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In a first, an orangutan was seen treating his wound with a medicinal plant (1 Viewer)

Dumb ass orangutan, what would they know? I treat my wounds by licking them.

I know, I know, scientists tell me the mouth has the most bacteria of any part of the body. But it just feels right!
Dumb ass orangutan, what would they know? I treat my wounds by licking them.

I know, I know, scientists tell me the mouth has the most bacteria of any part of the body. But it just feels right!
I do the same thing! So weird meeting another one like me.
I do the same thing! So weird meeting another one like me.

Dogs do it too. In fact, dogs have been known to CAUSE a wound by licking some part of them which hurts. Maybe it's a defense against cancer? Lick it to the bone, lose a limb perhaps, but survive the cancer.

I don't know. It's an instinctive thing, which I'm not proud of.
Dumb ass orangutan, what would they know? I treat my wounds by licking them.

I know, I know, scientists tell me the mouth has the most bacteria of any part of the body. But it just feels right!
Is this you?
Arrest that animal for practicing medicine without a license!

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