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Immigration Reform Supporters (1 Viewer)

Drake McHugh

Well-known member
May 23, 2013
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Please give me sound,not political reasons for supporting the senate bill,or something similar to it. Basing those reasons on positive economic impact for the United States,not those individuals.
Please give me sound,not political reasons for supporting the senate bill,or something similar to it. Basing those reasons on positive economic impact for the United States,not those individuals.

It would help to relate it to the reality observed after nearly the same thing was done in 1986. At that time we had about 3 million illegals to be granted "amnesty" we now have about 11 million, hardly indicating that much progress was made since the last time around. Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over and yet always anticpating a different result.
Please give me sound,not political reasons for supporting the senate bill,or something similar to it. Basing those reasons on positive economic impact for the United States,not those individuals.

I would support something even more radical, but as for your inquiry, over what time frame? The economics I have seen is that it is almost always a drag initially because most of the immigrants are very poorly educated. There is an assimilation period, and sometimes it will not be until the ensuing generations of no-return immigrants that they start doing as well as native populations.

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