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I'm Not for Trump or Clinton (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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But I wait until that day in November when the nation will play Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.

No, I have no solution.:(

Things we have baked into the cake regardless who wins:

A President who lies like a dog.
A President unable or unwilling to do much of what he/she promised.
A divisive President who refers to political opponents as "the enemy".
A President whose policies are going to ruin the economy in one way or another.

I believe the consequences are potentially dire, that this election represents an existential threat to the United States.

And what do liberals hope to get by electing Beelzebub?
  • A president who stands fast for the right to murder little unborn babies.
  • A president with a vagina, who frequently gives lip service to women's issues.
  • A president who has promised to try to abolish or hamstring the right to free speech in this country.
  • A president who wants to render the Second Amendment a dead letter.
  • A president who is cool to religious freedom.
  • A president who hates cops and the military. Who even hates her own secret service.
  • A president who is weak on foreign policy and national security, who is a constant international embarrassment.

And what do conservatives hope to get by electing Satan?
  • A president sympathetic to social conservatism, who will go along with frequent, impotent efforts to restrict abortion.
  • A president who mucks up international trade and foreign relations.
  • A president who will adopt policies that will markedly increase prices to consumers, like protectionism.
  • A president who will cut taxes in the face of a record national debt.
  • A president who tells it like it is. That is, a president who is a crass rude mean sumabitch who makes everyone feel dirty and low class for electing such and is constantly embarrassing us to the rest of the world.
  • A president who will cut regulations in the face of recent lessons about the dangers of such.
  • A president who wants to destroy or radically reform the VA and other agencies without knowing a damn thing about them.
I'm voting Gary Johnson.
Me too but he won't win CO or TX.

Yeah, I know, but I can't vote for Hillary, can't vote for Trump. Plus, the only way a third party candidate can compete is if we support them. So this is the only lever we have on the system. Additionally, Johnson's poll numbers have been going up, so if we can get a bit more support they may have to let him into the debates (hahah, yeah right).
Yeah, I know, but I can't vote for Hillary, can't vote for Trump. Plus, the only way a third party candidate can compete is if we support them. So this is the only lever we have on the system. Additionally, Johnson's poll numbers have been going up, so if we can get a bit more support they may have to let him into the debates (hahah, yeah right).

I'm a devout pessimist thus I am not often disappointed but can occasionally be pleasantly surprised. ;)
But I wait until that day in November when the nation will play Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.

No, I have no solution.:(

Things we have baked into the cake regardless who wins:

A President who lies like a dog.
A President unable or unwilling to do much of what he/she promised.
A divisive President who refers to political opponents as "the enemy".
A President whose policies are going to ruin the economy in one way or another.

I believe the consequences are potentially dire, that this election represents an existential threat to the United States.

And what do liberals hope to get by electing Beelzebub?
  • A president who stands fast for the right to murder little unborn babies.
  • A president with a vagina, who frequently gives lip service to women's issues.
  • A president who has promised to try to abolish or hamstring the right to free speech in this country.
  • A president who wants to render the Second Amendment a dead letter.
  • A president who is cool to religious freedom.
  • A president who hates cops and the military. Who even hates her own secret service.
  • A president who is weak on foreign policy and national security, who is a constant international embarrassment.

And what do conservatives hope to get by electing Satan?
  • A president sympathetic to social conservatism, who will go along with frequent, impotent efforts to restrict abortion.
  • A president who mucks up international trade and foreign relations.
  • A president who will adopt policies that will markedly increase prices to consumers, like protectionism.
  • A president who will cut taxes in the face of a record national debt.
  • A president who tells it like it is. That is, a president who is a crass rude mean sumabitch who makes everyone feel dirty and low class for electing such and is constantly embarrassing us to the rest of the world.
  • A president who will cut regulations in the face of recent lessons about the dangers of such.
  • A president who wants to destroy or radically reform the VA and other agencies without knowing a damn thing about them.

to be fair LD, when you speak for your party you do a great job. Mine, not so much. You would think you would stop getting your "info" concerning my candidate from the same people who lied to you about President Obama. Its just common sense really.
Yeah, I know, but I can't vote for Hillary, can't vote for Trump. Plus, the only way a third party candidate can compete is if we support them. So this is the only lever we have on the system. Additionally, Johnson's poll numbers have been going up, so if we can get a bit more support they may have to let him into the debates (hahah, yeah right).

If Johnson can get his numbers up and get into the debates and starts gaining ground I could vote for him, but unless that happens I'm voting whatever it takes to defeat Hillary.

Including voting Republicans in all the congressional races, at least if she win she will be obstructed.
Including voting Republicans in all the congressional races, at least if she win she will be obstructed.

That's pretty much the avenue you have open to you since Trump will not beat Clinton.
That's pretty much the avenue you have open to you since Trump will not beat Clinton.

I'm not so sure, or course all you people voting for Johnson are basically electing Hillary.
I'm not so sure,

It will take major **** ups by Hillary for Trump to win. His numbers are slipping, traditionally GOP states are turning into battleground states, the more people hear from him, the less they like him.

He won't win. So just practice saying President Hillary Clinton and try to elect an obstructionist Congress.
I'm not so sure, or course all you people voting for Johnson are basically electing Hillary.

One must help defeat the party of a huge federal government by supporting the party of a bigger federal government. ;)
I'm not so sure, or course all you people voting for Johnson are basically electing Hillary.

Dumb arguments are dumb. I was never going to vote for Trump, my vote for Johnson is a vote for Johnson, not for Hillary or Trump, nor am I helping either of them win.

Please, let's leave the "stupid" out of the arguments.
One must help defeat the party of a huge federal government by supporting the party of a bigger federal government. ;)

It's the desperate and pathetic rebuttals of one who has no other argument as to why their candidate should be supported. "Support Trump because of Hillary!!!"

Why would I support a pile of **** just to avoid a different pile of ****? I'd rather not support either pile of ****. If they're so concerned about Hillary, they should have put up a stronger candidate than Donald Trump.
I'm not so sure, or course all you people voting for Johnson are basically electing Hillary.

No, if Hillary gets elected it will be because the idiots who got Trump the nomination decided to lose the election that no Republican could lose.
It will take major **** ups by Hillary for Trump to win. His numbers are slipping, traditionally GOP states are turning into battleground states, the more people hear from him, the less they like him.

He won't win. So just practice saying President Hillary Clinton and try to elect an obstructionist Congress.

well if he continues to keep his attacks on a leash like he has the last day or so, stay on target about Clintons screw ups and problems and he has a good debate, i'm not so sure. it could turn around.

still, not my favorite choice. but I'll take him over Clinton.
well if he continues to keep his attacks on a leash like he has the last day or so, stay on target about Clintons screw ups and problems and he has a good debate, i'm not so sure. it could turn around.

still, not my favorite choice. but I'll take him over Clinton.

He can maybe halt his downward spiral somewhat by keeping things under control. I just don't know how likely that is, and afterwards how likely he could do so as President. In the end, this is Hillary's race to lose.
to be fair LD, when you speak for your party you do a great job. Mine, not so much. You would think you would stop getting your "info" concerning my candidate from the same people who lied to you about President Obama. Its just common sense really.

I'm sure most Hillary supporters would appreciate a Republican who is critical of the Republican candidate and not of theirs.
I'm sure most Hillary supporters would appreciate a Republican who is critical of the Republican candidate and not of theirs.

mmmmm, let me try this again. the problem was not that you criticized Hillary. Its that your "criticizism" was just vile conservative narratives and delusions. Remember when you just knew President Obama was born in Kenya, his BC a forgery, he wanted to kill old people, the stimulus would cause hyperinflation, dollar collapse, market to zero? You're still listening to the same liars. they will not stop lying to you until you stop listening.
Recent article in Forbes....

Hillary WILL INDEED attempt to rescind or nullify the 2nd Amendment through the Supreme Court. She is already on record having said so.
However, in an attempt not to lose support, her campaign is doing everything possible to cover the fact and keep it quiet for now.

Make no mistake. No matter what the naysayers would like you to believe, a Hillary presidency will see unprecedented damage to the Constitutional rights of Americans. Especially the 2nd Amendment.

And those she selects for her cabinet and prominent government positions will be MORE THAN HAPPY to attempt to enforce those un-Constitutional edicts from the throne.

Forbes - Hillary will attempt to nullify the 2nd Amendment

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