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Inauguration Security (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 14, 2004
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Pacific Northwest US
In my local newspaper, the Oregonian, there's a story about the DC police requesting additional police from across the nation to assist them during the upcomming inauguration.


I've seen this story several places recently. Seems they're partly concerned about the increased threats of living in a post 9-11 world and they're also concerned about protests, possible violent, from the left. I'm begging you people, don't do it. Don't go out there and makes us, the American people, look like a bunch of third world imbeciles. Contary to other's on here I DO care what the rest of the world thinks. I don't want to sound like Fox News here, believe me I don't, but this is the President of the United States. Going out and throwing eggs at his motorcade isn't going to do anything but show the rest of the world you're nothing but a bunch of fools. Don't like Bush, fine. Write letter's, organize your party do whatever but stop acting like a**holes. Maybe if you spent more time working on educating people with the facts and less time throwing eggs- maybe you'd stop loosing all the time.
I thought the whole egg thing was pretty funny. He did pretty much "steal" the election. Guess he had it coming.

I do care about what the world thinks of us. However I think it's unfair in the system that we have now, to impose our government on a group of people. I do find it quite hilarious that we claim to be spreading "Democracy" yet we live under a Republic. The irony is delicious.
Your right Pac, if these folks would PEACEFULLY assemble then there would be no need. But I really do not believe it will be 2000 all over again. He got the popular vote, something Clinton never got.

He will walk the parade this time - I hope.

I do find it quite hilarious that we claim to be spreading "Democracy" yet we live under a Republic. The irony is delicious.

We couldn't handle a "true" democracy.
Imagine all of us right-wing christian wackos imposing our rules on the USA...

I can hear the screams and the crys now...

"Those Christians are forcing thier beliefs on us!"
"Can you believe they put that guy in jail for being gay?"

You don't want a true democracy. Of course it would go both ways and we would be a socialistic society in a heartbeat.

"We need national heathcare"
"We need nationally paid college tuition"
"We need..."
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Socialism would never work. I never said the republic we live under is bad, in fact, we have the best government in the world (as far as functionality).

I just find it funny that Bush and his people say we're spreading "Democracy" to Iraq. I just find that funny.

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