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In Australia’s Backyard – China Inks Pact With Solomon Islands To Set Up A Possible Military Base In The Region (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Massive alarm bells are going off in Australia, as leaked documents have revealed that China is inking a deal with Solomon Islands for setting up a Chinese military/naval base there, off Australia's eastern coast.
That's quite a major flanking maneuver to outflank the Australian and US naval forces.
Basically, this looks like Guadalcanal from WW2 - like we're seeing a repeat of WW2 Japan's military strategic moves to particular islands across the Pacific. So we've seen this shit before, and should be able to remember what the next moves will be.

Bah - no big deal - should be a piece of cake to handle with Neville Biden in charge. Vice-Commander Kamala should be able to handle this as effectively as she handled the southern border.

In Australia’s Backyard – China Inks Pact With Solomon Islands To Set Up A Possible Military Base In The Region

The Solomon Island government’s confirmation on the security deal with China has alarmed both Australia and New Zealand who see it as a move for the superpower to get a strong foothold in their backyard.

“The government is working to sign off and implement several development frameworks with China to further create a secure and safe environment for local and foreign investments,” read the statement from the office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The government issued the statement after the deal’s draft was circulating on social media.

Chinese Military Base in Solomon Islands Would Be 'red Line' for Australia, Expert Warns

A major Chinese military presence in the South Pacific - flagged in a draft security deal between China and the Solomon Islands - would represent a "red line" for Australia, a security expert has warned.

Jonathan Pryke, of the Lowy Institute think-tank in Sydney, told nine.com.au any deal between Honiara and Beijing that enabled Chinese warships to be based in the region would be a major shift in the balance of power.

"That would be a red line for Australia in the Pacific ... and it would be a phenomenal change in the way we see our national security," Dr Pryke said.

Asia Minute: Is China moving toward a naval base in the Solomon Islands?​

China and the Solomon Islands are working on a security agreement — and a draft version that has leaked is raising alarms elsewhere in the Pacific.

Australia’s Trade Minister says developments involving China and the Solomon Islands are “deeply concerning.”

The two countries are negotiating a security agreement — and a draft version that has emerged on social media appears to allow China the chance to base warships in the country.

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Ask Vladimir Putin if he thinks he's dealing with "Neville" Biden.

Idiotic post of the day - so far.

Buddy, when China takes over the Pacific, do you plan to start screaming at Putin? 😵
Buddy, when China takes over the Pacific, do you plan to start screaming at Putin? 😵

As usual, you made the epithet, I pointed out how it was wrong, and you changed the subject. So, totally, predictable.
As usual, you made the epithet, I pointed out how it was wrong, and you changed the subject. So, totally, predictable.

No, the problem is you have a one-track mind. You have no answers to the real problems that are affecting us -- the only replies you give are single-mindedly focused on protecting Biden, not the rest of us.
No, the problem is you have a one-track mind. You have no answers to the real problems that are affecting us -- the only replies you give are single-mindedly focused on protecting Biden, not the rest of us.
blah blah blah

In any case, I responded to your comment directly.
Massive alarm bells are going off in Australia, as leaked documents have revealed that China is inking a deal with Solomon Islands for setting up a Chinese military/naval base there, off Australia's eastern coast.
That's quite a major flanking maneuver to outflank the Australian and US naval forces.
Basically, this looks like Guadalcanal from WW2 - like we're seeing a repeat of WW2 Japan's military strategic moves to particular islands across the Pacific. So we've seen this shit before, and should be able to remember what the next moves will be.

Bah - no big deal - should be a piece of cake to handle with Neville Biden in charge. Vice-Commander Kamala should be able to handle this as effectively as she handled the southern border.

So, tell me, in the case of a war, how long will that base last before getting bombed to oblivion? Besides we have like 200 military bases, China having 2 is cause to start screaming?
So, tell me, in the case of a war, how long will that base last before getting bombed to oblivion? Besides we have like 200 military bases, China having 2 is cause to start screaming?

China is a nuclear-armed power. If there are nuclear vessels at that base in the Solomons, then would you advocate bombing them?

Maybe congressmen will demand a No Fly Zone be set up over Beijing. :rolleyes:
China is a nuclear-armed power. If there are nuclear vessels at that base in the Solomons, then would you advocate bombing them?
And why would they place such prized vessels at Australia's doorstep when tensions are rising in this hypothetical war?
Maybe congressmen will demand a No Fly Zone be set up over Beijing. :rolleyes:
I recall that in western australia when the american war ships called in at port the increase in sales of drugs, alcohol and prostitution went up significantly.

I wonder if the solomon islands will experience a similar surge.
And why would they place such prized vessels at Australia's doorstep when tensions are rising in this hypothetical war?
The same reason why they place such vessels at Philippines' doorstep. Who's going to stop them?

China's going to have the world's largest navy sooner or later. They already have the most ships, but in the future they'll also have the largest and most capable ships.
I recall that in western australia when the american war ships called in at port the increase in sales of drugs, alcohol and prostitution went up significantly.

I wonder if the solomon islands will experience a similar surge.

Then you should be overjoyed at the opportunities if they ever sail triumphantly into the port of Los Angeles.
Massive alarm bells are going off in Australia, as leaked documents have revealed that China is inking a deal with Solomon Islands for setting up a Chinese military/naval base there, off Australia's eastern coast.
That's quite a major flanking maneuver to outflank the Australian and US naval forces.
Basically, this looks like Guadalcanal from WW2 - like we're seeing a repeat of WW2 Japan's military strategic moves to particular islands across the Pacific. So we've seen this shit before, and should be able to remember what the next moves will be.

Bah - no big deal - should be a piece of cake to handle with Neville Biden in charge. Vice-Commander Kamala should be able to handle this as effectively as she handled the southern border.

Australians would probably be freer under Chinese rule given how insane their leadership has gotten with the mild cold virus
The same reason why they place such vessels at Philippines' doorstep. Who's going to stop them?

China's going to have the world's largest navy sooner or later. They already have the most ships, but in the future they'll also have the largest and most capable ships.
Oh Piffle.

Why didn't you read the intelligence summary? The US Navy is the largest, most modern, best equipped, best trained, and most competent navy in the world, and always will be, the -IJN- PLA(N) will never be a serious threat to it. Besides the -Japanese- Chinese don't have the capacity to build a modern navy of their own. Even if they did, the -Japanese- Chinese don't have the capability to staff a modern navy of their own. Even if they did, the -Japanese- Chinese don't have the skill level to actually plan modern naval operations. Even if they did, the -Japanese- Chinese don't have the physical personal attributes necessary to operate a modern navy in modern naval operations against a real navy like the US Navy.
As usual, you made the epithet, I pointed out how it was wrong, and you changed the subject. So, totally, predictable.

Nope you just showed us how ignorant you are to the facts of what is happening.
All I can say about that post is
The leftist denial trick. Living in Australia post Covid is far more restrictive then China pre-Covid.

Besides Aussies have this wierd idea that they have to honor and apologize to the Aborogines who spent tens of thousands of years there and barely learned how to start a fire.

The trend in post British colonial countries to give unearned praise and honors to the primitive cultures they conquered is really wierd
Australians would probably be freer under Chinese rule given how insane their leadership has gotten with the mild cold virus

Bold statement considering what the Chinese did to their own population
Bold statement considering what the Chinese did to their own population
But the Chinese are an open dictatorship. Australia pretends to be a liberal democracy, where democratic popular power is really exercised by the “chief public health officer” who’s btw not elected.

That’s how real democracies function after all.
Oh Piffle.

Why didn't you read the intelligence summary? The US Navy is the largest, most modern, best equipped, best trained, and most competent navy in the world, and always will be, the -IJN- PLA(N) will never be a serious threat to it. Besides the -Japanese- Chinese don't have the capacity to build a modern navy of their own. Even if they did, the -Japanese- Chinese don't have the capability to staff a modern navy of their own. Even if they did, the -Japanese- Chinese don't have the skill level to actually plan modern naval operations. Even if they did, the -Japanese- Chinese don't have the physical personal attributes necessary to operate a modern navy in modern naval operations against a real navy like the US Navy.

Yes, unfortunately that's the mentality. Rather than abruptly doing a Pearl Harbor, the Chinese will wind up with a naval base in Kiribati, near Hawaii.
The leftist denial trick. Living in Australia post Covid is far more restrictive then China pre-Covid.

Besides Aussies have this wierd idea that they have to honor and apologize to the Aborogines who spent tens of thousands of years there and barely learned how to start a fire.

The trend in post British colonial countries to give unearned praise and honors to the primitive cultures they conquered is really wierd
This coming from someone whose ignorance of the indigenous australian is glaringly obvious.

The australian aboriginal was far more astute than you give credit for.

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