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Interesting Take On Why The Increase In Gun Violence (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2007
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Heard this theory the other day. 1.) 40% of college students are males. 2.) What kind of good paying jobs are out there for those men? Answer: The number of industrial jobs is decreasing because of technology and jobs lost to overseas countries. 3.) The reduction in good paying jobs pushes men into booze, drugs and violence and gang violence. Agree?Disagree?
Heard this theory the other day. 1.) 40% of college students are males. 2.) What kind of good paying jobs are out there for those men? Answer: The number of industrial jobs is decreasing because of technology and jobs lost to overseas countries. 3.) The reduction in good paying jobs pushes men into booze, drugs and violence and gang violence. Agree?Disagree?


In 2020, the bad guys discovered that they could get away with robberies, sucker punchings, lootings, rapes, & murders.

Dang! They discovered that they could even go to Beverly Hills, California (Beverly Hills!) and rob people having lunch!!!!!!
This is resulting in gun violence and only gun violence, and not a single other form of violence? Sounds totally implausible.
Is it possible that more guns leads to more gun violence?
Is it possible the OP presents no evidence to form a basis for such notions as made?
So white armed males will continue killing people until they get jobs ?
This is what causes it and these rings are all over this country buying guns with less restrictive gun laws and selling them to gangs and other thugs

3 Army soldiers, 9 others accused in gun trafficking ring​

WASHINGTON (AP) — Twelve people, including three U.S. Army soldiers, are accused in a large-scale gun trafficking ring that prosecutors allege supplied nearly 100 guns to gang members in Chicago and led to at least two killings, the Justice Department said Friday.

The soldiers — Demarcus Adams, 21; Jarius Brunson, 22; and Brandon Miller, 22 — were enlisted in the Army and stationed at Fort Campbell in Kentucky, where they would legally purchase guns from local dealers in Tennessee and Kentucky, prosecutors charged. The soldiers are accused of selling them to members of the Gangster Disciples street gang in the Pocket Town neighborhood on Chicago’s south side, according to the 21-count indictment.

The indictment charges the group with conspiring to violate federal firearms laws, among other crimes. If convicted, the defendants face up to 20 years in prison.

The case is part of the Justice Department’s push to investigate and prosecute gun trafficking amid rising crime across the U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has vowed to prioritize prosecutions of firearms traffickers and so-called “straw purchasers,” who legally purchase firearms to sell them to people who can’t legally poses guns, often in states with more restrictive gun laws.

This is what causes it and these rings are all over this country buying guns with less restrictive gun laws and selling them to gangs and other thugs

3 Army soldiers, 9 others accused in gun trafficking ring​

WASHINGTON (AP) — Twelve people, including three U.S. Army soldiers, are accused in a large-scale gun trafficking ring that prosecutors allege supplied nearly 100 guns to gang members in Chicago and led to at least two killings, the Justice Department said Friday.

The soldiers — Demarcus Adams, 21; Jarius Brunson, 22; and Brandon Miller, 22 — were enlisted in the Army and stationed at Fort Campbell in Kentucky, where they would legally purchase guns from local dealers in Tennessee and Kentucky, prosecutors charged. The soldiers are accused of selling them to members of the Gangster Disciples street gang in the Pocket Town neighborhood on Chicago’s south side, according to the 21-count indictment.

The indictment charges the group with conspiring to violate federal firearms laws, among other crimes. If convicted, the defendants face up to 20 years in prison.

The case is part of the Justice Department’s push to investigate and prosecute gun trafficking amid rising crime across the U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has vowed to prioritize prosecutions of firearms traffickers and so-called “straw purchasers,” who legally purchase firearms to sell them to people who can’t legally poses guns, often in states with more restrictive gun laws.

But those "thugs" desperately want good paying jobs.
Heard this theory the other day. 1.) 40% of college students are males. 2.) What kind of good paying jobs are out there for those men? Answer: The number of industrial jobs is decreasing because of technology and jobs lost to overseas countries. 3.) The reduction in good paying jobs pushes men into booze, drugs and violence and gang violence. Agree?Disagree?

It's almost certainly a lot simpler than that. After a long and steady decline, we had a significant increase in murders following the 2014/15 BLM riots, and now we're seeing an even bigger increase following the even bigger 2020 BLM riots.

Less policing leads to more murders. It's not complicated. To put it another way, BLM has indirectly killed more young black men in just the last year than it will ever save from evil cops in the rest of its existence.
Heard this theory the other day. 1.) 40% of college students are males. 2.) What kind of good paying jobs are out there for those men? Answer: The number of industrial jobs is decreasing because of technology and jobs lost to overseas countries. 3.) The reduction in good paying jobs pushes men into booze, drugs and violence and gang violence. Agree?Disagree?

It's not the college students who are becoming violent. You are looking at the wrong demographic to explain the rise in violence.

It's almost certainly a lot simpler than that. After a long and steady decline, we had a significant increase in murders following the 2014/15 BLM riots, and now we're seeing an even bigger increase following the even bigger 2020 BLM riots.

Less policing leads to more murders. It's not complicated. To put it another way, BLM has indirectly killed more young black men in just the last year than it will ever save from evil cops in the rest of its existence.

So why is American society so violent ?
Compared to what?

Other developed countries

The RW will want to compare the USA with Mexico, Brazil or El Salvador...but how about Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, S.Korea ?
Other developed countries

The RW will want to compare the USA with Mexico, Brazil or El Salvador...but how about Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, S.Korea ?

Or Israel or Switzerland where guns are common place.
Heard this theory the other day. 1.) 40% of college students are males. 2.) What kind of good paying jobs are out there for those men? Answer: The number of industrial jobs is decreasing because of technology and jobs lost to overseas countries. 3.) The reduction in good paying jobs pushes men into booze, drugs and violence and gang violence. Agree?Disagree?
I would be curious as to what is meant by college students. Are these people only enrolled in a four-year degree or does it include people enroll in technical schools. I doubt 60% of people enrolling and machining programs or welding programs are women. These are not jobs that are lost or decreased because of technology if anything they are increased and the skill sets are more valuable.

Further I don't like this has anything to do with an increase in violence.

The increase in violence coincided almost exactly with there is rats and ideas to defund police.
That need people with college degrees. Not the kind of people who vote Republican.

Blue collar jobs tend to be highly skilled. Speaking Latin is of little use in those fields.

Shifting of jobs due to changing technology isn't new, it's a part of life.
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Blue collar jobs tend to be highly skilled.

So is working the drive thru at a MacDonald's a white or blue collar job ?

Speaking Latin is of little use in those fields.

Newsflash: Latin is a TINY fraction of college courses
You would know this had you ever been to college.

Shifting of jobs due to changing technology isn't new, it's a part of life.

No, shifting of skills is a more common response to shifting technology.
So is working the drive thru at a MacDonald's a white or blue collar job ?

Newsflash: Latin is a TINY fraction of college courses
You would know this had you ever been to college.

No, shifting of skills is a more common response to shifting technology.

Which is part of life.....
it's not hard to know this would happen. Pandemic stressed a lot of people and many people had no income and were struggling. Poverty linked to crime. the income ineuqality has grown even worse. Drug addiction through the roof. Our healthcare system sucks, including mental health, so that contributes. Even now there are still other issues related to pandemic that continues to strain people. then you have this moronic country where guns are everywhere, not shocking why murder rate is up


In 2020, the bad guys discovered that they could get away with robberies, sucker punchings, lootings, rapes, & murders.

Dang! They discovered that they could even go to Beverly Hills, California (Beverly Hills!) and rob people having lunch!!!!!!

the dumb fiction spewed on this forum just gets worse and worse, the level of trolling is downright pathetic

It's almost certainly a lot simpler than that. After a long and steady decline, we had a significant increase in murders following the 2014/15 BLM riots, and now we're seeing an even bigger increase following the even bigger 2020 BLM riots.

Less policing leads to more murders. It's not complicated. To put it another way, BLM has indirectly killed more young black men in just the last year than it will ever save from evil cops in the rest of its existence.

More nonsense that shows people have no idea what actually causes crime. Just push all the moronic right wing lies void of any reality.

Hey, lets get "tough on crime" where crime rate still high and we have highest rate of imprisonment in nearly the entire world on par with some real shitholes, with that, we should be crime free according to right wing idiocy
So is working the drive thru at a MacDonald's a white or blue collar job ?

If you consider a short order cook or cashier a lifetime career.

Newsflash: Latin is a TINY fraction of college courses
You would know this had you ever been to college.
I've already earned 127 college credits without stepping in a college class. All earned in military schools without taking Latin.

No, shifting of skills is a more common response to shifting technology.

Changing jobs which may require a new skill set.
If you consider a short order cook or cashier a lifetime career.

Or a call center, or a waitress, or a bar tender...or a mechanic in a garage changing people's oil and rotating the wheels
You obviously have a low opinion of people doing some jobs.

I've already earned 127 college credits without stepping in a college class. All earned in military schools without taking Latin.

An indictment of the US college system
It's all about "credits", no wonder most degrees are absolutely worthless - doubtless you'll emerge with a bonafide degree in something like "Business Administration"

However if you ever ***DID*** wander inside a REAL university, offering REAL degrees, you would know just how small the numbers reading Latin are. However those that come out with degrees in Latin, from such universities, do actually know the language.

Changing jobs which may require a new skill set.

Indeed, technology may see you job (or company) disappear. The point is that the response is a shift in skills, not just a shift in jobs.

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