't believe in he just likes the big words.
If you think we've got it bad, look at the Islamic community. The crazies are always the loudest, and most interesting, so people tend to ignore the rest.
Look at what i said and how he responded he didnt even talk about what i said.

Originally Posted by TJS0110
I'm catholic i believe in most things the church advocates. I believe in the laws of the church. You however only believe in the rules. What is a rule that has no meaning behind it, its a word and words are pointless. You have to believe in the purpose of the rule and not just the rule. God wanted us to have respect for human life so he said thow shall not kill, he didnt say it because he wanted to make a rule he said it for a purpose. If you only followed that rule becuase it was a rule you wouldn't be getting the full effect, to care for you fellow humans.

This is what he said
and in one fell swoop you portray the fact that you missed the point of what i was trying to say. God gave a message. Christ did certain things. However, even aside from the basic message, one can arrive at certain conclusions based on that message. Among them: Aliens do not exist. Unbelievers are condemned to reprobation.
Mikkel said:
I disagree. It all centers on when you believe life begins. If you do not believe that life begins as a fetus, then having an abortion is not ethically wrong. At the same time, you may feel that the death penalty is to barbaric of a practice to be happening in todays civilized age.

If you believe life begins as a fetus, having an abortion is barbaric, while killing criminals is justified punishment.

Being pro-choice and anti-death penalty and vice versa is not a contradiction.

It should not matter when life begins. These people that Bush put to death in texas were no doubt alive. You cannot be pro life and allow someone to be killed IF there is something you can do to stop it.
ProChoiceDanielle said:
You cannot be pro life and allow someone to be killed IF there is something you can do to stop it.

Sure you can! The term pro life was a specific term created with a specific definition, which advocates the full legal protection of human embryos or fetuses, mainly by opposing legalized abortion.

It has nothing to do with the belief that everyone should be allowed to live.

BTW, it was the pro abortionists who defined it, look it up.
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If you look at it from the religous point of veiw, it is said that there is a "semeless garment" or in other words if you accept one you accept the other. So if you say your prolife you have to be against abortion and against the death penalty.However that a religous belief.
Mikkel said:
I disagree. It all centers on when you believe life begins. If you do not believe that life begins as a fetus, then having an abortion is not ethically wrong. At the same time, you may feel that the death penalty is to barbaric of a practice to be happening in todays civilized age.

If you believe life begins as a fetus, having an abortion is barbaric, while killing criminals is justified punishment.

Being pro-choice and anti-death penalty and vice versa is not a contradiction.

why not "though shalt not murder" that is the WHOLE basis for the arguement against abortion anyways.
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
why not "though shalt not murder" that is the WHOLE basis for the arguement against abortion anyways.

Well if we look at the Bible with a literal mind, then we would have to outlaw masturbation. The sin of Onan was that he spilt his seed upon the ground and this was detestable to God. I dont think anyone here considers semen a human life and worth protecting...
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
why not "though shalt not murder" that is the WHOLE basis for the arguement against abortion anyways.

And what does the bible suggest we do with sinners such as murderers? We kill them. See how someone's faith can both allow and forbid murder?
jallman said:
Well if we look at the Bible with a literal mind, then we would have to outlaw masturbation. The sin of Onan was that he spilt his seed upon the ground and this was detestable to God. I dont think anyone here considers semen a human life and worth protecting...

If you actually look at it literally (using the language that you used, as I haven't read the Bible), you could masturbate as much as you wanted, as long as you didn't shoot your load on the ground. Kleenez, a towel, a sock... anything that prevents you from shooting it on the ground would prevent God from becoming upset.

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