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Inquiry asks: Did fire crews cause BP rig to sink? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
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Political Leaning
My dad has been saying this from the beginning. This is a FLOATING platform. It is kept level and floating with ballast that is shifted as necessary by computer to maintain stability. If all power to the rig is gone and 5 boats are spraying it full of thousands of gallons of water an hour, it was GOING to sink. Had they used what they were supposed to, foam, this might not have happened.

Very interesting.

Inquiry asks: Did fire crews cause BP rig to sink? - Disaster in the Gulf - msnbc.com
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That's the word on the street. The Coast Guard fought the fire, all the while BP engineers said to leave it alone; that fighting the fire would cause the rig to sink faster.
That's the word on the street. The Coast Guard fought the fire, all the while BP engineers said to leave it alone; that fighting the fire would cause the rig to sink faster.

I guess we will have to leave this until after the enquirey has finished it who to blame work.
That's the word on the street. The Coast Guard fought the fire, all the while BP engineers said to leave it alone; that fighting the fire would cause the rig to sink faster.

LOL... sounds familiar.

We had an old school on top of a bluff above HWY 101.... it caught fire the other day. The fire dept brought all of their pumpers thinking it would be good training. They put so much water on the fire it washed the school right down onto 101 and closed it.
I guess we will have to leave this until after the enquirey has finished it who to blame work.

Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you pour water into a vessel, that it will cause it to sink.

Kinda-sorta a Titantic affect...LMAO!!!

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