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in egypt freedom prisonersbegan a hunger strike in protest of the inhumane treatment (1 Viewer)


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Nov 23, 2005
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Mr. Ahmed Abdelhafaz, the jailed Muslim Brotherhood Spokesperson in Alexandria began a hunger strike in protest of the inhumane treatment and the constant physical and psychological abuse he and other Brotherhood prisoners are suffering at the hands of the prison administration at Borg Al Arab prison at one of the suburbs of Alexandria. Since they were rounded up by State Security Intelligence (SSI) during the time of last election, the prisoners have not been charged with any crimes, have not given the right to an attorney and are deprived of their basic human needs.

Some of them are not in possession of their IDs because they were not given time to gather their personal belongings when they were arrested. Prisoners as many as 25 were crammed in a 14x19 feet filthy cell.

In addition, the government is withholding medical treatment from some of the chronically ill prisoners and subsequently, their conditions are gradually deteriorating.

Here is a partial list of some of those gravely ill prisoners Units in 25 at Borg Al Arab Prison

Re: in egypt freedom prisonersbegan a hunger strike in protest of the inhumane treatm

My tax dollars at work.
Re: in egypt freedom prisonersbegan a hunger strike in protest of the inhumane treatm

The world has surely gone haywire when those of the Muslim Brotherhood are called "freedom prisoners", when the Muslim Brotherhood's goal is to stamp out freedom, and when it is a self-described liberal supporting a political philosophy that is the very antithesis of liberality.

Advocating for their humane teatment is one thing, and an admirable thing at that, but associating the word freedom with these people is something else altogether.

Do people here have any idea what what the Muslim Brotherhood is all about? If not, then perhaps they should do a bit more research before they post their support.

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